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For Years a "Menace" to the "Bookies" Ask Any "Old Timer" Hell Tell You NOTICE ! ! ! NOTICE ! ! ! lThe "Big Horse" Positively ,HT Goes at Sportsmans "TP W Today Bet Plenty Its a Cinch Did not go TUESDAY as scheduled, because original race carded did not fill. DIFFERENT JOCKEY REDES TODAY. Play Fair! You Cant Go Wrong! Tuesdays Xatonia Parlay: PEGGY LEHMANN 5.20, WON OZITI 2.50, WON IT $ WE DID IT lr AGAIN! ifcTBOOKIES SLAUGHTERED-!; W ONCE MORE! I begged and warned everyone to "SHOOT THE WORKS," WIN ONLY. If you didnt get them, blame yourself REMEMBER, money wont grow in your pocket NOTHING VENTURED, NOTHING GAINED ONE TRIAL. WILL, CONVINCE YOU. TODAY BIG "DOUBLE HEADER" Two Parlays for the Price of One MY PRIVATE SPECIAL PARLAY WILL BE GIVEN FREE TO ALL CLIENTS SUBSCRIBING TO MY REGULAR SERVICE ABSOLUTELY FREE. ,000 WORTH OF "INFO" FOR ."SHOOT THE WORKS" TODAY BT IM WARNING YOU "WB I NEVER WAS MORE POSITIVE IN MY LIFE DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRIBE NOW! TERMS DAILY TERMS . CHICAGO CLIENTS, Call in Person or SSJiB Phone Franklin 0596 -Tpg for messenger service no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire . via Western Union or ! Postal Telegraph. Service sent- by fast telegram. JACK FIELD 35 South Dearborn, Room 708, Chicago, HI. LATONIA SPECIALS Are you one of the many who have subscribed to my service for the duration of the Latonia fall meeting? If not, mail one dollar today and receive my code card for two weeks. Now that the track is drying put "good things" will be going postward almost daily. You dont want to miss these horses. Only those who live in the shadow of the track will know of these "specials" they have been timed in their trials by my own staff of dockers, and I know when they are ready. It will be many a day before you will be able to. purchase such information as will be printed on my code cards for the next few weeks, so, if you are in the, "red" for the summer, get out the easy way. Subscribe to my service today. TWO WEEKS FOR ONE DOLLAR Mail or wire one dollar and you will receive two code cards by return mail. A code enabling you to decipher each release . will appear in this paper daily. Dont delay send in one dollar today. TODAYS TWO HORSES: LATONIA California-8-3-10-16. LATONIA Georgia-14-2-16-10. TUESDAYS TWO HORSES: LOUIE DEAR, .50, WON OLAMAY, Scratched RAY PAXON 320 East Third St. Suite 401 Cincinnati. Ohio Weekly Racing Guide DAILY CODE . Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Two Great Free Information Services One Horse a Day Selected by Americas Greatest Experts CARMACS RELEASE FOR WEDNESDAY: . LATONIA Eight-29-44. ASA POWELL.S RELEASE FOR WEDNESDAY: LATONIA Three-41-2i. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF OCTOBER 22 WEEKLY RACING GUIDE 421 Plymouth Ct. Chicago, 111. IX l tW W IV IV DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR WEDNESDAY: LATONIA X-1 6-22-22-26. SPORTSMANS PA R K D -6-1 4-6-1 8. Yesterdays Kelly Code Release at Sportsmans Park: BRILLIANT BOY, 24.12, WON WM. BURKE KELLY 423 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO. ILL. OZITI, 2.50, WON CATHOP, $ 5.58, 3RD Was Tuesdays Daily Two-Horse. Wire. Terms, for 6 days. Code No. 374, Book 1327. 