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For Years a "Menace" to the "Bookies" Ask Any "Old Timer" Hell Tell You SAME HORSES ADVERTISED EE-LEASED TO EVERYONE Mondays Pimlico Parlay:" WORTHINGTON, 4.30, Won THURSDAY, .20, Won Saturdays Parlay: RACCOON, 7.40, WON TAMBOUR, $ 6.70, WON Fridays Parlay: GRACE R., .20, WON VILLAGE VAMP, .60, WON Thursdays Parlay: LADY DEAN, 1. 08, WON TOMMY TICKLE, 0.08, 2ND HTHAVE YOU BEEN ONE OF-W . THE "LUCKY FIELD" jW FOLLOWERS? -i IF NOT, GET WISE TO YOURSELF AND STOP LOSING GOOD "INFO" IS CHEAP AT ANY PRICE AND MY SERVICE COSTS YOIJv VERY LITTLE PIMLICO CONNECTIONS "Tp JUT- ALL SET TO GO! ! I promise that none of my clients will ever forget the results of todays two limit-winners. I advise you to "go the limit" WIN ONLY! Sir I KNOW P LENTY-W Dont forget, one win parlay can- turn a small bankroll into PLENTY, and todays two horses are a BONA FIDE investment. POSITIVELY NO RISK GET ME? DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRIBE NOW! TERMS DAILY TERMS . CHICAGO CLIENTS, Call in Person or Sir Phone Franklin 0596 for messenger service no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Service sent by f ast telegram. JACK FIELD S5 South Dearborn, Room 708, Chicago,, 111. 26 YEARS OF ACTUAL TURF EXPERIENCE "Darky" Bob Williams TODAYS "DAILY DOUBLE" CODE: LATONIA October-7-13-24-3. PIMLICO Fcbruary-4-6-9-12. BGet a Good Bet Down on 2 Sure""! W Limit Winners Today Terms for "DAILY DOUBLE," 50 cents at your newsstand or for six 6 days service, which will be sent to reach you the first mail in the morning. ANOTHER 11TH HOUR PARLAY GOES TODAY Both horses are on razor edge and both should win BT- AT LIMIT ODDS ""W TERMS FOR 11TH HOUR PARLAY PER DAY You may have this information wired you daily if you desire. Out-of town clients, wire your subscription via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Make all remittances payable to BOB WILLIAMS 123 W. MADISON ST. SUITE 600 CHICAGO, ILL. Christians Code Card ESTABLISHED IN 1910 STILL, IN THE SAME PREMISES WITH WHOM EVERY PROMISE IS PERFORMED PAYS FOR CODE CARD GOOD FOR SIX DAYS NO TELEGRAMS SENT NO EXPENSE WHATEVER NO WAITING . Strictly and only two horses daily these two horses are publishedIn code form dally in this paper. As soon as your subscription arrives I will wire you todays parlay PREPAID and mail you your code card, good for six days, by air mail. NEW CODE CARD STARTS TODAY Yesterdays Christian Strictly Two-Horse Code Parlay: MICROPHONE, 2.60, WON WORTHINGTON, 4.30, WON Saturdays Christian Strictly Two-Horse Code Parlay: Fridays Christian Strictly Two-Horse Code Parlay: PEGGY LEHMANN, 5.22, WON DIXIE LAD, 0.96, WON DONDAY, $ 9.42, WON ANITA ORMONT, 6.96, WON Codes advertised every day easily deciphered, very simple. I pay thousands of dollars to secure this remarkable information. This is one office where everybody receives the most for his money, plus an honest deal. NOTICE! NOTICE! SOMETHING SENSATIONAL! All Christian clients take advantage of my sensational offer,- made direct to you in my night letter. Dont miss this grand opportunity. Todays Christian Strictly Two-Horse Code Parlay: LATONIA Car-14-1-20-25. PIMLICO Plane-5-9-20-2. Go to your nearest Western Union or Postal Telegraph office and remit and receive prompt, courteous, fast service. To avoid delay be sure to include your correct address. EDWARD V. CHRISTIAN 949 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. OFFICE OPEN DAILY FROM 8 A. M. TO 7 P. M. , LATONIA GOOD THINGS During the final two weeks of -the Latonia season many "GOOD THINGS" are scheduled to make a winning bow for the benefit of . their owners and trainers; who have tried to conceal their present fine condition. You dont want to miss these "GOOD THINGS." Only those who live in the shadow of the track will know of these, horses. They have been . timed in their trials by my " own staff of diligent dockers, who report them unbeatable at the present time. They will be released to all PAXON FOLLOWERS. It will be many a day before you will be able to purchase such information as will be printed on my code cards for the next few weeks, so, if you are in the "red" for the summer,- get out the easy way. Subscribe to. my service today. TWO WEEKS FOR ONE DOLLAR Mail or wire one dollar and you will receive two code cards by return mail. A code enabling you to decipher each release will appear in this paper daily. Dont delay send in one dollar today. TODAYS TWO. HORSES: LATONIA Idaho-26-24-9-18. LAT0N IA 0 regon-1 6-22-22-1 2. RAY PAXON 320 East Third St. Suite 401 Cincinnati, Ohio Weekly Racing Guide DAILY CODE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Two Great Free Information Services One Horse a Day Selected by Americas Greatest Experts ; CARMACS RELEASE FOR TUESDAY: LATONIA One-35-12. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR TUESDAY: LATONIA Four-28-22. MONDAYS CARMAC RELEASE: PORTCODLNE, .02, WON MONDAYS ASA POWELLS RELEASED MOVE FASTER, .10, WON FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF OCTOBER 29 WEEKLY RACING GUIDE 421 Plymouth Ct. Chicago, 111. If IX IX IHI!5jHE153MEE9MKEI3 IX IX IX DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR TUESDAY: LATONIA A-5-7-7-20. PIMLICO L-23-20-7-26. WM. BURKE KELLY 423 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO, ILL. MEW WONDER SYSTEM IIWINS ON FLAT BET Should average 0 per week net profit on flat bets. Will send thia new system to you abiolutely free. No obligations, ncrstnnga attached to this offer. Get your copy today! Write SECOW PUBLISHING CO., AURORA. ILL. . A. J. McKEEVER THE PIONEER OF AMERICAN TURF In order to permit the smallest player to secure my parlays, I will release my i .strictly two horses every day in CODE FORM. " ." . PAYS FOR SIX PARLAY CARDS T . . . YOU START ANY DAY FAST SERVICE NO WAITING " REMIT AND RECEIVE TODAYS PARLAY BY PREPAID WIRE, and. also six parlay code cards, good for six days. Remember, that, you receive six separate cards, each one good for a day; You dont have, to wait for the end of the week or the middle of the week. YOU START THE VERY SAME DAY YOUR MONEY IS RECEIVED. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: WORTHINGTON, 4.30, WON MICROPHONE, 2.60, WON Strictly Two Horses a Day No Telegrams No Unnecessary Telephone Calls . No Extra Expense m BIG PIMLICO WIN PARLAY TODAY IK Get These Two Winners Play Them to Win Only Plunge Todays Parlay: PIMLICO White-31-5-79. PIMLICO Cerise-18-91-6. Legitimate Turf Information All Horses Released by Me Are Out to Win THE RIGHT MONEY IS DOWN " Wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive todays . , Pimlico parlay by prepaid telegram. Also receive five code cards, good for five, days five parlays. No waiting. No delay. " Step into your nearest Western Union or Postal Telegraph office and wire . Be sure to include your correct address. New York office open 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. r A. J. McKEEVER 1440 BROADWAY Room 1958 New York, N. Y. Daily Telegraph The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents CHIEFS CAMILLE, McCarty Sportsmans Park Tip, 0.38, WON MONNIE, Regren-Bassett-Sportsmans Park Tip, 4.10, WON DURVA, Regren-McCarty Sportsmans Park Tip, 4.70, WON GALA TIME, Regren Laurel Park Tip, 21.20, WON RACCOON, McCarty Laurel Tip, -iJjf 17.40, WON THE DARB, Bassett-McCarty Latonia Tip, . "r 7 8.46, WON GIBBYS CHOICE, McCarty Latonia Tip, . , J 8.14, WON PEGGY LEHMANN, Regren Latonia Pay-Off, i 15.22, W0N HAPPY LAD, Bassett Sportsmans Park Tip, 6.04, WON ; PORT O PLAY, McCarty Sportsmans Park Tip, 5.88, WON t AMERICANA, Bassetts Empire City Special, 11-5, WON . r TUESDAYS FREE CODE HORSES: LATONIA Mare-51-48-45. PJMUCO Erie-44-30-44. - , TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Air Mail I SUPREME FLASH l TURF WEEKLY i For Sale at All Newsstands 35 Cents a Copy Todays Free Code: LATONIA June-2-1-16-9. TODAYS TRACKMENS CODE PARLAY: PIMLICO Battle-21-49. LATONIA Gas-1-33. SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 799 Broadway Suite 407 , New York City s , - , y : GEORGE A, FOX WANTED . . -;,; . George A. Fox is requested .to write to Carlile 4, Chattanooga, Tenn. Matters Have changed but no word from you. CLOCKERS REVIEW For Sale on All Newsstands, 35 Cents a Copy, Todays Free Code:- PIMLICO Orange-35-35. Todays Brady Special: LATONIA Rye-8-3. CLOCKERS REVIEW PUB. CO. 1674 Broadway Suite 914 .New York City The Chicago Weekly Turf Burretin and J Sports Record 538 So. Dearborn St. Chicago, IU. Trice. 35c On Sale Everywhere Price 35 o TODAYS TUESDAYS FREE CODE: PIMLICO October-Newark-Buffalo-Peoria. 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