Connaught Park, Daily Racing Form, 1934-06-26


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CONNAUGHT PARK The Daily Double on the Winners of the Third and Fourth Races at Connaught Park Monday Paid 18290 for 2 OTTAWA ONT MONDAY JUNE 25 1934 Connaught Park 1 mile Fifth day Connaught Park Jockey Club First summer meeting of 7 days Cattarinich Gate used Weather clear Steward representing Province of Quebec Racing Association J G Reedcr Stewards for Connaught Park E Baker and J K Paisley Judges W J Morrison E C St Pere W G Gillholey and L N Bate Starter W Ritchey Racing Secretary T P GprrnDn Racing starts at 245 p m Chicago time 145 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicatos apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds OrTChJO FIRST RACE 34 Mile out of chute Nichelson July 31 1928 112 4 114 Purse 6 ys 400 3yearolds and Foaled in Canada winnerJune2o34CP upward Claiming Net value to winner June2o34CP 310 second 50 third 30 fourth 10 Index Uorsea EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Stit 97856COLORED ARTIST WB 4 103 72 2 21 2k 1 MitchellM A Gauthier 97708 SIR MICHAEL WB 4 116 1 6 61 6J 55 2l GibsonH E Bowie 1085100 108510097856ROSELYS 97856ROSELYS w 7 113 61 I1 li 15 3 WilsonT 0 Burgess 210100 210100978563MASQUE 978563MASQUE MAR w 3 108 4 4 42 3J 321 421 HallibnW L Suprenant 2060100 20601009785G 9785G LADY WORTHMORE w 4 108 3 5 51 51 41 52 ParkerW J C Stillman 2440100 97856 DEARZIN WB 3 114 2 7 7 7 7 62 BalzarteW R C Utz 2125100 212510097777WEE 97777WEE TODDLER II w 8 110 53 31 41 61 7 WoodJ C Ferraro 235100 235100Time Time 25 49 116 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS COLORED ARTIST 630 410 280 215 100 105 100 40 100 100SIR SIR MICHAEL 795 530 297 100 165 100 100ROSELYS ROSELYS 285 42 100 100Winner Winner B f by Cudgel Florence Mills by Sir John Johnson trained by A Gauthier bred by Mr J Cattarinich Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST256 AT POST 6 minutes minutesStart Start uood and slow Won driving second and third the same sameCOLORED COLORED ARTIST away fast and rated close to the pace for threeeighths wore down ROSELYS in the stretch and outlasted SIR MICHAEL The latter outpaced early finished with a rush on the outside ROSELYS began fast set the pace and tired in the closing eighth MASQUE MAR always close up saved ground all the way LADY WORTHMORE raced evenly WEE TODDLER II had early speed DEARZIN was away slowly slowlyScratched Scratched 97706 Soultan Girl 98 98Overweight Overweight Wee Toddler II 2 pounds QTQt SECOND RACE 58 Mile Aquatis June 4 1933 100 2 113 Juvenile Purse thirdJune2534CP 7 6 O arO purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 310 second 50 third June2534CP 30 fourth 10 Indei Horses EqtA WtlPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlr Odds Strt 97421iPESTLE w 106 33 li 13 lk lk GuerraJ J Cattarinich 470100 470100977033SILENT 977033SILENT DON WB 111 71 21 21 21 22J PasscroJ C Bisulca 820100 82010096462CHORTLE 96462CHORTLE w 109 6 2 43 421 44 3 HorvathK R Robertson 90100 9010097703MARYLITCH 97703MARYLITCH w 113 54 3l 35 3l 4s FatorE Mrs L A Daly 395100 395100977032JUST 977032JUST MARIE WB 108 45 54 5 54 521 HornG P F Stoltz 1545100 1545100ETHAN ETHAN ALLEN w 111 2 7 777 6 FellowsF W G Reynolds 2620100 26201009742113LEO 9742113LEO D w 107 16 6h 6 6k ° k 