Daily Racing Form Charts, Daily Racing Form, 1932-10-26

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" SPORTSMANS PABk", J I The "Daily Double" on the Winners of the Second and Third Races I j at Sportsmans Park Tuesday Paid 1.38 for l 1 CICERO, ILL., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1932 Sportsmans Park 1-2 mile. Fourteenth clay. National r Jockey Club. Fall meeting of 19 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather rainy. Stewards, J. J. Graddy, S. C. Nuckols and F. Digby. Judges, S. S. Bender, P. Galliger and R. S. Shelley. Starter, T. J. Brown. Racing Secretary, R. S. Shelley. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 2:00 p. m.. VV indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; 7 pounds; 10 pounds. r77T7R FIRST RACE 5-8 Mile out of chute. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special Oct.-2532-Spt we9hts. Net value to winner 00; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses BqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77280 BRILLIANT BOY vb 115 7 4 3l 21 2 1" BurleyF R C Schwarz 1106-100 77065 MONKS BELA w 112 4 1 1" 1J P 25 WilsonL Rainbow Stock Farm Sta 583-100 77367SG0 EASY w 112 9 5 54 41 44 34 ArcaroE G R Allen 180-100 77282 MOJIE wb 115 12 2i 3 34 4k JonesL K N Gilpin 246-100 77323 SANTA ROMA w 112 5 3 41 54 55 5 GevingL Mrs L L Schurman 3274-100 77065 LUGEN LUGGAGE w 115 2 7 64 61 6 6s SmithD J J Cougblin 3302-100 77323 FIRST REGIMENT w 115 10 6 7 75 7s 74 KingC J D English 2060-100 76955 TONE Y PRIDE w 115 6 8 10 10 9 8 PrivettW J Bronnenberg 3978100 77170 RULEY LEE wsb 115 8 9 9s 94 81 9s CoxD Miss E Biller 2189-100 77280 EVICTED w 112 3 10 84 8s 10 10 ColvinA I Glasscock 4308-100 Time, :25, :50, 1:05. Track muddy. .. . 52 MUTUEL8 PAID- k , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD8 BRILLIANT BOY .4.12 $ 9.38 $ 4.48 1106100 369100 124100 MONKS BELA 6.08 4.24 204100 112100 GO EASY 2.92 46100 Winner B. c, by Brilliant Carolyn Lee, by Jim Gaffney trained by W. J. Potter; bred by Mrs. W. J. Potter. WENT TO POST 2:01. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. BRILLIANT BOY, favored by the going, followed the pace to the stretch, where he challenged for the lead and, continuing well under punishment, wore down MONKS BELA to win in the closing strides. The latter, well handled, was away in motion, saved much ground throughout and held on gamely. GO EASY failed to menace the first two while under hard urging. MOJIE tired after half a mile. SANTA ROMA raced evenly without mishap. Scratched 77411sEatemup, 115; 77280 Sweepmore, ll5; 77456 Prince Pebbles, 115;-77020 Miss Sorority. 112.; 77325 Ixnay, 112; 77415 Sunny Flower, 112; 77411 Belle Price, 112; Divine Lass, 112. TTSfcTT SECOND RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net Oct-232-Spt VaUe t0 Wi"ner 5400 second 565; tnird 5; fourth 0 claimin3 price, ,000. Index Horses BqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77223 MARSALA wb 4 111 1 1 34 31 2 lc McLarenJ G Gorbet 926-100 77368CHARMING LADY wb 6 106 10 3 4l 55 31 2 ChinnH G K Craig 4354-100 77171 HOWTIZ w 5 114 5 7 7i 61 6 3" BurneyD O D Stable 889-100 77.125JGAY DONN w 4 114 9 6 5 4k 41 4s SmUhD N Ings 315-100 77174OLD KICKAPOO w8 109 4 5 21 21 1" 54 KingC J D Mikel 274-100 77021 CARAVAN wb 6 114 3 2 l1 P 54 61 CoxD J McFarlan 1161-100 77127EYE WHITE wb 4 109 8 4 6s 7 74 75 ArcaroE Mrs M M Bailey 946-100 77123LITTLE BUSTER w 3 105 2 8 9 9110 81 VerbusM R D Miller 24646-100 76194RICHRD McDONNELLw 5 109 710 10 10 9" 9 MillsC J R Green 11035-100 77221 SIR JOHN K. wb 8 114 6 9 81 84 8J 10 WimmerM Mrs E Hoffman 546-100 Time, :25, :52, 1:20, 1:26. Track muddy. , MUTUELS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . MARSALA 0.52 0.04 $ 8.23 926100 402100 314100 CHARMING LADY 50.10 20.56 2405100 928100 HOWTIZ 8.34 317100 Winner B. f, by Light Brigade Anchorsholme, by Golden Sun trained by G. Gorbet; bred by Mr. J. Nr Camden. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 2:30. AT POST 1 minute. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. MARSALA moved up fast after half a mile, drew into the lead and maintained it to the end. CHARMING LADY, a factor throughout, held on well in the drive. HOWTIZ closed resolutely under weak handling. GAY DONN closed gamely, but pulled up lame. OLD KICKAPOO quit. CARAVAN was done after" half a mile. The others were outrun. Scratched 77075sInfinitus, 109; 77222 Elkhart, 105; 77324 Noels Blaze, 110; 76858 Petite Noyes, 110; 77368 George K., 105; 77325 Decrfield, 114; 58620 Dun Ro, 114; 76971 Skipaway, 106. rrrrerTO THIRD RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs., Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net VaUe t0 winner 5400 second 565; third, 5; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,000. Ocl-25 32 Spt Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt Yi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77368BLUE JOHN wb 5 114 6 1 14 1 14 P KnightM F Wright 162-100 77325LOFTY HEIGHTS w 3 105 3 4 24 2 25 23 ArcaroE Mrs R L Rogers 358-100 770633ALCOVE wb 3 107 4 3 3 3 3 3 CoxD Mrs E Denemark 417-100 77366 OH YEAH wb 4 111 10 7 44 4 4 4s SmithD J J Coughlin 1950-100 77372BLACK BULL wb 4 109 7 5 5 65 55 54 ChinnH L De Carlo 1471-100 77228PRINCESS CAROL YNwb 5 106 8 10 8 82 61 6s KingC Superior Stable 2955-100 76210ALLENS wb3107 1 2 61 51 74 7k MarinelliJ J Newman 1171-100 77172PATINA w 7 1071 2 9 9s 910 912 84 TerlezskiS Mrs W J Martin - 10491-100 77173 WINDY ROSS w 5 114 9 6 74 71 84 910 NealD F F Burrell 2651-100 65615DANILO wb 7 109 -5 8 10 10 10 10 FinnE J Tobin 11982-100 Time, :25, :51, 1:19, 1:25. Track muddy. . MUTUEIS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BLUE JOHN $ 5.24 $ 3.20 $ 2.50 162100 60100 25100 LOFTY HEIGHTS 3.78 3.36 89100 68100 ALCOVE 3.58 79100 Winner Br. g, by John P. Grier Azurite, by Sunstar trained by F. Wright;. bred by Mr. F. W. Armstrong. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 2:55. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. BLUE JOHN, away in motion, opened up a commanding lead, set the pace and, continuing well, held sway to the end. LOFTY HEIGHTS, closest up throughout, failed to menace the winner. ALCOVE raced evenly. OH YEAH failed to be a factor under hard urging. BLACK BULL had no mishaps. Scratched 774543Premeditate, 102; 77413 French Maid, 107; 77237 Gideon, 109; 76670 Providence Lass, 102; 77077 Wingo, 114; 75185 Bocaratone, 109; 71940 Mildred Watkins, 102; 76658 Arcturus, 114. Overweight Patina, 1 pounds. TrTCrrjrQ FOURTH RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net . oHor? va,ue t0 winner 75; second, 5; third, 0; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,400; Oct.-25-32-Spt if for ,600, 3 lbs. extra. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77457JPOLLYS FOLLY w 4 115 9 7 4k 44 2l l4 GevingL Forster and Woods 302-100 77413THE FRENCH ROSE w 4 106 4 1 14 14 14 22 PrivettW J Bronnenberg 1061-100 77502 PORTMANTEAU wb 5 110 12 5 51 4 3a SmithD Rosehome Stable 1093-100 77229PREFERRED w 5 105 10 10 9 9 7" 41 ChinnH H C Rumage 843-100 77368INFINITY wb 6 109 6 3 2" 2" 34 51 ArcaroE C E Davison 266-100 77370 KING CHEROKEE wb 5 118 8 4 6 6s 61 6s McLarenJ S Gorbet 588-100 77460SUNNY BOB wb 3 111 5 9 88 84 8s 7" KnightM Blue Star Stable 1743-100 77370 PRINCESS BLACK w 4 111 7 8 31 ,31 51 8 GrossE A Janicki 7981-100 77500 MERGER wb 3 106 2 5 7s 73 9 9 MillsC F Dolloway 8673-100 77497BLIGHTER wb 4 110 3 6 Lost rider. MooreET Mrs A Hiller 1907-100 Time, :25, :51, 1:19, 1:26. Track muddy. , MUTUEIS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS POLLYS FOLLY $ 8.04 $ 4.96 $ 3.96 302100 148100 98100 THE FRENCH ROSE 11.18 8.06 459100 303100 PORTMANTEAU 7.16 . 