514 Congress Bank Bldg. Chicago, III. TODAYS FREE CODES: LAUREL--Erie-High-Spot-Hard-Jewel. LATONIA Lima-Seed-Spot-Past-Seed. Both ssme commended, strong. PARAMOUNT TURF BUREAU Registered and Filed in the County Clerks Office of the City of New York Established In 1920 SPIT PAYS FOR SIX DAYS PADDOCK PARLAYS NO PHONE CALLS! NO BET FOR ME! NO TELEGRAMS! "NO ADDED EXPENSE! These Paddock Parlays have aroused the admiration of the entire turf world. We have gone under tremendous" expense to secure this unbeatable parlay information. We have reached into the innermost circles of racing and can assure our long list of satisfied clients a consistent winning service In a class by itself. , Yesterdays Paddock Parlay Released to Everyone: PEGGY LEHMANN, 5.20, WON ROYAL JULIAN, N $ 9.52, WON Mondays Paddock Parlay: NAYLOR, 6.70, WON BRASS MONKEY, $ 9.64, WON As soon as your subscription arrives we will wire you todays parlay by fast rush telegram prepaid and mail you your code card without delay. TODAYS PADDOCK PARLAY SHOULD WIN AND PAY 50 TO Todays Paddock Parlay: LAUREL Sport-19-6-2-5. LATONIA War-4-9-12. Todays Paramount Code Parlay: LAUREL Home-24-8-26-11. LAUREL Stirrup-17-21-26-17. Out-of-town subscribers, wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Upon receipt of your subscription, code card good for sbi consecutive days is mailed to you via air mail. It reaches you first thing next morning. Be sure to include your correct address to avoid delay. Make all remittances payable to PARAMOUNT TURF BUREAU, 175 Fifth Ave. Entire 4th Floor, New York City OUR OFFICES OPEJr EVERY DAY, 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M. 26 YEARS OF ACTUAL TURF EXPERIENCE "Darky" Bob Williams YESTERDAYS ,000 COMMISSION HORSE: WOZlTL 2.50, YESTERDAYS 11TH HOUR PARLAY: W-BRD1LIANT BOY, 4.12, WON1G WMARSALA, 0.52, WON-E FREE! SPECIAL OFFER! FREE! All clients subscribing to my 11th Hour Parlay j service today will receive -absolutely W FREE 00 Jockey Secret Today FREE THIS IS A LIMIT WINNER "ENUF SED" "GET ME?" 8T- TODAYS 11TH HOUR PARLAY "W Both horses are on razor edge. Connections are certain that, they will have no trouble winning with both horses and should get at least ST" 0 FOR TODAY m. TERMS; FOR 11TH HOUR PARLAY S3 PER DAY Todays "Daily Double" Code Sold on All Newsstands: SPORTSMANS Apri!-21-11-26-10. SPORTSMANS March-19-26-20-1. Terms for "DAILY DOUBLE," 50 cents at your newsstand or 52 for six 6 days service, which will be" sent to reach you the first mail in the morning. You may have this information wired you daily il you desire. Out-of-town clients, wire your subscription via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Make all remittances payable to BOB WILLIAMS 123 W. MADISON ST. SUITE 600 CHICAGO. ILL. TURF JJGHT ALL STANDS 15 CENTS ALL CITIES BIG TOP LINERS THIS WEEK Go to your nearest dealer, get the issue of October 29th. Decipher the code below. Leave your order for the issue of November 5 so as to .be sure of a copy, "Big Winners in TOP LINERS." LAUREL Congress-Ara-Await-Abuse-Alter. TURF LIGHT, 140 West 42nd St., New York City BUY NOVEMBER ISSUE NOW I AO PACES ALL DEALERS 25 T ,We""AND SEVEN BIG NEW FEATURES Z jSzL Long Shot Super Special goes to-oav T fEaSfcBUY HORSE and JOCKEY-USE CODE RAGE 29 JvJ LAUREL Six-Boats-Pete-Strap. j SUPREME FLASH TURF WEEKLY For Sale at All Newsstands 35 Cents a Copy Todays. Free Code: LAUREL Jan.-19-12-14-10. TODAYS TRACKMENS CODE PARLAY: LAUREL Plane-40-46. LATONIA Fie!d-31-7. YESTERDAYS TRACKMENS CODE PARLAY: MONEL, .80, WON RUSTY, .14, WON SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 799 Broadway Suite 406 New York City I NEW WONDER SYSTEM I1WINS ON FLAT BET Should average 0 per week net profit on flat bets. Will send this new system to yotr abtolutely free. No obligations, nostrings attached to this offer. Get your copy today! Write SECOR PUBLISHING CO., AURORA. ILL. PLAYERS, NOTICE! Opportunity is knocking. Let me open the door to prosperity for you. Get my 1100 Release absolutely free today. PHONE DEARBORN 8648 Fit ANKLE LEE 120 North LaSalle, Room 807 - Chicago CLOCKERS REVIEW For Sale on All Newsstands, 