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ROCKINGHAM PARK SALEM N H MONDAY JUNE 25 1934 Rockingham Park 1 mile Second day New Hampshira Breeders Association Summer mealing of 31 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather clear Presiding Steward M Nathanson Associate Steward T Thorp Steward representing New Hampshire Racing Commission C B Stickney Judges H D Monroe T Brown and J Ackerman Starter J F Milton Racing Secretary H D Monroe Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicatcs apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds QJ7C9 Q FIRST RACE 53 Mile Silver Cord Sept 23 1S33 58 6 103 Purse 800 2 O A J iC3 yearolds Claiming Met value to winner S600 second 125 third 50 fourth 25 June2534Rkm Claiming price 25GO if for less 4 Ibs allowed for each 250 to 2000 Index Horses 34 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 94735 TEETER TOTTER w 103 47 T 61 35 1 HaincsG Mrs W R Fleming 175100 17510097127JLADY 97127JLADY LAURA w 108 8 1 1 15 llk 23 MartinR Grcenbricr Stud Stable 1355100 135510097055TRULY 97055TRULY YOURS w 105 16 35 24 24 3 BakerFJ J W Y Martin 280 100 10094360RUSTIC 94360RUSTIC JOE w07 38 6 3l 4 4 PetersM A Papa 370100 37010097339DOZANA 97339DOZANA w 103 2 3 2nk 4 54 51 MaschekF Silver Stock Farm Stabla 1370100 94879 PAPER MOON w 111 52 4l 55 f 64 RobtsonA Mrs J H Whitney 1045100 94111 HOT GRIDDLE w 105 7 4 5nk 8 7 71 CnizII H P Metcalf 3125100 312510097258KHELABOO 97258KHELABOO wlOl 6 5 81 75 812 8 ChanoVeL Mrs R J Herman 10220100 93149 ALWINTOUR w 1055 9 9 999 9 SaundersW Mrs E Trueman 7035100 7035100Time Time 23 47 101 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS TEETER TOTTER 550 360 S 270 175 100 80 100 35 100 100LADY LADY LAURA 960 430 380 100 115 100 100TRULY TRULY YOURS 320 60 100 Winner Ch g by Polymelian Lady Winsome by Meddler or Fitz Herbert trained by W R Fleming bred by Mr C A Asbury Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 232 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third easily easilyTEETER TEETER TOTTER in close quarters at once and forced to work his way up on the outside closed fast through the stretch and wearing down the loaders won in the last thirty yards LADY LAURA unseated her rider twice at the post then showed good speed but was not good enough for the winner TRULY YOURS saved ground throughout but tired in the final eighth RUSTIC JOE moved up gamely after leaving the back stretch but was unable to make up ground in the drive PAPER MOON tired HOT GRIDDLE tired KHELABOO was not a factor Overweight Lady Laura 5 pounds Hot Griddle 5 Khelaboo 3 Alwintour 2 QTQ Q SECOND RACE 58 Mile Silver Cord Sept 23 1933 53 6 103 Purse 800 2 t7 25June2534Rkm 4 yAJ yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 third SSOTfourth 25 June2534Rkm Claiming price 2500 if for less 4 Ibs allowed for each 250 to 2000 Index Ilorsea EqtA WtlPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqnlT Odds Strt w 108 4 4 31 34 21 la PetersM Mcrryland Farms Stable 1115100 97343JOLD NICK w 110 51 51 4 4 24 ElslonH Mrs F West 485100 95371 LITTLE DINAH VVB 1095 2 2 22 2 11 3J BurkeJH S W Labrot 795100 91826 GRANDPAS BOY w 1055 6 5 4 54 55 44 SaundersW Misses D S Knight 5645100 97388LITTLE CYNIC wllO 86 T 6 6s 5 AHcnCE J W Walter Jr 305100 96259 CHARMED EYES w 106 1 3 ltk llk 35 64 HughesH B B Stable 125100 93171 TIPPO TIP WB 105 7 8 8777 HaincsG Mrs L A Livingston 3840100 93205 HAPPY EASTER WB 103 3 7 6 6k k Lost rider ReidC Mrs K Smart 6240100 6240100Time Time 23 47 101 Track fast 52 MuTtJELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS STAR 245rlOOOLD CHASE 2430 1240 690 1115 100 520 100 245rlOO OLD NICK 610 390 205 100 95 100 100LITTLE LITTLE DINAH 460 130 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by