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DETROIT The Daily Double on the Winners of the First and Second Racei at Detroit Monday Paid 3200 for 2 j DETROIT MICH MONDAY JUNE 25 1934 Fair Grounds 1 mile Thirtyfourth day Detroit Racing Association Summer meeting of 120 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather clear Steward representing Michigan Racing Commission J S Young Presiding Steward J A Murphy As ¬ sociate Steward H P Conkling Judges S S Brown J Carey and C F Henry Starter G Palmer Racing Secretary J A Murphy Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 230 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds C7Q9 i FIRST RACE 58 Mile Try Sympathy May 29 1934 59 2 109 Purse 800 2 June2534Det i r TVT yearolds Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourthf 25 Claiming price 2000 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Mr Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 975GO BILLY BEE w 114 88 5i 41 I1 Tl WoolfG Bomar Stable 420100 97343 CARMANCHITA will 4 2 3431 41 21iMattioliJ Miss H M McGonigla 440100 97484 LA CHERIE i B 111 6 6 71 51 31 3 CowlcyJ J L Barnes 440100 97623 DANCING SPIRIT v 111 21 21 21 51 41 RoseG Elmtree Stable 340100 518010097688MULIA 97623 LONG COUNT v 111 9 9 8J 61 6 51 JacobsJ Greentree sfable 5180100 97688MULIA 28010097688SHADY GRANT v 111 3 3 11 lk 2h A CallahanH A L Ferguson 280100 97688SHADY PAST v 106 7 7 6l 71 T T PotrellaP B J Thurmg 5050100 96809 210001009S231 CONTRARY v 111 5 4 4 8Z 8 81 FischerR Dbciana 21000100 9S231 MISS PAL will 1 5 9 9 9 9 JudyJ Tranquilitj Farm Stable 10460100 10460100Time Time 23 Afik 100 Track fast 33 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100CARFvlANCHITA BILLY BEE 1040 420 400 420 100110 100 100 100 CARFvlANCHITA 100LA 4EO 420 140 100 110 100 LA CHERIE rJOOWinner 500 ISO ISOrJOO rJOO Winner B g by Jean Valjean Under the Rose by Sand Mole trained by R E Potts bred by Mr J 0 Keene Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 VENT TO POST 231 AT POST 3 minutes Start fair and slow Won driving second and third the same BILLY BEE away slowly improved his position fast while saving ground and won under strong pressure CARMANCHITA close up throughout raced on the outside and finished fast LA CHERIE improved her position gradually went to the inside in the stretch and outlasted DANCING SPIRIT The latter forced the pace under urging but tired in the drive LONG COUNT closed a gap in the stretch JULIA GRANT rushed into the early lead set a good pace but tired Scratched 97688 Dark Vive 114 97277 Station Belle 111 QryO SECOND RACE 58 Mile Try Sympathy May 29 1934 59 2 109 Purse 800 2 25June2534Det oVwrl yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 June2534Det 1200 if for 1000 Claiming price allowed 3 Ibs Index Horses EqtAWtrPSt J4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 97692 SCRAMBLED EGGS w 106 2 2 Ii I1 11 1i JacobsJ Greentree Stable 150400 97688HERENDETH wslOl 8 1 2l 22 2 21 PetrellaP B J Thuring Thuringw 730100 97277LMPERIAL BUNTY w 103 9 5 31 3l 3J 3E iMauroF Imperial Farms Stable Stablewl4 2540100 97484RED ROD wl4 56 54 4 41 4l CallahanH D Weil Weilw06 520100 97G23 BRINDLE w06 7 8 81 61 51 5 RoseG Dixiana 980100 97277GREEN LOTUS wu 98 3 3 6i 71 61 61 RobertsP K Daingerfield 4190100 SUNCIRCLE BLAZE w w07 107 6 610 10 7b 8k 71 71 LutherT Mrs H R Boyer Boyerw0911U 12800100 97623 DEDICATION w0911U 91 91 91 83 JudyJ C Smythe 1360100 96353 EARLE MAXWELL WB 106 10 9 U 11 lOl 9 MattioliJ S Furst 1360100460iOQ 460iOQ 97688 BUSY STORM w 106 44 41 51 8l lOl DronetL