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FAIRMOUNT PARK The Daily Double on the Winners of the Second and Third Races at Fairmount Park Monday Paid 4504 for 2 COLLINSVILLE ILL MONDAY JUNE 25 1934 Fairmount Park 1 mile Twcntysixth day Fair mount Jockey Club Summer meeting of 34 days Waite Stall Gate used Weather clear Steward representing Illinois Racing Commission A G Weston Stewards J T Ireland Tind R A Leigh Judges R A Leigh Jr C C Campau and C Abbo Starter G R Wingfield Racing Secretary R A Leigh Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 330 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds T RACE 34 Mile out of chute Gay World Oct 14 1933 111 3 119 Purse 400 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 5300 second 65 third June2534FP 25 fourth 10 Claiming price 600 Index Horse EqtA WtPPSt tf St Fin Jockey Owner EqulT Odds Strt 97131 MINNEQUA w 107 25 lk I1 I1 llk BogskiW F Sowell SowellWB 96453 KYSO WB 115 11 6 6l 3k 24 2lk RootW T Root Rootw 97428CLOTHTOP w 107 4 11 II1 10 7i 3k MillerG A C Kort KortWB 97630MORVIM WB 100 10 10 12 12 10l 44 HaberR S J Molay MolayWB 97630BRIGHT WINE WB 102 87 7 65 51 5 5k k EdwardsD J Houston 97569HOURLESS WONDER w 107 59 9l 81 61 6 SmithFA R F Coppag 97570MAMIE D w 102 3 3 2k 44 34 7l MoonR R T Watts WattsW 97630 NAUGHTY PAT w07 712 51 71lli DycrJ W F Woodward 97772 WORLD TRAVELLER WB 109 64 3k 54 8 94TildenR Mrs J M Nugent f f96367CLAFLAG 96367CLAFLAG WB 107 1 8 8k 91 91 101 ManifoldH J F Clark Jr 1158100 97831 GAY FOLLIES w 109122 10411k 12 11 DavisJ P Hatcher 5510100 97697 KANAL w 107 91 4k 2k 4k 12 FryeJW E K Bryson 348100 348100tMutuol tMutuol field Time 23 47 114 Track fast W MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MINNEQUA Feld 3328 742 506 1564100 271100 153108 153108KYSO KYSO 380 386 90100 93100 93100CLOTHTOP CLOTHTOP 498 149103 149103Winner Winner B f by Atwell San Isabel by High Time trained by F Sowell bred by Mr R C Thatcher Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST232 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third tha same sameMINNEQUA MINNEQUA sprinted into the lead soon after the start continued gamely under mild urging and under good handling in the final drive held KYSO safe The latter placed on the outside for the start worked his way to the leaders gradually but was weakly handled in the final stages CLOTHTOP away slowly came to the outside in the stretch and was going fastest at the end MORVIM finished with a rush MAMIE D faltered quitScratched in the last eighth WORLD TRAVELLER showed early speed KANAL quit Scratched 97849Sliowcase 107 97770 Brown Polly 107 97631 Philwex 102 97630 Dezan 104 97773 Foxio Sis 104 97492JMissionary Girl 99 99Overweight Overweight Kyso 3 pounds Morvim 1 Gay Follies 24 24Corrected Corrected weight Clothtop 107 SECOND RACE4 12 Furlongs Blind Star June JuneI4 16 1934542111 Purse I4 yeaoldu JHaidcns Claimin9 Net to winner 300 second 65 tmrdf 525 fourth 10 Claiming price 1000 t e Kqt A WtllSt Str tfin Jockeys uwners EnulY Odds Strt 97696 EARTH RTH SHAKER will 23 3i I3 1J RenoT H C La Munyon 202100 202100R 97668 DARKIE RKIE wBllO 11 4J 2 2l AndersonA AndersonAOW R McDonald 3145100 3145100M 97567 BLOW OW AWAY AWAYALIWATA wl08 910 7 31 34 StulIerDR StulIerDRIWATA M F Keller 1147100 1147100J ALIWATA IWATA w 108 10 9 9 41 4l DyerJ DyerJY J E Parks 1587100 1587100E 97491 GAY Y DAYS DAYSKENTUCKY WB 111 11 11 101 8 54 FryeJW FryeJW1NTUCKY E K Bryson 806100 806100Mrs KENTUCKY 1NTUCKY GREEN will 312 12 10 61 DavisJ DavisJ1AND Mrs H Gorham 11894100 11894100Mrs 97768 GRAND 1AND PORTE will 54 81 91 71 LoweW Mrs F J Grand 3720100 3720100A 97229 UP YONDER w 112 6 2 24 61 81 SykesD SykesDSCHPJN A C Berry f fP 975G72LINCHPJN SCHPJN WB11112 5 1 7J 91 CooperRG CooperRGGRAND P Sanford 197100 197100Mrs 96562 SO GRAND w 111 4 6 54 54 104 MillsC MillsCCUST Mrs E F Taylor f fMyers 97768 LOCUST CUST BLOOM w 109 87 6k II4 11 TildenR TildenRTIEN Myers Hays 3405100 3405100H 