35 Cents a Copy Todays Free Code: LATONIA Black-17-11. Yesterdays Brady Special: OZITI, 2.50, WON Todays Brady Special: LATONIA Rice-26-21. -CLOCKERS REVIEW PUB. CO. 1674 Broadway Suite 914 New York Citj For Free Phone Results Call Wabash 7000 Eastern Code Bureau NO TELEGRAMS! NO WIRES! NO TELEPHONE CALLS! NO EXPENSE! JUST WHAT THE SMALL PLAYER HAS BEEN SEEKING STRICTLY TWO HORSES A DAY IN CODE FORM These Codes Are Advertised m This Paper Every Day PAYS FOR CODE CARD GOOD FOR SIX DAYS Immediately upon receipt of your we will wire, you . todayls parlay only we prepay telegram and mail you code card by air mail. This card is good for six days six parlays. You need no telegrams. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO-HORSE. PARLAY: CREE, .70, WON STROLL ALONG Entry, .10, .40, 2ND OUR SERVICE IS THE TALK OF THE ENTIRE COUNTRY SENSATIONAL INFORMATION W NO TELEGRAMS NO TELEPHONE CALLS NO EXPENSE - 2" SAVE YOUR MONEY PROTECT YOUR MONEY NO WAITING NO SUSRENSE THIS mr CONCERN IS ABSOLUTELY 100 PER CENT FOR THE PLAYER !W A Fair and Square Deal Is Assured and Guaranteed All Our Subscribers TODAYS PARLAYr. LAUREL Ford-15-2315-20. LAUREL Buick-7-2-19 20. For prompt service, remit via Western Union or Postal Telegraph- Be sure to include your correct-mailing address. Office open 8 a. m. to 8 p. every day. ! EASTERN CODE BUREAU 145 WEST 41ST STREET, ROOM 508 NEW YRK CITY Daily Telegraph The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents FLAG VIEW, Regren-McCarty Empire Tip, 8-1, WON DRUGGIST, McCarty Latonia Tip, 4.34, WON SILVER WAVE, McCarty Sportsmans Park Tip, 10.30, WON PENCHANT, Regren Sportsmans Park Tip, 5.96, WON PILATE, Regren Laurel Special, 4.60, WON 2 MORE LONG PRICED WINNERS and as many short priced winners as you can find in any publication are given by the handicappers of Chicago Daily Telegraph. These selectors point out HORSES THAT THE RANK AND FILE OF PLAYERS OVERLOOK. Regrens and Bassetts Bold Type Horses are the safest plays oiv all tracks. WEDNESDAYS FREE CODE HORSES: LATONIA Colt-24-36-35. LAUREL Colt-35-30-33. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL per Month by First Class Mail S8 per Month by Air Mall Christians Code Card ESTABLISHED IN 1910 STILL IN THE SAME PREMISES PAYS FOR SIX DAYS No Telegrams No Bet-for-Me No Phone Calls Whon your subscription arrives I will wire you todays parlay PREPAID and mail you your cod card, good for six days, by air mail, assuring delivery the following morning. No unnecessary waiting. No delays. YESTERDAYS CHRISTIAN STRICTLY TWO-HORSE PARLAY: PEGGY LEHMANN, 5.20, WON OZITI, 2.50, WON MONDAYS CHRISTIAN STRICTLY TWO-HORSE PARLAY: NAYLOR, 6.70, WON LONELL, 2.76, WON Regardless of results, I always advertise the same information that is released to all subscribers. . Codes advertised every day easily deciphered, very simple. I pay thousands of dollars to secure this remarkable information. Todays Christian Code Parlay: LATONIA WheeI-11-22. LAUREL Spade-23-14. Go to your nearest Western Union or Postal Telegraph office and remit and receive prompt, courteous and fast service. To avoid delay, be sure to include your correct address. EDWARD V. CHRISTIAN 949 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. OFFICE OPEN DAILY FROM 8 A. M. TO 7 P. M. Mr WIN FIRST THEN PAY ME -S BET FOR ME ON MY PARLAY DAILY YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: PAUL T.f 3.30, WON ; POLLYS FOLLY, $ 8.04, WON We are in a position to make money for anyone who is on the level. Try me today. WIRE YOUR NAME AND - ADDRESS. 1 WILL DO THE REST. FOR A MORE PERSONAL CONTACT AND FASTER SERVICE. Telephone FRANKLIN 7563 Telephone DAYTON PUBLISHING CO., Room 804. .10 N. Clark St., Chicago. III.