J Frecdman 96821 WITCH LASS w 106 1 7 l ilO1 11 11 CritchfldC Eskay Stable fMutuel field fieldSCRAMBLED Time 4 48 101 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SCRAMBLED EGGS 500 320 300 150 100 60 100 50 100 HERENDETH 600 480 200 100 140 100 IMPERIAL BUNTY 660 230 100 Winner B f by Upset Goose Esg by Chicle trained by M Lilly bred by Greentree Stable Win ¬ ner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 301 OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start drivingSCRAMBLED fair and slow Won ridden out second and third driving SCRAMBLED EGGS rushed into the lead at once drew away but finished under pressure HEREN ¬ DETH first away gave way to the winner soon after the start but forced the pacethereafter and hung on well IMPERIAL BUNTY a strong factor after the start tired in the late stages RED ROD began in a tangle improved his position when clear and was gaining at the finish BRINDLE closed a gap GREEN LOTUS was pinched back at the start and again on the last turn EARLE MAXWELL was away slowly Scratched slowlyScratched 97563 Miss Angclo 101 101Overweight Overweight Imperial Bunfy 5 pounds Suncircle Blaze 1 Busy Storm 3 3Corrected Corrected weight Dedication 109 QrTQOO THIRD RACE 34 Mile out of chute Trumpery June 16 1934 110 3 101 thirdJune2534Det J 4 purse 800 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third June2534Det 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 2000 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 250 250to to 1500 Index Horses EqtAWtlMSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqulT Odds Strt 97344 FULL TILT WB 114 32 I1 I1 21 1 WoolfG Dixiana 330100 33010097629tHAMMEL 97629tHAMMEL wnlOS 1 5 34 2k 1 2i WintersM J D Weil 480100 94950 SCOTCH PEPPER wr110 6 4 5 443s 3 MattioliJ Bomar Stable 260100 26010097836SFRETFUL 97836SFRETFUL wn 107 53 21 31 42 4J RoseG Elmtree Stable 420100 42010089047MERELY 89047MERELY WB 108 21 41 54 5 5 DabsonH L J Marks 490100 49010097836VOLO 97836VOLO w03 4 6 6 6 Bled RobertsP Keencland Stud Stable 1220100 1220100Time Time 24 48 113 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100HAWIMEL FULL TILT 1 860 460 280 330 100 130 100 40 100 HAWIMEL V 480 260 140 100 30 100 SCOTCH 100SCOTCH 100Winner PEPPER 260 30 100 Winner B g by General Thatcher Clandestine by McGee trained by C Van Dusen bred by Mr C T Fishcr Winner entered to bo claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 328 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameFULL FULL TILT took the lead at once disposed of FRETFUL going to the stretch and came again in the late stages after giving way to HAMMEL The latter saved ground took the lead in the stretch and tired SCOTCH PEPPER improved his position went to the inside in the stretch and was wearing down HAMMEL FRETFUL forced the pace and tired MERELY was outrun VOLO bled in the stretch stretchOverweight Overweight Full Tilt 2 pounds Qr7QO FOURTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Trumpery June 16 1934 110 3 101 6 y i ± purse goo 3yearolds and Net secondJune2534Det upward Claiming value to winner 625 second June2534Det 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 2000 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odd Strt 97485CAPrTALIST WB 4 113 95 441 14 14 HooperC Jl Friedman 1750100 175010097625GENTEEL 97625GENTEEL LADY w3 100 7 3 21 31 21 21 MattioliJ Dixiana 760400 76040097280THE 97280THE POINT w 6 111 8 6 5l 5l 41 3 FischerR H C Rumage 210100 21010037562DON 37562DON VERN WB 5 108 32 64 6 74 4 CochraneR A J Halliwell 970100 97010094365ALL 