61 7 GibsonH L Dandurand 1930100 1930100Time Time 24 50 102 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID f PESTLE 1140 560 310 470 100 180 100 55 100 100SILENT SILENT DON 905 360 352J 100 80 100 100CHORTLE CHORTLE 27f100Winner 255 27f100 Winner B c by Cudgel Lotto by Hilarious trained by J McCIymon bred by Mr J Cattarinich CattarinichWENT WENT TO POST 330 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same samePESTLE PESTLE away fast set the pace and outlasted SILENT DON in the drive The latter forced the pace from the start moved up gamely at the eighth post and tired CHORTLE a factor throughout had no nomishaps mishaps MARYLITCH tired in the drive JUST MARIE went evenly ETHAN ALLEN was away slowly slowlyScralched971492Jocl Scralched971492Jocl C 109 109Overweight Overweight Pestle 2 pounds Leo D 3 QTCh 1 THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Edisto June 6 1925 105 3 108 Purse 400 3 30June2534CP 7 A y da yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 310 second 50 third 30 June2534CP ourth 10 Index Horses EqtA WtlPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT Odds Strt 97640 MAGNA MATER w5111 6 1 I1 I1 I1 I1 MooreET 0 Viau 3021100 3021100976402MADELON 976402MADELON w 6 111 4 6 52 41 4 2l SylvesterJ I S Shafer 285100 97779 DONNY JOHNNY w 6 116 53 31 21 31 3 BurrilU J D II A Coulson 435100 435100977043BOLD 977043BOLD ROBIN w 7 116 2 5 6l 6 6 ° 4 HornG M P Register 1090100 1090100977762HOGARTY 977762HOGARTY w 9 113 3 4 2 3 2 52 EamesC P M Catalano 235100 23510097776GOLDEN 97776GOLDEN STORM WB 5 115 7 2 41 52 5 = 612 GibsonH G Bridwell 1580100 97858 MATTY w 5 110 1 7 777 7 WoodJ Mrs C Graves 5275100 5275100Time Time 25 48 108 Track fast J2 MUTUEIS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MAGNA MATER 805 465 365 3021 100 132J 100 821 100 100MADELON MADELON 330 285 65 100 42 100 100DONNY DONNY JOHNNY 390 95 100 100Winner Winner B m by Noah Moonlady by Malamont trained by 0 Viau bred by Himyar Stud Winner entered to bo claimed for 700 700WENT WENT TO POST 401 AT POST 5 minutes minutesStart Start drivingMAGNA good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving MAGNA MATER sprinted into the lead at once and rated along in front had to be hard ridden to hold MADELON The latter shuffled back at the start circled the others and closed a big gap DONNY JOHNNY raced forwardly throughout BOLD ROBIN finished well HOGARTY quit in the last eighth GOLDEN STORM tired MATTY was outrun outrunScratched96575 Scratched96575 Sister Clare 102 97857 Authority 111 97859 Vicki 105 97859 Hey Kelly 110 110Overweight Overweight Matty 2 pounds QTOfe FOURTH RACE 1 Mile WilkesBarre Aug 29 1924 139 4 108 Purse 400 3 50June2534CP nr yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 5310 second 50 June2534CP thirdf 30 fourth 10 Index Horses Ent A Vt ITSt VA Vi i Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT Oddi Strt 97776 JUSTOLD w 3 102 4 2 I1 I1 I3 121 I5 HornG V Carmichael 12071100 97859 CHIPMUNK w 3 110 9 7 7a 6 31 21 23 HorvathK C Biscula 620100 977802BAIMWAWA wu3110 6 5 51 721 51 5 3 3k ° k PasseroJ W G Reynolds 95100 97858 FAIR CHARTER v 5 111 81 21 4l 41 3 41 PeakeH Mrs J McEIroy 4080100 97637 HERO OLGA WB 3 105 1 3 4 21 21 41 51 RallsC Mrs B M Baird 935100 97777 MISS JOHNSTON w 3 103 2 6 81 8fi 71 62 61 ParkerW G Easthope 2210100 