Purchase Sparkle Star by Star Spangled trained by H E Brown bred by Mr B S Cutler Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 WENT TO POST 307 AT POST 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same STAR CHASE close to the early pace and taken to the outside entering the stretch took the lead with a rush and drawing clear had to be hard ridden to hold OLD NICK The latter slow to get going finished gamely LITTLE DINAH tired in the stretch after showing good speed GRANDPAS BOY finished gamely LITTLE CYNIC did not menace the leaders TIPPO TIP raced greenly HAPPY EASTER stumbled leaving the back stretch and unseated her rider riderOverweight Overweight Little Dinah lj pounds Grandpas Boy 2 Tippo Tip 2 QrpOQO THIRD RACE 34 Mile Gold Step Sept 26 1933 110 6 112 Purse 800 3 50June2o34Rkm S yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 third 50 June2o34Rkm fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 Index Ilorsea EqtA WtlPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqulT Odds Strt 97271SANTERNO97326VICTORIUM 97271SANTERNO WB 5 113 11 2 61 4 ° lk T PetersM Mrs J P Keezek 695100 97326VICTORIUM9727914TWIDGETS 97326VICTORIUM WB 4 113 8 9 11 64 4 24 HughesH Camp Bell Stable 145100 9727914TWIDGETS 9727914TWIDGETS94215JGET WB WB3 3 95 1 5 22 24 3 3k 3i HelmM Mrs F M Watts 1315100 94215JGET READY READY976105iFLAG w4113 3 4 1 lak 35 4nkAllenCE Mrs A R Smith 2670100 976105iFLAG TIME TIME96074SOLACE WB 7 108 9 8 10 8 54 5s KingT W A Mikel 345100 34510096074SOLACE 96074SOLACE 96074SOLACE97117ROSEVOLT WB 9 108 10 1 71 T 6l 64 CollinsF Morryland Farms Stable 9380100 938010097117ROSEVOLT 97117ROSEVOLT 97117ROSEVOLTALLOTMENT w 61071 411 9 91 8t 71 FelsB Mrs G P Corell 10595100 10595100ALLOTMENT ALLOTMENT WB 3 100 5 10 51 5J 91 84 HamiltonJ C W Phelan 14025100 97438 HAIR TRIGGER WB 3 105 6 7 8J 10 101 93 HainesG S W Menaguale 2515100 251510090842DARK 90842DARK LAW WB 4 113 2 6 35 3k 74 104 SchaeferL G L Arvirr 470100 47010090691DASH 90691DASH IN w 3 100 7 3 4 11 11 11 MaschekF Mrs C II Morris 7030100 7030100Time Time 24 48jg113 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD SANTERNO ODDSANTERNO 1590 590 390 695 100 195 100 95 100 100VICTORIUM 100TWIDGETS VICTORIUM 320 300 60 100 50 100 TWIDGETS 5SO 180 100 Winner 100Winner B g by Sand Mole Princess Pan by Pagan Pan trained by J P Keezek bred by Keeneland Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 3381 AT POST 2J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameSANTERNO SANTERNO quick to start lacked speed in the early stages but moved up gamely leaving the back stretch and wearing down GET READY held VICTORIUM safe at the finish The latter slow to start and forced to work his way up went to the outside in the last quarter and finished with a rush TWIDGETS forced the early pace and held on gamely GET READY hustled to the front tired under hard urging FLAG TIME closed a big gap in the final quarter SOLACE finished well DARK LAW tired DASH IN showed early speed speedScratched Scratched 97219 Hawk Moth 95 97841 Front 105 94300 Lauretta Nash 95 Noble Spirit 105 Overweight 105Overweight Rosevolt 41 pounds ruuKiti HALL o iz runongs itsonanza sept a 1333 10155 2 116 Pursa i oci nt 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 750 second 150 June2534Rkm third 75 fourth 25 Claiming price 3000 if for less 4 Ibs allowed for each 250 to 2500 ludex Horses EqtA WrPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlr Odds Strt 96372CANTERSINE w 3 95 3 2 294363JSTAR 21 lk 14 1 HainesG C J Meister Meister3l 1640100 94363JSTAR PORTER WB 4 115 5 3 397391MOANE 3l 3 35 25 BurkeJH R Parr 190100 97391MOANE KEALA w6105 4 4 45 42 42 3k HughesH Mr Mrs J L Wilson 86510Q 941 03f 03THE HE PELICAN WB 4 111 8 81 1 197406ZORANA 1 21 25 41 