94365ALL ROWES w 5 101 59 98 6 51 WintersM A Gaignard 3080100 30801009756DBARTERING 9756DBARTERING KATE WB 3 98 1 1 3 41 31 65 JacobsJ S Furst 730100 97691 AL NEIMAN WB 6 111 6 7 T2 7 8s T McCuneD Mrs H Mcllvain 1320100 132010097764CRACKLE 97764CRACKLE w 4 103 4 4 1 21 5 8 CallahanH J L McKnight 430100 430100975S2 975S2 = LADY MENIFEE w 6 560100Time 106 2 8 8 9 3 9 CowleyJ Mrs J McGraw 560100 Time 233 474 112 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAI BOOKING ODDS ¬ CAPITALIST 3700 1840 840 1750 100 820 100 320 100 100GENTEEL GENTEEL LADY 820 460 310 100 130 100 THE 100THE POINT 320 60 100 Winner 100Winner B g by John P Grier Titanite by Sardanapale trained by G Leeds bred by Mr G D Widener Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 358J AT POST j minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameCAPITALIST CAPITALIST began well and rushed into the lead after threeeighths drew away to a good lead but finished under pressure GENTEEL LADY a factor from the start lost ground entering the stretch came fast when straightened and was wearing down the winner at the end THE POINT outrun for threeeighths betlercd his position on the outside and finished with a rush DON VERN weakly ridden closed a gap in the strclch ALL ROWES made up ground CRACKLE took the load early under pressure and quit badly in the drive LADY MENIFEE refused to extend herself under punishment punishmentScratched Scratched 972071Sun Monk 98 97404Cuirassier 98 98Overweight Overweight Genteel Lady 2 pounds Crackle 2 Corrected weight Crackle 106 QPTQQer FIFTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Trumpery June 16 1934 110 3 101 f fvl vl purse 5800 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third June2534Det 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1200 Vi Mr Fin Jockeys Equlr Odds Stct 97132 INCANDESCENT WB 110 2 5 2 24 24 lk CritchfldC B C Tatum TatumWB105 400100 978343COME SEVEN WB105 83 I1 I1 11 2l WintersM A Gaignard Jr Jrw 150100 97213 SEQUOIA w 110 54 61 6k 6 3k HooperC Nix Hunter HunterWBllO 720100 97629DIVERT WBllO 36 74 7s 4k 44 CochraneR A J Halliwell HalliwellWB105 1840100 97529FAIR DUCHESS WB105 11 35 51 51 MauroF Odessa Farms Stable StableWB107 1150100 97629SCYTHE WB107 62 41 3 3 65 PetrellaP B J Thuring Thuringwn 570100 96163LANGDON 96163LANGDONTHISTLE wn 114 47 51 44 710 710 WoolfG Dowling Johnston JohnstonWB 630100 THISTLE LITA WB 110 7 8 8888 DanielsA G Collins 6400100 Time 23 47 113 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKI1 INCANDESCENT 101COME 1000 360 300 400 100 80 100 50 101 COME SEVEN 300 240 50 100 28 101 SEQUOIA 101SEQUOIA 360 80 101 Winher 101Winher B f by Chicle Masda byFair Play trained by B C Tatum bre3 by Mr G V Whitney Whnerent6re l t6 be clairned for 1 200 5 WENT TO POST427 AT POST 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same INCANDESCENT sameINCANDESCENT forced the pace went around COME SEVEN in the stretch and wore down the latter in the late stages COME SEVEN rushed into the lead at once set a good pace but was not good enough SEQUOIA began well but stumbled in the first quarter DIVERT closed a gap in the stretch FAIR DUCH ¬ ESS threeeighthsScratched had early speed SCYTHE quit LANGDON showed speed for threeeighths Scratched 96896 Night Brigade 110 110Overweight Overweight Thistle Lita 3 pounds Langdon 2 2Corrected Corrected weight Sequoia 110 Q7Q2R SIXTH RACE 34 Mie ° t of chute Trumpery June 16 1934 110 3 101 Purse 100JuneZ534Det i oKfnT S80 ° 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 JuneZ534Det third 50 fourtri 