97567 AXTIEN AXTIENtMutuel TIEN win 7 a H4i2 12 BogskiW BogskiWtuel H I McGhee 12756100 tMutuel tuel field Time 24 49 56 Track fast S MUTUEIS PAID SHAKER 604 426 398 1424 1116 WierCh c b pcobaLorette by Peter Quince trained by D H Carroll bred by Mr H Brown uwu uwuWENT he M Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 WENT TO POST 302 AT POST6 minutes minutesStart Start drivingEARTH good and slow Won easily second and third driving EARTH SHAKER kept close to the inside benefited greatly when the leaders went wide turnincr into the stretch opened a commanding lead reaching the final eighth and was well in hand at the end DARKIE also racing on the inside was not able to reach the winner in the final stages and weakened near the end BLOW AWAY moved up rapidly reaching the final eighth but was not good enough ALIWATA fractious at the barrier finished gamely LINCHPIN moved to the lead with a rush was carried to the extreme outside when UP ONDER swerved to the outside while under prssure in challenging the latter for the earlv lead and neither could recover from the lost ground 7 Tribblc 111 97491 Tcrrazz ° ni M surrhe ni Overweight Darkic 2 pounds Up Yonder 1 Locust Bloom 1 3 119 hides Horses Kqt A WtllSt t Sr Fin loilTeyH Owners Edulr Odds Strt 97568RED VEST w5109 5 3 41 44 24 11 EdwardsD E K Bryson 5Q2 inn 91020 KITE WB 9 114 11 1 11 1 14 2 BogskiW P Drake 154 m 97493 MERILEE Z WB 4 109 7 11 104961 3 MooreV Aberdeen Stable 5165400 Continued m sixteenth page FAIRMOUNT PARK PARKContinued Continued from third page 9734SCOL CLOISTER WB 4 114 9 5 54 51 4l 41 SykesD H L Platt 456100 97412 BARCARDI SWEEP w 5 114 69 7 82 71 54 RenoT S Davis 3176100 317610097G30 97G30 GOLD ROSE WB 3 104 3 4 31 35 32 65 DyerJ Mrs J Dreyer 4875100 487510097492BLAKE 97492BLAKE w 3 104 28 6l 61 8 72 MoonR R T Watts 11601100 97348 TOM MAR w 5 114 4 10 8l 74 9 81 FryeJW J E Armstrong 1574100 1574100972852EQUATION 972852EQUATION WB 8 109 8 2 22 24 51 91 ManifoIdH Miss M Evans 119100 11910088889BAPTISTE 88889BAPTISTE w 8 109 12 6 114115 103 10 GriffinM C Lemons 4625100 97231 MAJOR GOMEZ w 4 114 1 7 9410k 11 II1 CrccseR E E Major t t8S99G 8S99G CHRISTINE K WB 4 109 10 12 12 12 12 12 MillerG F J Moore t tfMutuc fMutuc field Time 23 47K 114 Track fast 52 JiUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS RED VEST 1204 554 428 502 100 177 100 114 100 100KITE KITE 1314 832 557 100 316 100 100MERILEE MERILEE Z 1280 540 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by High Noon Miss America by Iron Cross II trained by G R Bryson bred by Messrs J A R T Judy Winner entered to be claimed for 500 500WENT WENT TO POST 333 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same RED VEST showed good speed when called upon on the stretch turn and responding gamely disposed of KITE in the last thirty yards The latter moved into command in the early stages but failed to hold the winner MERILEE Z away slowly finished with a rush COL CLOISTER had no mishaps GOLD ROSE tired EQUATION quit badly after half a mile mileSrralhed Srralhed 97413 Wind Song 99 97157 Uncle Henry 109 97285 Mutual Friend 109 7632 Mac Moon 109 97767 Marie Miles 104 97352 Kelso 114 114Corrected Corrected weight Christine K 109 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Ironsides June 21 1930 1414 5 106 Purse S400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 June2534FP third 25 fourth 10 Claiming price 600 ID df i Horses Eqt A WtlPst ft V i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 974973BLACK FLASH WB 4 104 7 6 6s 6s 54 3 1 EdwardsD Allen Sandusky 97427PROBATIONER WB 4 109 6 5 42 32 3 41 21 SmithFA G OKeefe 355100 35510097S482SIS 97S482SIS LARGO w 6 109 43 I1 Tl I1 I1 31 DycrJ J H Davis 321 100 10097069BAD 97069BAD NEWS w 5 109 31 3 41 45 5 4J ManifoIdH Battle Ax Stable 647100 64710097855MAYETTA 97855MAYETTA WB 5 104 5 4 23 22 22 21 51 HaberR J Oran 3194100 3194100978483MISS 978483MISS M LUTZ WB 3 103 2 7 7 7 7 6C 66 MatthewsM W F