WallsP Mrs W A Abott 240100 97406ZORANA 24010097406ZORANA WB 4 109 6 7 7974063SPEEDY 64 65 55 5s KingT Mrs T Hunt Hunt5l 1110100 974063SPEEDY 111010097406SPEEDY SKIPPY WB 3 107 7 6 694982COMING 5l 5l 6l 6 PetersM A A Baroni 1470100 94982COMING 147010094982COMING BACK w3 93 2 8 893817CRAZY 8 8 75 7 HelmM J Grew GrewT2 2680100 93817CRAZY 268010093817CRAZY JANE WB 4 112 1 5 T2 7lk 8 8 BethelJ P Ratti 700100 Time 700100Time 23 46 106 track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100STAR CANTERSINE 3480 1300 680 1640 100 550 100 240 100 STAR PORTER 100MOAN 400 350 100 100 75 100 MOAN E KEALA 580 190100 Winner Ch f by Canter Thorriasine by Superman trained by C J Meister bred by Mr C Meister Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 i f fWENT minutesStart WENT TO POST 41 H AT POST 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same CANTERSINE sameCANTERSINE disposed of THE PELICAN and hard ridden through the stretch outlasted STAR PORTER The latter saved ground in the stretch and just failed to overtake the winner MOANE KEALA closed ° amely in the final eighth THE PELICAN tired after trying to keep pace with the winner ZORANA was unable to menace the leaders SPEEDY SKIPPY could not get up CRAZY JANE was outrun Scratched outrunScratched 97406 Liqueur 102 97120 Bedight 114 94464 White Bird 108 Overweight 108Overweight Coming Back 3 pounds Crazy Jane 2 ririn n ic i wue iuarK nope July i 1333 1375 4 108 Concord Purse June2534Rkm LT Inn 3 5 g1 Allowanc Net value to winner850 EqtA WtPPSt 11 Jj Str Fin Jockeys EqulT Oddi Strt 963332NIGHT SPRITE SPRITE97843JUNIVERSE WB 3 108 6 1 2 2l 32 34 15 HughesH B BWB B Stable 120100 120100T 97843JUNIVERSE WB 5 110 5 2 I1 14 I1 lk 2 = 5 ElstonH T Tw3 M Cassidy 400100 400100S 90217 GREYGLADE w3 98 4 3 31 3l 25 25 3l PetersM S SWB W Labrot 945100 945100C 97036 COLLATERAL COLLATERAL96333POSTSCRIPT WB 3 101 767 64 45 44 4s HelmM C Cwn V Whitney 460100 460100Jersey 96333POSTSCRIPT 96333POSTSCRIPT94364JHONEYSWEET wn 3 96 3 4 5 4k 5 5l 5s HanfordC J JWB3101 Jersey Stable 1485100 1485100H 94364JHONEYSWEET 94364JHONEYSWEET96969COFLIER WB3101 1 5 4lk546 6 6 HainesG H HWB3108 H P Metcalf 1250100 96969COFLIER WB3108 GTime 2 7 6 7 7 7 7 MartinR G Greenbricr Stud Stable 1855 100 Time 24 47 113 138 Track fast 2 MUTUEL8 PAID WinnerCh c by NocturnalDark Phantom by Light Brigade trained by H Jacobs bred by Brook WENT TO POST 442 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same NIGHT sameNIGHT SPRITE forwardly placed from the start was kept in near attendance of the on the outside when making his effort in the stretch and was along in the last few strides UNIVERSE pace moved un good speed from the start opened up a good lead leaving the back stretch while still under reserve Knf had despite hard urging was unable to Stall off the winner GREYGLADE saving ground all the back leaving the back stretch assumed the early lead way and taken the entering stretch but was caught in close quartVrs Continued on twentyfirst page ROCKINGHAM PARK PARKContiniind Continiind from ttlirt eeiith page inside the last seventy yards and her rider was unable to do her justice in the final stages COLLATERAL dropped back soon after the start and trailed the field until passing the fiveeighths post then began moving up thereafter but was unable to reach the leaders despite being placed under punishment HONEYSWEET well placed in the opening quarter mile dropped back thereafter POSTSCRIPT on the outside made her effort nearing the halfmile post then moved up briefly but tird tirdOverweight Overweight Greyglade 2 pounds Coflier 4 4Corrected Corrected weight Honeyswect 101 QTCfcQQ SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Gold Step Sept 26 1933 110 6 112 Purse SCOO 3 7 4 JjOO yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 third 50 June2534Rkm fourth 25 Claiming price 2250 if for 2000 allowed 4 Ibs nt A Wt 11St 4 Vj Sir Kin JocktiB Owners LViniT Odd Strt 97389ERECH WB 3 105 2 10 10 8lk 41 I1 HughesH Mr Mrs J L Wilson 3665100 366510096954LMY 96954LMY PURCHASE WB 5 110 4 7 72 5i U 21 RobtsonA Mrs M Colford 775100 77510097342PLAYING 97342PLAYING ON ws 4 104 92 2ok 4nk 22 3 KingT Miss M West 725100 971 323PLAYFUL MARTHA w 3 96 3 9 92 9s 81 41 MaschckF Silver Stock Farm Stable 1950100 w 3 100 7 3 5 2Ik 5i 5 HelmM S W Labfot 942302CORRYMEELA w 4 100 10 4 41 31 6 61 PctcrsM R Parr 1920100 192010097444ALL 97444ALL FORLORN WB 4 109 81 P li 3 7J WattersE Mrs L C White 905 100 10096954iWILROB 96954iWILROB WB 3 97 5 5 62J 6 91 83 HanfordC Jersey Stable 2865100 286510094981FANCY 94981FANCY FLIGHT WB 4 108 6 6 3 7s 71 94 WeirF B B Stable 205100 89786 = FOREWARNED w 5 114 1 8 8 10 10 10 NapoliH Mrs W R Fleming 5120100 Time 23 47 113 Track fast Z MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ERECH 7530 3700 1290 3665 100 1750 100 545 100 100MY MY PURCHASE 840 590 320 100 195 100 100PLAYING PLAYING ON 650 225 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Enoch Violet Blue by Rock View trained by E McCuan bred by Mr M L Allen Winner entered to be claimed for 2250 2250WENT WENT TO POST 512 AT POST 7 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameERECH ERECH slow to start moved up gamely in the final threeeighths and finishing with a rush won in the final stride MY PURCHASE caught in a jam soon after the start was forced to work his way up on the outside and just failed to last after being rushed to the front PLAYING ON forced the early pace PLAYFUL MARTHA slow to get going finished well TOYTIME moved up menacingly midway of the turr and tired CORRYMEELA showed early speed QrTQQl SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Mad Frump Sept 30 1933 144 4 100 Purse 125June2534Rkm 7 4 tOTb 300 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 June2534Rkm third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 i m i i i tt Str Fin Iocleys Owners I Kluiv Odds Stri 96707FLYING GYPSY w 3 99 2 2 24 23 21 I2 I4 PetersM W H Gallagher GallagherWB 2101W 2101We 90086MUSTA PEAK WB 5 108 8 5 I2 I2 11 21 2l WeirF Justa Farm Stable StableWB e 3980101 97551THATCH WB 4 108 5 4 33 31 3nk 31 3l FclsB C C Miller MillerWB 3160101 97283ONEILL WB 4 108 1 3 63 51 5J 43 4 SnyderW Mrs F M Watts Wattsw 1685101 97394PARTIES w 5 107 96 5k 71 821 61 51 HughesH Mrs E McCuan B8010I 97475VVIRT G BOWMAN WB 9 108 3 8 7 6 71 51 61 KingT J D Mikel 555101 97841DISTRIBUTE WB 3 1051 4 1 41 44 41 71 T2 SaundersW Mrs D Melanson 395KX 97260 ROYAL DURBAR WB 4 113 6 7 81 9 61 83 84 BattistaJ F J Kearns 54010C 97382 SARSITA WB 4 117 7 9 9 81 9 9 9 AllenCE Mrs A R Sm Smith 138010C 138010CTime Time 24 48 113 140 147 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS FLYING GYPSY 620 520 410 210 100 160 100 105 100 100JUSTA JUSTA PEAK 4080 2130 1940 100 965 100 100THATCH THATCH 1310 555100 555100Winner Winner Br c by Flying Ebony Gypsy Gold by Polymelian trained by J L Donovan bred by Messrs A E Hundley Son Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 545J AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingFLYING FLYING GYPSY closest to the pace was roused midway of the turn took command near the stretch and drew out steadily JUSTA PEAK drew into a good lead and held on well THATCH was close up from the start and held on gamely ONEILL closed gamely DISTRIBUTE tired SARSITA raced wide wideScratched Scratched 94063 Wishing Star 108 95005 Spanflow 108 108Overweight Overweight Distribute l pounds OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT ROCKINGHAM PARK Monday 3 Races 12460 5 Races 21350 7 Races 45020