258100 Winner Br. f, by Polymelian AH Aboard, by Sweep trained by H. G. Woods; bred by Mr. S. D. Riddle. Winner enrtered to bo claimed for ,400. WENT TO POST 3:24. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. POLLYS FOLLY moved up fast after half a mile, drew into the lead and easily held THE FRENCH ROSE safe. The latter showed good speed throuehout, gave way readily when challenged, but held on, gamely. PORTMANTEAU, never far back, closed gamely. PREFERRED, forced to fake up when BLIGHTER stumbled, closed big gap. INFINITY quit. KING CHEROKEE was outrun. BLIGHTER lost his rider when caught in a jam soon after the start. PRINCESS BLACK quit. Scratched 77416JFree Helen, 111; 77459 Bay Rose, 98; 77173 Panchio, 113; 77500Big Play, 113; 77454 Scone, 107; 77500 Iskum, 106; 77500 Mill Hand, 110; 60736 Brass Band, 110. Overweight Sunny Bob, 1 pound. TJFTK C A FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Stickney Purse. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Claiming. j A VS? y Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0; fourth, ,0. Claiming price, ,500; Oct.-25-32-Spt if for less, 1 lb. allowed for each 00 to ,000. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt i "A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equif. Odds Strt 77498 PAUL T. w 107 6 1 21 31 34 11 14 BogskiW OConnell and. -Rector 565-100 77020DARK STAR w 104 9 8 8 7 68 44 21 CowIeyJ S. L Johnston 396-100 77501 SUNNY SIDEUP w 103 8 5 14 1 l4 5s 3s ChinnH Mrs A. Manale 649-100 Continued, on thirteenth page., SPORTSMANS PARK Continutd rom third vagej 76370;COLUMN RIGHT wb103 3 2 3" 21 21 23 44 ArcaroE G K Allen 241-100 774983MAECHUTE wb 108 2 3 41 44 48 31 53 MooreET M H Pons 1584-100 77501 POLITIANS BEST w 1041 4 4 71 84 9 T 6s VerbusM Mrs R D Miller 1339-100 77501 INDIAN MIST wl08 1 9 6 53 51 63 71 RenoT AaronsandWeil 715-100 . 77498 MIJO w 106 5 7 9 9 81 84 8s WilsonL H Davis 5002-100 77326 ANGON WARD wb 104 7 6 51 64 7h 9 9 MajesticJ S Adams 4418-100 Time, :25, :51, 1:19, 1:48, 1:58. Track muddy. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . PAUL T . 3.30 .44 $ 3.94 565100 222100 97108 DARK STAR 6.74 4.54 237100 127100 SUNNY SIDEUP , 4.04 102100 Winner B. c, by Paul Weidel Lotta Miles, by Transvaal trained by E. J. OConnell; bred by Mr. E. F. Prichard. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 3:50. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won ridden out; second and third driving. PAUL T., well ridden, followed the pace for three-quarters, was then put to pressure, took the lead when SUNNY SIDEUP bolted on the stretch turn, continued well and held sway to the end. DARK STAR closed a big gap. SUNNY SIDEUP showed good speed and would probably have won but for bolting. COLUMN RIGHT tired. MAECHUTE had no mishaps. INDIAN MIST was outrun. Overweight Column Right, 2 pounds; Maechute, 1; Poiitians Best, 3; Indian Mist, 2; Mijo, 5. TrVCrC-fl SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net VoS? valuo t0 winner 00; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,200: 0ct.-25-32-Spt if for esSi -j D. allowed for each 00 to ,000. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt H Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77460 RICCIARDO wb 3 107 7 4 23 1" l4 I3 l4 BurneyD J L Cleveland 2297-100 S 77281 JIM ORMONT . wb 5 110 3 5 43 34 24 2s 24 RenoT M J Whalen 1740-100 77328SOUTHLAND BELLE w 5 102 2 2 34 44 43 34 3 ChinnH C Meyer 191-100 774173ALLEGRETTO wb 4 112 .4 6 55 5s 55 54 41 ArcaroE H Stelle 365-100 774573FLO M. w3107 8 3 1 24 33 43 51 McLaren J R Barnett 680-100 77328 DOMINA wb 5 111 9 7- 64 64 63 6s 6 KnightM Blue Star Stable 570-100 77416HARUM SCARUM w 4 102 5 10 71 71 74 74 7a NachelJ E Johnson 3482-100 770243DRURY ws 3 103110 9 84 83 8s 85 88 BogskiW E J OConnell 1278-100 77222 BRIDEGROOM wb7106 6 810 98 9s 9? 