Lutz 131110C 97772 BISMARCK WB 3 108 1 2 54 53 6 7 7 StullcrDR B F Miller 3212 100 100Time Time 24 475 11 33 1402 144 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BLACK FLASH 576 388 306 188 100 94 100 53 100 100PROBATIONER PROBATIONER 368 384 84 100 92 100 100SIS SIS LARGO 314 57 100 100Winner Winner Blk f by Coventry Court Lady by Manager Waitc trained by M Allen bred by Mr T C McDowell Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 401 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBLACK BLACK FLASH racing in her best form made a bid for contention rounding the far turn showed good speed when straightened out in the stretch run and outgamed PROBATIONER in the final stages under mild pressure The latter forced wide at the first turn was lucky to squeeze through the field reaching the final eighth and continued gamely but was not good enough SIS LARGO showing the most early speed tired when challenged in the final drive BAD NEWS raced evenly MAYETTA was used up forcing the early pace The others were outrun outrunScratched Scratched 97772 Our Johnny 109 977012Wait Not 104 97701 Open Go Shut 109 97636 Title Oak 114 977733Little Toots 109 97855 Haramzada 109 109Overweight Overweight Miss M Lutz 5 pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Sis Largo 109 Bismarck 1C8 Qr QOO FIFTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Gay World Oct 14 1933 111 3 119 J 6 tFOiJ Onondaga Purse Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to June2534FP winner 375 second 75 third 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1000 if for 800 800allowed allowed 4 Ibs if for 700 7 Ibs Eqt A WtHPSt A Mi Vn Jockey Owners EquiT Odds Ktrt 97633WHITHARRAL WB 4 106 44 6s 31 25 1 HaberR Mrs F Rando 491100 491100976982GULFELANO 976982GULFELANO WB 4 110 1 5 51 53 3k 25 SmithFA Mrs G F Jenkins 411100 411100973032JUST 973032JUST HIGH WB 3 105 71 1s I1 lh 32 ManifoIdH H C Rumage 251100 25110097288ANNAR1TA 97288ANNAR1TA w 3 100 25 2 42 56 45 EdwardsD Mrs W T Westrope 259100 25910097G98 97G98 JANE PACKARD WB 5 105 5 6 3 21 45 5 DycrJ Mrs C B Irwin 1015100 101510096225LADY 96225LADY FEDERAL w 3 95 6 2 45 61 63 6s MoonR Summit View Stable 2542100 94206 STAKED PLAINS w 3 105 3 7 777 7 MillerG A C Berry 4920100 4920100Time Time 23 47 113 Track fast fastr r 52 1IUTUELS PAID WHITHARRAL 1182 534 318 491 100 167 100 59 100 100GULFELANO GULFELANO 492 282 146 100 41 100 100JUST JUST HIGH 252 26 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Escoba Lena Mahon by Trompe la Mort trained by F Rando bred by Mr H Brownlee Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 429 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won drivin second and third the same sameWHITHARRAL WHITHARRAL on the outside early went to JUST HIGH in the final eighth and disposing of the latter in the closing sixteenth held GULFELANO safe The latter moved up with a rush in the stretch JUST HIGH fractious at the post showed good speed ANNARITA was blocked trying to get through at the last eighth post JANE PACKARD quit quitScratched Scratched 97218 Grand Champion 115 97693 George Maypole 110 97571 Run On 110 97414 Pre ¬ ferred 115 97571 Mayreen 95 95Corrected Corrected weight Staked Plains 105 QTQAffc SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Ironsides June 21 1930 141 5 106 Purse J i tF rvf 400 4yearolds and upvard Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 June2534FP thjrd 25 fourth 10 Claiming price 500 Indei Horses Eqt A WtlPSt 4 Str Fin JocKeys Owners Bquir Odds Strt 97850WHO WIN WB7110 9 9 5k 3k 21 T5 I4 SmithFA E Robinowitz Robinowitzw5107 459100 976952OUR SANDY w5107 6 4 32 2l 11 2 25 ManifoIdH Formill Stable Stablew 198100 97636 CAPTAIN LOGAN w 4 110 2 6 41 4 4h 3 32 TildenR R B Prout Proutw 6740100 97635 STABILIZER w 6 112 8 7 8 82 61 51 41 CooperRG Lamport Cluley Cluleyw 3317100 97497PENT HOUSE w 4 112 10 5 lk I1 32 4i 51 DyerJ Old Gold Stable StableWB 653100 97496BETTY SHINN WB 5 102 