977022JOLLY GAL w 3 102 3 4 94 94 91 83 7 SylvesterJ Mrs J E Hughes 815100 97859DRESS CIRCLE WB 3 102 10 8 3k 31 61 7 8 WatsonG G Patterson 875100 97776 GOLDEN GWYN w 3 102 7 9 621 51 8 910 9 HanauerC R C Utz 3925100 97702 HAPPY LADY w 3 107 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 CaseF Mrs A Taney 3705100 3705100Time Time 25 50 116 142 Track fast J2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS JUSTOLD 100CHIPMUNK 2615 1405 400 1207J 100 602J 100 100 100 CHIPMUNK 630 310 215 100 55 100 100BAIMWAWA BAIMWAWA 245 22J 100 100Winner Winner B f by Justice F Shower of Gold II by Sunstar trained by V Carmichael bred by Mr A B Gordon Winner entered to be claimed for 500 500WENT WENT TO POST 442 AT POST 4J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving v vJUSTOLD JUSTOLD away fast drew into the lead rounding the first turn was rated along in the lead and drew out in the last quarter mile CHIPMUNK steadily improved his position in the back stretch moved up with a rush entering the stretch but could never reach the winner BAIMWAWA met interference when moving tip in the back stretch and made up ground in the stretch FAIR CHARTER had early speed DRESS CIRCLE tired HAPPY LADY was away slowly slowlyScratched Scratched 94454 Flcckel 105 97640 Morelles 107 107Overweight Overweight Miss Johnston 5 pounds Happy Lady 2 Q7Qzt Q7Qztft ft FIFTH RACE 34 Milc f ° ut of chute Nichelson July 31 1928 112 4 114 Ladies winnerJune2534CP 7 4 OrirvJ pay Purse Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner June2534CP 31o second 50 third 30 fourth 10 Index Horses EqtA WtlPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt 96249BETTY FARRELL w 5 107 63 I1 I2 I2 I4 SylvesterJ I S Shafer 97706COUSIN GEORGE WB 3 105 5 6 7 52 51 21 WatsonG Mrs W H Di Denham 385100 38510037743SQUEAKY 37743SQUEAKY w 7 111 1 1 32 21 21 3 RallsC R Primrose 1305100 97642 ERRANT LADY w 3 105 3 5 41 4 4k 42 HallibnW L Suprenant 4780100 4780100977753DON 977753DON CARLOS WB 4 114 4 7 5 6l 61 52 HorvathK C N Lilley 845100 84510097637DINGLE 97637DINGLE BAY WB 3 111 2 4 2 3i 31 612 WoodJ C Ferraro Jr 415100 97780 CHARLIES GIRL w510672 6 77 7 CaseF F Paquctte 2610100 2610100Time Time 24 49 115 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BETTY FARRELL 365 300 265 82J 100 50 100 32J 100 100COUSIN COUSIN GEORGE 350 300 75 100 50 100 100SQUEAKY SQUEAKY 440 120 100 100Winner Winner Ch m by North Star III Sweep Park by Sweep trained by C Shafer bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 516 AT POST 9 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingBETTY BETTY FARRELL much the best sprinted into the lead at once was rated along in front and drew away in the final quarter COUSIN GEORGE outrun early closed a big gap SQUEAKY had no mishaps ERRANT LADY raced evenly DINGLE BAY tired badly through the stretch DON CARLOS showed good form formScratched Scratched 97857Single Star 109 976422Canmas 103 Overweight Errant Lady 5 pounds Charlies Girl 2 QTQAT SIXTH RACE 1 14 Miles Ebuford July 25 1928 20651 4 103 Purse 400 4 30June2534CP nynri yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 310 second 50 third 30 June2534CP fourthj 10 Index Horses EqtA Wt IT St 1 Ktr Fin Jockeys Owners Equlr Odds Strt 97502 MAKE BELIEVE w7118 4 4 31 34 21 2s Tl EamesC S Mason 215100 21510097707AIR 97707AIR KING