9 MolthropR Mrs J W Smith 11948-100 77223 RASULI wb 9 108 1 1 9110 10 10 10 MooreET J Krai 3112-100, Time, :24,.:495, 1:17, 1:46, 1:52. Track muddy. , 52 ftUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS RICCIARDO 7.94 1.94 3.32 2297100 1497100 566 109 JIM ORMONT 24.12 9.58 1106100 379109 SOUTHLAND BELLE 3.44 72109 W7inner Br. g, by Sand Mole Yellow Blossom, by Luke McLuke trained by K. S. Cleveland; bred by Keeneland Stud. Winner entered to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST 4:16i. AT POST 4 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. RICCIARDO, much the best and favored by the going, disposed of FLO M. after half a mile, drew out and won easily. JIM ORMONT lost much ground throughout and would have been a keen factor with better handling. SOUTHLAND BELLE had no mishaps. ALLEGRETTO failed to be a factor. FLO M. quit. DOMINA was outrun. The others were never dangerous. Scratched 77327 Bud Charlton, 108; 77502 Stella F., 102; 77366sGolflex, 106; 77412 Pomfret, 106; 77122 Rocky Way, 112; 77286 Mozart, 106; 77372 More Power, 106; 77457 Belgian Lass, 102. Overweight Ricciardo, 1 pound; Jim Ormont, 3; Domina, 2; Drury, 3-; Rasuli, 2. 7789 SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4 4 tJOtd Net value to winner 00; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 0. Claiming price, Oct.-25-32-Spt ,200; if for less, 1 lb. allowed for each 00 to ,000. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt " Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 774993GREENWALD w 4 110 9 4 1" ZucchiniR J D Weil 113-100 77503RACE EXTRA w 4 103 6 6 24 KingC C Lemons 4011-100 77416 KELSO w 4 111 8 5 3s ChinnH J G Browa 513-100 7741 7 DANDY DAN w4107 2 1 44 ArcaroE H Stelle 329-100 76971TRIEZE w 7 104 7 9 510 PrivcttW J Brown - 4696-100 77286 EDDIE LEHMANN wb 6 107 3 7 61 RoderickT C L Mackey 1147-100 77241WHITE KNEE w 5 110 . 1 2 7s MooreET H D Shepard 3641-100 76813 MINT TODDY w 8 106 10 10 86 BurneyD C Fisher 6915-100 77417 NANCY SETH wb 6 103 5 8 9s CowlcyJ W Ziegler 6235-100 75568 PUNKIE w7 106 . 4 3 . 10 TaylorW M McCray 4072-100 Time, :25, :50J, 1:17, 1:47, 1:52j. Track muddy. , S2 MUIUELS PAID . , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , GREENWALD .... $ 4.26 .48 $ 2.62 113100 74100 31100 RACE EXTRA 18.50 6.66 825100 233100 KELSO 3.88 94100 Winner B. g, by For Fair De Luxe, by Golden Maxim trained by M. Griner; bred by Mr, T. M. Murphy. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 4:43. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. On account of darkness and horses bespattered with mud, it "was impossible to distinguish colors. GREENWALD raced into a long lead after the start, increased it when DANDY DAN was taken to the outside fence on the first turn, continued well and won in a canter. RACE EXTRA closed strongly. KELSO finished gamely. DANDY DANS performance may be disregarded, as he was weakly ridden. Scratched 774993InJanta, 102: 77503 Shasta Charm, 104; 77499 Flagg Porter, 101; 77136 Joan Pat, 102; 77417 Marjory Nell, 98; 775033Song and Dance Man, 110; 77499 Amsterdam, 106; 77417 Gold Ridge, 108. Overweight Race Extra, 2 pounds; Triezo, 3; Eddie Lohmann, 1.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932102601/drf1932102601_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1932102601_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800