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CONNAUGHT PARK ENTRIES ENTRIESWeather Weather clear track fast fastRacing Racing starts at 245 p m Chicago daylight time 145 p m use Post Position number shown Im j the horses appearing in the entries First Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 400 3 YearOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record RecordEdisto Edisto June 6 1925 105 3 108 Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Prict 978581 8 Time Enough BB 111 109 6 113 600 97704 4 Tricycle Trp 111 107 5 118X 600 97857 5 Eleusagon BB 109 109 7113 600 97858 3 Vennie H Aur 108 107 4 113X 600 96088 1 Blue John 7 118X 600 97858 7 Imagale CP 111 110 4 108X 600 97774 2 Jean Phtston CP 111 108 5113 600 97774 6 Robot CP 113 111 6 113X 600 97775 9 Talky BB 110 110 7113 600 97859 10Vicki MJP 100 109 3 95X 600 97859 llHey Kelly BB 110 110 3100 600 97862 12 Flying Ambas ¬ sador 7 118X 600 13 Edyth M M 3 100 600 600Second Second Race 1 116 Miles Purse 400 3 YearOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record Signela Aug 18 1927 145 3 95 97794 2 Traumagne NF 111 146 6 109 600 977083 4 Daudet HdG 105 146 4 113 1000 977791 5 Judge Direnzo FP 102 145 7 115X 800 97860 6 Black Jacket 5 113X 1000 97946 3 Don CarlosHdG 111 150 4 117X 1000 97857 lCovcntry Queen HdG 113 149 4 105X 800 800Third Third Race 5 12 Furlongs Purse 400 3YearOIds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record Edisto June 6 1925 105 3 108 5 Dark Altos 5 108X 600 12Squeaky CP 118 108 7 113X 600 13 Golden Storm Aur 107 l08s 4 Shandygaff BB 115 108 1 Dunrode CP 116 110 7 Hot Spring 2 Tint Fan M 3 Reflecting 6 San GaffDev 114 107 8 Hasola Aur 108 107 9 Cornelia Clara MR 109 109 4108 600 10 Second Story BB 112 108 3 110 600 11 Morelles M BB 109 110 3105 600 14 Flcckel MOP 112 109 3 105 600 Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 400 3YcarOlds and Upward Foaled in inCanada Canada Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record Edisto June 6 1925 105 3 108 7 Star Crest 2Assyrian Prince Dor 107 107 6 111X 500 9 Fatal Gift CP 109 108 6 111X 500 10 Running Shower ShowerM M BB 107 110 3106 500 11 Royal Beacon CP 110 108 5 111X 500 1 Soliloquy MR 110 107 5111 500 3 Fitzent M 4 112 500 4 D5o CastCP 104 108 4 106 500 5 Olivia D M LB 113 109 6 Moon Scamp ScampM M 3 106 500 8 HoIIandaise CP 108 108 4 111X 500 12 Soultan Girl GirlM M 3 101 500 97639 13 Foresight M BB 107 110 3106 500 14OnTime M 3101 500 500Punshon Punshon and Fisher entry Star Crest On Time Rivcrdale Stable entry Die Cast Foresight ForesightFifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Out of Chute ChuteWright Wright Country Purse Purse 400 3 YearOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record Nichelson July 31 1928 112 4 114 97775 1 FOXY QUIL QUILLERAur LERAur 112 112 4 119 1250 97775s 3 Sand Runner Hou 108 112 4 115X 1250 97857 2 Single StarHav 111 112 10 114 1250 97791 4 En AvantVVdb 111 113 5 106X 750 97861 5StePonit Dor 113 113 5 108X 1000 97775 6 Crenalan CP 113 118 11115X1250 11115X1250Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 400 3YearOIds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record Sunvir June 12 1930 143 4 115 97779 7 Squeeze Play MR 104 l45s 6 113X 700 97642 4 Canmas CP 109 l53h 3104 700 97640 3Golden Princess 4 101 700 97862 5MSss Donovan Jam 102 147 3 99X 700 97857 6 Harlem 6 108X 700 97776 2 Bainbridge M 6 113 700 97946 1 Charlies Girl 5108 700 Seventh Race 1 13 Miles MilesPurse Purse 400 3YearOIds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record Baby Sister June 19 1917 153 6 106 97862 6 Chiefs Trouba Troubador dor HdG 108 153 5 107X 600 97638 10 Playabit CP 112 154 7 114X 600 97643 3 Cabainia OP 116 154 4 114X 600 97862 2 Captive BB 108 154 6 114X 600 97778 4 Partisan Hia 114 152 7 109X 600 97502 5Dark Ayr HdG 112 154 7 109X 600 97779 1 Dug In Was 107 154 4 114X 600 97779 7 Masked Jester 3 100X 600 97946 8 Errant Lady 3 102X 600 97778 9 Tee Off MCP 115 159 4107 600 97780s 11 Golden Play BB 109 158 6 107X 600