25 Claiming price 1500 if for 1200 allowed 3 Ibs Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 97340 23010097626BRIGHT TRAITOR WB 6 115 82 31 I1 1 Il WoolfG T Donley 230100 97626BRIGHT 304010097833JMORSEL DAY w 7 102 2 7 7 6 4i 2J Roberts Mrs W Hirlehey 3040100 97833JMORSEL 230100976893LEE w 7 107 1 4 54 5J 2 31 DronetL L J Marks 230100 976893LEE GOLD WB 4 112 4 5 4k 4k 3i 41 RoseG R W Collins 800100 337010097054CHIEF 96506 WHANGDOODLE WB 4 113 78 8 8 61 5 DayW B F Clark 3370100 97054CHIEF DAUNT WB 4 107 5 1 11 21 51 6 WintersM Mrs A M Creech 1010100 96971 CROSSKIN w 4 110 3 6 6i 72 T 7 McCuneD M W Buck 7020100 85397HIGHER 702010085397HIGHER WB 5 280100Time 110 6 3 2 31 8 Pup MauroF J S Sweeney 280100 Time 23 47 112 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS TRAITOR 660 480 320 230 100 140 100 60 100 100MORSEL BRIGHT 100BRIGHT DAY 2080 660 940 100 230 100 MORSEL 240 20 100 Winner 100Winner B g by Runantell Orageuse by Wrack trained by F Walker bred by Mr A C Randolph Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 456J AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart drivingTRAITOR Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving TRAITOR began well followed the pace under restraint took command when ready and won handily BRIGHT DAY slow to start improved his position and closed with a rush MORSEL saved ground all the way LEE GOLD raced evenly WHANGDOODLE closed a gap in the stretch CHIEF DAUNT quit HIGHER showed early speed and was eased up in the stretch and went lame lameScratched Scratched 97760 Sun Envoy 115 QTQV7 SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile Elf Lock May 21 1934 137 3 89 Purse 800 3 i nr7 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 June2534Det fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses BqtA WtlPSt Str Fin Jockeys 976945LOTTA AIRS WB 4 105 7 7 2i 21 1 1 I1 PetrellaP H Neusteter Neusteter97564CATWALK 700100 97564CATWALK WB 4 110 6 5 31 3l 21 21 2A DronetL Mrs C Holland Holland97565CATINO 490100 97565CATINO WB 4 112 99 84 71 51 5s 3J DayW B F Clark Clark97694lsBOSTONIAN 340100 97694lsBOSTONIAN GAL WB 3 90 3 8 4h 4h 41 45 4l ParvinC R R Greenlee 390100 97662DONATE WB 5 110 5 4 11 I1 31 3 5 FcrndezF Mrs H Torricnte 1420100 97405LACQUER w 4 102 13 61 61 71 6 61 WintersM Nix Hunter 570100 976941SOLID AMERICAN WB 3 102 4 1 71 84 8s 71 7s Jacobs 1010100 97564 SIX BELLS WB 3 105 8 6 5s 51 61 84 8s CritchfldC T E Keating 770100 97405 DIXIT WB 4 106 2 2 9 9 9 9 9 McCuneD Langlois Verheyden 20290100 20290100Time Time 24 49 114 141 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LOTTA AIRS 1600 840 380 700 100 320 100 90 100 CATWALK 100CATWALK 100CATINO 780 400 290 100 100 100 CATINO 100Winner 320 60 100 Winner B f by Bostonian Wildwood by Master Robert trained by H Neustcter bred by Mr W N King Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 524 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameLOTTA LOTTA AIRS a strong factor from the start and on the outside reached the lead after fiveeighths and held CATWALK safe The latter saved for half a mile and lucky challenged gamely near the last quarter and held on stubbornly CATINO improved his position gradually but lost ground entering the ftretch and was weakly ridden thereafter BOSTONIAN GAL raced evenly DONATE rushed into the early lead set a good pace and held on well LACQUER had no mishaps SIX BELLS was outrun outrunOverweight Overweight Dixit 1 pound OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT DETROIT Monday 3 Races 8720 5 Races 19260 7 Races 28020