w 5 118 3 1 I3 I1 I2 Il 24 PeakeH R Russell 375100 37510097504REPLEVIN 97504REPLEVIN WB 9 110 2 2 2i 2k 35 32 3k WatsonG R Robertson 1205100 120510097778KAFFA 97778KAFFA w 8 113 6 3 4 5 5 510 43 PasseroJ F Chaperon 225100 97777 PAR EXCELLENCE w 7 110 1 5 5s 41 41 43 5 ParkerW Mrs J C Stillman 1375100 97778 WRACKELL WB 7 118 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 WilsonT Mrs G Boesel 440100 440100Time Time 25 50 116 142 155 209 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MAKE BELIEVE 630 365 310 215 100 821 100 55 100 100AIR AIR KING 345 290 72 100 45 100 100REPLEVIN REPLEVIN 425 112J 100 100Winner Winner B g by Omar Khayyam Red Riding Hood by Polymelus trained by C Middlelon bred by Le Mar Stock Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 600 WENT TO POST 552 AT POST H minutes drivingMAKE Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving MAKE BELIEVE under steady restraint for the first mile moved up on the outside wore down AIR KING in the stretch run and was drawing away at the finish AIR KING had the speed was rated along in the lead and hung on gamely in the last quarter REPLEVIN forced the early pace and tired in the stretch run KAFFA made up ground PAR EXCELLENCE weakened in the last eighth WRACKELL could never reach contention and was always outrun outrunScratched Scratched 977803Goldcn Play 115 9TQfQ SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Signola Aug 18 1927 145 3 95 Gatineau 310June2534CP L ° Purse Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 310 June2534CP second ccn 50 third third 30 n fourth fourth cm 10 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Odds Strt 97778 OUR PAL w 8 115 3 1 7i 7 71 52 1 CaseF W C Weant 8971100 897110096655INVESTOR 96655INVESTOR WB 5 118 5 9 61 4J 31 2 221 EamesC P P Calderone 200100 97638 TOMBOY w 7 110 2 4 11 22 21 11 3 HallibnW J W Armstrong 3210100 97643 PUNISHMENT WB 8 115 1 5 4 52 51 41 41 GuerraJ Mrs R Hall 995100 97858 POPCORN WB 5 115 9 3 221 I1 lk 31 51 PeakeH Mrs F Russell 345100 97141 BROOKHATTAN WB 4 115 7 7 31 3 41 6 62 BurrilU J P H A Coulson 225100 22510097702SURANTO 97702SURANTO WB 5 105 6 2 52 61 61 7s 7 PedcnH Miss M Davis 1985100 97643 ZEAL w 7 115 8 8 82 820 820 8 860 DugeanR G H Newton 7540100 97425 RESOLD WB 4 115 4 6 9 9 9 9 9 MooreET Mrs S Duggan 4320100 4320100Time Time 25 49 116 143 150 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS OUR PAL 1995 710 490 897 100 255 100 145 100 100INVESTOR INVESTOR 400 310 100 100 55 100 100TOMBOY TOMBOY 690 245 100 100Winner Winner B g by Prince Pal Ola Lee by Assagai trained by T Cummings bred by Mr W C Weant Winner entered to be claimed for 500 500WENT WENT TO POST 624J AT POST 2J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameOUR OUR PAL away fast and shuffled back going to the first turn improved his position on the back stretch and outlasted INVESTOR The latter away slowly moved up on the inside on the back stretch and closed a big cap TOMBOY forced the pace from the start and tired in the closing eighth PUNISHMENT raced evenly POPCORN had early speed BROOKHATTAN tired RESOLD pulled up lame lameScratched Scratched 978582Imagale 110 97643 Prince Westend 115 97640 Heavenly Music 105

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Local Identifier: drf1934062601_12_1
Library of Congress Record: