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RACING FORM ARLINGTON PARK The Daily Double on the Winners of the Second and Third Races at Arlington Park Monday Paid 2112 for 2 J ARLINGTON HEIGHTS ILL MONDAY JUNE 25 1934 Arlington Park 118 miles First day Arling ¬ ton Park Jockey Club Summer meeting of 30 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather rainy Steward representing Illinois Racing Commission C J FitzGcrald Steward of Meeting G Brown Jr Honorary Stewards C T Grayson A B Hancock and Major L A Beard Judges C J McLennan F P Dunne and C J FitzGerald Jr Starter R Dickerson Racing Secretary J B Campbell Racing starts at 220 p m Chicago daylight saving time W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds QTQOft FIRST RACE 58 Mile Misty Aug 1 1931 58f 2 109 Purse 800 2yearolds 4M Maidens Fillies Special weights Net value to winner 625 second 100 third thirdJune2534AP June2534AP 50 fourtn7 25 Index Horses EqtA WtllSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys EiulT Odds Strt 97464 WATERSPLASH w 115 51 5J 41 2J I1 MeadcD E D Shaffer 215100 97339 ROYAL DUCHESS WB 115 7 5 14 14 1 25 SteffenE Mrs J Hertz 524100 524100LIGHT LIGHT BROCADE w 115 23 31 3 3 3 GarnerM Brookmeade Stable 1352100 1352100LISA LISA BELLE w 115 3 3 44 51 44 41 BalaskiL Calumet Farm Stable 323 100 100BABY BABY SIS w 115 1 7 111 51 WestropeJ H P Headley 2400100 2400100LO LO wu 115 24 2l Zk 5s 61 ArcaroE Mrs R Carruthers 445100 94562 SARAHMOND w 115 42 6 6l 61 7 HankaW D B Midkiff 1472100 1472100Time Time 24 49 101 Track sloppy 52 MtrrUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ODDSWATERSPLASH WATERSPLASH 630 322 252 215 100 61 100 26 100 100ROYAL ROYAL DUCHESS 600 344 200 100 72 100 100LIGHT LIGHT BROCADE 556 178 100 100Winner Winner B f by Pot au Feu Watersmeet by McGee trained by A B Gordon bred by Coldstream Stud StudWENT WENT TO POST 220 J AT POST minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingWATERSPLASH WATERSPLASH starting fast but pinched back soon after the start worked her way up between horses and wearing down ROYAL DUCHESS drew out and von handily ROYAL DUCHESS took command under restraint but tired when called upon LIGHT BROCADE forced to lost ground throughout was easily best of the others LISA BELLE and LO tired SARAHMOND was in trouble soon after the start Scratched Risky Gal 115 QrrO frr SECOND RACE 58 Mile Misty Aug 1 1931 SK 2 109 Purse 800 2year 100June2534AP nr olds Maidens Fillies Special weights Net value to winner 625 second 100 June2534AP third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqulT Odds Strt 97319JTOPHORN w 115 6 2 14 14 I4 Pi MeadeD E D Shaffer 131100 131100w 97390 GALLERNE w 115 4 5 24 24 2 21 FisherHW Milky Way Farm Stabla 410100 97187 CONTRAST w 115 23 31 31 3 3 GarnerM Brookmeade Stable Stablew 260 100 100H CONTRASTRAPERE RAPERE w 115 11 6 41 4s 44 SteffenE H P Headley Headleyw 2140100 2140100Running 97470 TEXAS MAID w 115 3 4 7 61 5 5 BaaurH Runnine Running W Ranch Stable 1632100 MARY CULLERTON w 115 57 41 51 64 6s KacalaJ Aarons Weil 2969100 98788 IWINTOO w 115 76 5l 7 7 7 WestropeJ K E Hitt 2820100 Time 24 48 101 Track sloppy 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL tnt BOOKING ODDS TOPHORN 462 256 218 131 100 28 100 9 100 100GALLERNE GALLERNE 400 284 100 100 42 100 100CONTRAST CONTRAST 262 31 100 100Winner Winner B f by Bull Dog Leghorn by Celt trained by A B Gordon bred by Coldstream Stud StudWENT WENT TO POST 250J AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingTOPHORN TOPHORN starting fast and liking the going showed themost early speed but was shaken up in the stretch and won under restraint GALLERNE close up for threeeighths held on well CONTRAST raced evenly throughout but was much the best of the others MARY CULLERTON showed early speed speedScratched Scratched 97042 Blessed Again 115 HIRD RACE 34 Mile Gift of Roses June 27 1933 110 4 109 Purse 800 3 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 June2a34AP A i iouiih 25 Claiming price 1500 Index Horses EqtA WtlPSt Str Fin Jockeys E utv Odds Strt 97745STRAIT JACKET WB4116 4 1 1w3106 96439BENKVOLENCE w3106 6 3 3w3100 97471BAY SERVANT w3100 2 6 6w4111 96795H1GH BOTTOM w4111 3 2 2wBlll 97545FLAG BEARER wBlll 1 4 97609 MARKS GIRL w 3 102 7 5 5w3 94740DAWNCHILD w3 97 5 7 Time 24 114 Track sloppy Continued on steenth page ARLINGTON PARK Continued from third page 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS STRAIT 100BENEVOLENCE JACKET 658 354 300 229 100 77 100 50 100 BENEVOLENCE 100BAY 712 644 256 100 222 100 BAY SERVANT 418 109100 109100Winner Winner B g by Wrack Jane StraSth by Dalhousie trained by P Reuter bred by Mr A B Han ¬ cock Winner entered to be claimed for jl500 jl500WENT WENT TO POST 314J AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start drivingSTRAIT good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving STRAIT JACKET close to the early pace was under pressure through the stretch BENEVOLENCE gained steadily on the outside and finished resolutely BAY SERVANT was always close up and held on stubbornly HIGH BOTTOM troublesome in the early stages dropped back on the turn and finished well on the outside FLAG BEARER began slowly but moved up fast then tired tiredScratched Scratched 97192 Hot Shot 106 97471 Aga Ray 105 105Overweight Overweight Benevolence 1 pound Marks Girl 2 Dawnchlld 2 OTQThO FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Gift of Roses June 27 1333 110 4 109 Purse 800 thirdJune2534AP o 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third June2534AP 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 2000 Index linrsei Eqt A WttTSt Va Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT Odds Strt 9G942SOME KNIGHT B 5 118 2 6 45 35 3s 11 TiptonA G W Ogle Ogle930732BROAD 357100 930732BROAD MEADOWS B 7 118 6 2 2 lk lk 21 MalzanJ Jones George 772100 772100ile 97267CLOUD DOR B 3 105 5 1 1 lk 23 25 3 3J LambC Audley Fa Farm Stable ile 265100 97676 BLUE DAY WB B 6 118 3 5 6 6 51 4 PollardJ A G Tarn Tarn978223TAR 259100 259100978223TAR 978223TAR WATER w v 4 113 14 52 41 41 52 HankaW W Hodcci Hodges 732100 73210097547DEETS 97547DEETS CAMPFIRE w 3 102 4 3 31 51 6 6 StrongJ Chappcl Bros 1458100 1458100Time Time 23 47 11 4J Track sloppy 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SOME KHIGHT 914 450 343 357 100 125 100 74 100 100BROAD BROAD MEADOWS 756 430 278 100 115 1GO 1GOCLOUD CLOUD DOR 334 67 100 100Winner Winner B g by Bright Knight 0 Girl by Ormondale trained by G W Ogle bred by Messrs J S T B Young Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 340 AT POST minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameSOME SOME KNIGHT worked his way up on the outside and wearing down the leaders took command a six ¬ teenth out and won under urging BROAD MEADOWS racing head and head with CLOUD DOR and on the outside while making the pace shook off the latter in the final sixteenth but could not hold the winner CLOUD DOR saved ground and was hard ridden throughout BLUE DAY had late speed speedScratched Scratched 94986 Captain Red 113 113Overweight Overweight Dcets Campfirc 2 pounds H RACE 34 Mile Gift of Roses June 27 1933 110 4 109 Fifth Running ARLINGTON INAUGURAL HANDICAP 2500 added 3yearolds and upward Net June2534AP value to winner 3375 second 500 third 250 fourth 125 Eqt A WtlPSt Str Kin Jockeys Owuers EquiT Odds Strt 97407 INDIAN RUNNER WB 5 118 9 3 71 21 21 11 TiptonA D A Wood 1386100 97613 DARTLE WB 3 104 14 6 51 3l 31 24 Bagurll Everglade Stable 940100 97329 SOME POMP WB 3 106 13 9 997036ANARCHY 2i 15 lk 31 ArcaroE Calumet Farm Stable 996100 97036ANARCHY w 3 105 15 13 II1 15 41 41 KcestcrP Brookmeade Stable StableWB 996100t t 97393 SUN CAPTOR WB 4 1051 5 57 7 61 51 54 52 BalaskiL J Lowenstcin LowenstcinWB 1759100 93973 BLACK QUEEN WB 4 105 12 2 41 61 61 6k KnappL W R Coe CoeWB 1759100t t 97408 PATCHPOCKET WB 3 108 3 8 10s 101 II1 74 HarbortO G W Ogle 97613 MISS PATIENCE WB 3 105 6 61 1 197329CROON 11 71 71 81 KacalaJ Audley Farm Stable ft584100 97329CROON w 3 100 11 4 497119BRIGHT 141 81 8l 91 KingJ W C Stroube 673100 97119 97119BRIGHT = BRIGHT SHADOW WB 4 103 212 21297613EVERGOLD 91 9l 9 102 LambC Audley Farm Stable tt tt97613EVERGOLD 97613EVERGOLD WB 5 109 4 10 15 13 131 11s MeadeD Shandon Farm Stable 1304100 97210 CONTESSA WB 3 100 10 15 15974G8 12l 121 14l 122 HebcrtS Mrs J Hertz 3619100 3619100974G8 974G8 BIEN FAIT WB 3 106 1 5 596968ADVISING 31 41 4110l 10l 131 WostropeJ Corsicana Stable 96968ADVISING ANNA w 4 110 8 11 8l II1 121 14J CorbettC Mrs J Howard 232100 23210097G13 97G13 WISE DAUGHTER w 3 104 714 ISWIS 15 PichonL Milky Way Farms Stable 2751100 2751100tMutuel tMutuel field Coupled as D A Wood and G W Ogle entry ttAudley Farm Stable entry W C Stroube and Corsicana Stable entry Time 232 47 1M3J4 Track sloppy 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS D ODDSD A WOOD AND G W OGLE OGLEENTRY ENTRY 972 438 388 386 100 119 100 94 100 100DARTLE DARTLE Field 1012 690 406 100 245 100 100SOME SOME POMP 768 284 100 100Winner Winner Br e byDis Done Indian Maiden by Whisk Broom II trained by G W Ogle bred by Mr H Fallon FallonWENT WENT TO POST 408 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and sluw Won driving second and third the same sameINDIAN INDIAN RUNNER always close up but forced to race on the extreme outside went to the leaders when called upon on the stretch turn and taking command bore over toward the rail but did not bother DARTLE The latter raced forward from the start lost ground on the turn but went to the inside in the stretch and held on stubbornly SOME POMP began fast went along steadily under urging raced MISS PATIENCE into defeat but tired in the last eighth ANARCHY closed well after starting slowly SUN CAPTOR and BLACK QUEEN tinishcd well wellScratched Scratched 97613Chance Line 104 96975 Pairbypair 113 97613 Princess Camelia 105 89885 Hada gal 108 975493Sir Ten 100 974672Barn Swallow 114 97392 Clarify 112 973293Isaiah 113 975502Gift of Roses 102 97393 Dogmata 105 QTQH 1 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Equipoise June 30 1932 134 4 128 Greater Chicago 700June25o4AP r Purse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 700 June25o4AP second 150 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Bqt A Wt 1PSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Gquir Oddi Strt 969533GOOD GOODS w 3 102i 544 21 11 11 I2i MeadeD Brookmeade Stable 161100 16110097393DOGMATA 97393DOGMATA WB 3 106 4 2 31 31 21 24 25 HarbortO H C McConnell 495100 97329 LATE DATE w 5 1051 3 3 1 11 35 3 315 KacalaJ Audley Farm Stable 199100 97392 CLARIFY w 4 115 2 1 21 410 46 4 45 PollardJ W C Stroube 664100 96179 POMPOSITY WB 4 120 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 GroosP W R Coe 1749100 1749100Time Time 24 47 113 139 Track sloppy 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS GOOD GOODS 522 354 226 161 100 77 100 13 100 100DOGMATA DOGMATA 100LATE 480 258 140 100 29 100 LATE DATE 244 22 100 100Winner StableWENT Winner B c by Neddie Brocatelle by Radium trained by R A Smith bred by Brookmeade Stable WENT TO POST 436i AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start drivingGOOD good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving GOOD GOODS slow to get going and restrained for threeeighths moved up fast on the outside and taking command drew away easily and won in hand DOGMATA followed the pace closely saved ground and held on well LATE DATE much used racing CLARIFY into defeat tired in the stretch CLARIFY had speed for fiveeighths POMPOSITY was outrun all the way Scratched wayScratched 96976 Watch Him 115 115Overweight Overweight Good Goods 2 pounds Late Date 2g OfTCf 2 SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile Equipoise June 30 1932 134 4 128 Purse 800 3 thirdJune2534AP olRAn yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third June2534AP 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 4000 if for 3500 allowed 3 Ibs 3000 6 Ibs Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 97678DUSKY DEVIL WB4117 5 1 2s 2l 15 P 1 ArcaroE Blue Ridge Farm Stable 187 100 97550CABEZO WB 5 112 1 2 I1 15 2s 22 2s KeesterP W Sachscnmaier 97393ROYAL BLUNDER WB 4 115 4 3 34 34 32 34 3 LambC Audley Farm Stable 629100 97550 DIS DAT WB 5 120 3 4 46 410 46 41 44 BagurH Peconic Stable 210100 210100Mrs 97549 MT HOOD WB 3 108 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 HarbortO Mrs R Sullivan 2933100 2933100Time Time 24 48 11334 140 Track sloppy 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS DUSKY DEVIL 574 342 246 187 100 71 100 23 100 100CABEZO CABEZO 362 268 81 100 34 100 100ROYAL ROYAL 100Winner BLUNDER 272 36 100 Winner Br c by Bright Knight Ada Martin by Orpheus trained by T J Shannon bred by Audley Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 3500 3500WENT WENT TO POST 505i AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingDUSKY DUSKY DEVIL close to the pace on the outside took command without effort when called upon and continuing gamely until a sixteenth out won eased up CABEZO moved up fast on the inside to take the early lead was lightly urged but could not hold the winner when challenged ROYAL BLUNDER on the outside throughout raced evenly The others did not menace the leaders leadersScratcbod97196Slapped Scratcbod97196Slapped 114 97550 Minton 109 97121 Oscillation 104 QrTQf O EIGHTH RACE 1 18 Miles Sun Beau July 18 1931 149 6 125 Purse 800 fourthJune2534AP P Pr r 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth June2534AP 25 claiming price 1500 if for 1200 allowed 4 lbs iiiilfi Horses K rt A vt IPSt V4 fy 4 Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 97676 OUR ADMIRAL WB 108 4 4 I1 14 15 14 1J KeesterP Running W Ranch Stable 122100 97564 PRINCE CHARLO WB 112 1 2 2k 3 33 3 2k BalaskiL C Bacharach 875100 97677 TOMFOOLERY WB 112 6 6 3 21 24 24 31 ArcaroE T M Letellier 535100 97040INDIAN RED WB 99 3 1 44 4f 4s 42 4 HankaW A B Gallagher 659100 97672THOROUGHFARE w 107 5 5 55 54 6 61B 54 KingJ Mrs R Pollard 990100 876093 THEOREM w 106 2 3 62 64 5k 51 610 NachelJ H C McConnell 760100 97817CHIEF GERONIMO w 102 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 StrongJ Mrs R Lynch 4784100 4784100Time Time 24 50 116 142 156 Track sloppy 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS OUR 100PRINCE ADMIRAL 444 318 236 122 100 59 100 18 100 PRINCE CHARLO 734 362 267 100 81 100 TOMFOOLERY 100TOMFOOLERY 320 60 100 Winner 100Winner Ch g by Last Reveille John dAlbrct by Sunstar trained by J A Gormlcy bred by Mr C T Grayson Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 WENT TO POST 530 AT POST 1J minutes Start good aiid slow Won driving second and third the same sameOUR OUR ADMIRAL taking command on the lower turn set a steady pace under mild urging and was hard ridden in the stretch to hold his advantage safe PRINCE CHARLO saving ground under light restraint closed a gap on the inside under hard driving in the late stages TOMFOOLERY always close up tired in the stretch INDIAN RED held the others safe THOROUGHFARE showed a good performance Overweight Chief Geronimo 1 pound OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT ARLINGTON PARK Monday 3 Races 7672 5 Races 15172 8 Races 21734