3 2 25 55 5k 63 61 EdwardsD F L Everitt Everittw 2712100 97496 CORDON BLEU w 6 112 1 8 61 62 74 71 71 ScurlockJ R F Schwers 4375100 97635SPHANTOM ROCK WB 5 110 43 71 7 84 85 8 MoonR II C Rumage RumageC 300100 97636 PLUNGING SUN w 7 112 5 1 92 9 10 91 91 MillsJH C Lambert LambertLake 2313100 231310097570RADIATION 97570RADIATION WB 4 99 7 10 10 10 92 10 10 HaberR Lake Charles Stable le 5168100 5168100Time Time 23 47 113 139 144 Track fast fastf f 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS WHO WIN 1118 426 344 459 100 113 100 72 100 100OUR OUR SANDY 338 318 69 100 59 100 100CAPTAIN CAPTAIN LOGAN 946 373 100 100Winner Winner B g by Ladkin Kurna by Out of Reach trained by G F Jenkins bred by Himyar Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 500 WENT TO POST 459 AT POST J minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingWHO WHO WIN moved up fast on the far turn disposqd of OUR SANDY near the final eighth and won handily The latter went around PENT HOUSE at the threeeighths post but gave way to the winner thereafter CAPTAIN LOGAN was unable to menace the leaders STABILIZER closed gamely PENT HOUSE larked speed in the drive BETTY SHINN had no mishaps PHANTOM ROCK began well but soon dropped back backScratched Scratched 976362Shasta Charm 102 97220 Alto 109 97695 Roberta L 102 97695 Jack Murphy 109 974962AHegretto 104 104Overweight Overweight Captain Logan 1 pound poundCorrected Corrected weight Stabilizer 112 OrrQtl SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile Irish Pal Sept 14 1927 138 2 90 Purse 400 3 J J yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 25 June2534FP fourth 510 Claiming price 500 Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys EquiT Odds Strt 97493 BEIGE WB 6 113 11 9 41 lh I1 14 I1 SykesD D Christian 329100 97497 BARBAROSSA WB 4 108 12 10 1s 51 21 2l 21 StullerDR M F Keller 1531100 153110097772SPORTING 97772SPORTING MAUDIE WB 5 103 3 3 6 6 41 3 32 EdwardsD J Oran 463100 46310097697PRINCESS 97697PRINCESS QUEEN w 4 103 8 5 24 2 34 42 41 SmithFA G W Googe 1891100 189110097767MONKEY 97767MONKEY SHINE WB 6 108 6 11 92 81 72 5 52 LoweW E J L J Staehle 2910100 97497 CRASH WB 8 113 41 31 4h 61 64 61 TildenR J OSullivan 530100 97767 SPECKLE WB 4 113 5 8 IP 104 95 74 72 DyerJ F P Letellicr 926aOO 926aOO97417FAIRYMAN 97417FAIRYMAN WB 10 108 2 2 l lk k 34 51 81 85 ManifoIdH W R Miller t t97773BAG 97773BAG 0 ROSES WB 5 103 1 4 5k 72 84 92 94 HaberR Mrs J Dreyer 1289100 1289100974303MARECHAL 974303MARECHAL WB 5 113 71212 II3 II1 102 102 ScurlockJ W Rees 2135100 213510097769MISS 97769MISS SCOTLAND w 3 103 10 7 710l 10l 12 12 12 II2 FryeJW R B Chiperfield 1154100 97773 SCOPE WB 4 1061 9 6 83 9s 101 II1 12 BogskiW F Bunch t tIMutucl IMutucl field Time 23 47 113 140 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BEIGE 858 564 346 329 100 182 100 73 100 100BARBAROSSA BARBAROSSA 1132 682 466 100 241 100 100SPORTING SPORTING MAUDIE 358 79 100 100Winner Winner B g by Tryster Nutbrown Maid by Stalwart trained by D Christian bred by Mr R M Eastman Winner entered to be claimed for 500 500WENT WENT TO POST 528 AT POST J minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBEIGE BEIGE worked his way to the leaders gradually took the lead at the halfmile post and met repeated challenges from BARBAROSSA in the final stages under mild urging The latter disposed of PRINCESS QUEEN reaching the stretch turn and continued gamely but was unable to reach the winner SPORTING MAUDIE moved into contention when taken to the outside for the final drive but was not good enough PRINCESS QUEEN hard hustled from the start had no excuses MONKEY SHINE finished gamely CRASH had nothing when called on in the final quarter FAIRYMAN was through after threequarters Scratched threequartersScratched 97568False Piety 108 97769 Kilgore 103 97701 Expiate 103 97569 Actuarius 10897701 Rosy Dreams 95 97767 Lady Sweet 103 Overweight Scope 3 pounds Corrected weight Crash 113 Scope 103