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NEW FEATURES IN DAILY RACING FORM INCLUDED AMONG THE KANT NEW FEATURES EN DAILY RACING FORM ARE: Claiming Prices in Both Entries and Past Performances Apprentice Allowances Indicated in Entries and Past Performances Mud Marks Shown in Entries and Past Performances Scratches at All Tracks, with Mud Marks Indicated These, with such old features as best times ot horses entered for the distances of the races to be run, the latest workouts of the prospective starters, the total winnings ot each horse for the current and past year, not to mention other innovations, tend to make Daily Racing Form more outstanding than ever before. 85007 LATE DATE wb 4 105 2 3 9l 9 9 7h 61 KacalaJ Audley Farm Stable 2627-100 84751JSWIVEL wb 3 107 3 2 71 81 81 93 7" CorbettC A Pons 1028-100 85007 ACTION w4 100 5 6 4s 4k 7s 81 81 RenickJ N E Stanton 1604-100 85110AT TOP wb3 92 6 4 5l 5J 41 52 91 RuderL Shandon Farm Stable I 84752 PLUCKY PLAY wb 6 124 1 9 10 10 10 10 10 WoolfG N W Church t Coupled as N. W. Church entry; Shandon Farm Stable entry. Time, :24, :48, 1:14. 1:39. 1:52. Track fast. , 52 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . N. W. CHURCH ENTRY 5 4.02 $ 2.68 $ 2.32 101100 34100 16100 BIG BRAND 6.12 3.80 206100 90100 WAYLAYER 2.96 48100 Winner B. c, by Sir Gallahad III. Sun Spot, by Omar Khayyam trained by E. L. Fitzgerald; bred by Mr. A. Bi Hancock. WENT TO POST 4:47. AT POST 8 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. GALLANT SIR, starting fast and rated along under steadying restraint for three-quarters, went to the front without urging as EVERGOLD bore out on the second turn and, continuing well after drawing clear, won without need of severe pressure. BIG BRAND dropped out of it, improved his position gradually in the final half mile and withstood a long drive gamely, but could not reach the winner. WAYLAYER, placed on the outside at the start and a strong factor throughout, held on gamely. TRED AVON met interference from ACTION soon after the start and closed well in a good performance. EVERGOLD showed speed, bore out badly on the second turn and tired near the end. LATE DATE closed a gap in the stretch. SWIVEL had ho mishaps. ACTION, also placed on the outside at the start, bore over on the first turn and quit badly in the stretch. AT TOP quit. PLUCKY PLAY failed to respond to strong pressure. Scratched 85184 Indian Runner, 119; 85109 Jim Dandy, 100; 85373 Rehoboth, 102; 850133Bam-boula, 103. QerOrTRT SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Plucky Play, Aug. 23, 1930 1:43 3 115. Purse Oud4 I S800. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; Aug.-5-33-Haw third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,250; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,750. Index Horses Ent A WtlPSt V Str Fin Jockeys Owners - Equiv. Odds Strt 8511120LD DEPOT w 4 106 10 9 81 91 81 2s 1? LowryJ A Bartelstein 244-100 84972 BELOW COST wb3 107 6 5 4 41 31! I2 2s WrightWD C S Bancroft 1512-100 85186WHITE LEGS wb 5 112 9 8 11 11 9 51 31 HumphsL F M Grabner 1756-100 84885RENEWED wb 4 116 4 3 21 2" 1J 31 41 RenickJ J V Stewart 591-100 84934 MAD CAREER wb 5 112 8 7 9 8s 71! 4" 5Ji SchutteH Peconic Stable 1000-100 84374 SANDWRACK wb4113 1 1 51 51 5" 71 6" RichardA Lone Star Stable 1103-100 85111VOTAN vv4106 7 6 6 6 61 61! 7 BalaskiL R W Collins 3271-100 84843 MERRY FOX - wb 4 111 11 10 72 71 103 81 85 PoolE J McPherson 1480-100 848203STONE MARTIN w 5 106 2 4 32 31! 21 95 91 TiptonA G W Ogle 297-100 84820 ANNIMESSIC wb 5 109 3 11 102 101 11 10s ,10s RenickS J F Adams 85107ROYAL PURCHASE wb 3 94 5 2 l2 VI 41 11 11 RuderL M Lowenstein t tMutuel field. Time, :24, :48. 1:14, 1:40, 1:47. Track fast. , 52 MTJTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . OLD DEPOT $ 6.83 $ 4.28 $ 3.70 244100 114100 85100 BELOW COST 13.28 9.90 564100 395100 WHITE LEGS 7.10 255100, Winner B. c, by My Play Xenora, by Atwell trained by H. Unna; bred by Mr. H. Burgoyne. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 5:23. AT POST minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. OLD DEPOT, far back for five-eighths, began moving up thereafter, came to the outside entering the stretch and, closing gamely, won in the final strides. BELOW COST, strongly restrained for three-quarters, took command with a rush, but could not withstand the winner. WHITE LEGS, badly outrun for seven-eighths, closed a gap thereafter. RENEWED was much used in forcing the pace and tired badly in the stretch. MAD CAREER lost ground. SANDWRACK was in close quarters on the stretch turn. VOTAN quit. STONE MARTIN and ROYAL PURCHASE quit badly in the final quarter. Scratched 84388 Tela, 103. CCrOr7 EIGHTH RACE 1 3-16 Miles. Mad Play, Aug. 22, 1925 1:56 4 126. Purse 00. f, 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third; Aug.-5-33-Haw S50; f0Urth, 5. Claiming price, ,200; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Index Horses EiftA WtPPSt 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equi v. Odds Strt 85241 CAPTAIN ED wb 4 106 10 3 34 31 33 22 l RenickJ Mrs C S Bancroft 4184-100 851 07REPRESENTATIVE w 3 103 1 2 41 42 22 l1 25 BalaskiL H Massey 1107-100 8506rREPLEVIN w 8 104 12 6 62 52 5 42 3k KacalaJ M Lowenstein 2213-100 85060SCIMITAR w 9 109 4 8 71 61 61 51 41 MakanJ J D Mikel 394-100 850583OATEN wb 5 103 9 10 103 10" 81 64 51 WcstropeJ W C Rcichert 245-100 85186ELCIDIO wb 5 109 7 11 11 11s ll4 93 61! LowryJ Elmtree Stable 995-100 851 81FLAT ROCK wb 3 103 6 5 14 PI 1" 32 7" TiptonA T H McCaffrey 784-100 85059 SUFFOLK wb 3 103 5 1 24 2" 44 74 8" SchutteH Peconic Stable 3263-100 85017ELIZABETH FOX wb 4 109 3 7 5" 74 72 82 91 RenickS C E Hamilton 626-100 83459COMET wb 10 102 2 12 12 12 12 114 10s VailS J W Goode 85241HARUM SCARUM w 5 96 U 4 83 84 92 10" IP RuderL E Johnson 85185 LION HEARTED w7 108 8 9 94.9110412 12 DeCamsE J P Musgrave 166M00 tMutuel field. Time, :25, :49, 1:14.1:41. 2:01. Track fast. , 52 MTJTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , CAPTAIN ED 5.68 6.82 1.44 4184100 1741100 972100 REPRESENTATIVE 12.10 8.80 505100 340100 REPLEVIN 12.86 543100 Winner Ch. c, by Captain Alcock Lament, by Friar Rock trained by C. S. Bancroft; bred by Mr. J. E. Madden. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 5:54. AT POST 3J minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. CAPTAIN ED, rated close to the pace, responded to mild pressure and, lucky to get through on the inside in the final eighth, wore down REPRESENTATIVE in the closing fifty yards. The latter, strongly restrained for seven-eighths, went around FLAT ROCK entering the stretch and held on well, but was not good enough. REPLEVIN had no mishaps and held on evenly. SCIMITAR lost ground throughout. OATEN could not eet up. ELCIDIO was going well in the stretch. FLAT ROCK quit. SUFFOLK tired badly. ELIZABETH FOX dropped out of it after half a mile. Overweight Suffolk, 1 pound ; Comet, 1. OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT HAWTHORNE Saturday 3 Races, 71.90; 5 Races, 31.60; 8 Races, 76.34