untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1934-06-26


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TORSBHANS FOR SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE 15 CENTS CENTSWINNERS WINNERS WINNERS IN NEW ISSUE ISSUEDid Did you get this big new issue If you did not then you are really missing something worth while You cannot afford to be without the newest most sensational and fastest growing turf weekly in America AmericaNEW NEW ISSUE HAS ALREADY ADVISED ADVISEDWAR WAR PLEDGE 3820 WON WONCAPITALIST CAPITALIST 1040 WON WONOH OH DAVE 1040 WON WONSWIFTY SWIFTY 1020 WON WONHOOSIERS HOOSIERS PRIDE 900 WON WONKING KING CICERO 840 WON WONAND AND MANY MORE WINNERS WHICH SPACE DOES NOT PERMIT US TO LIST LISTWHEN WHEN YOU BUY HORSEMANS WEEKLY N YOU GET GETVALUE VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY MONEYFree Free Codes arc advertised daily And these are live horses that come to us direct from our own track ¬ men dockers under cover reports A page of specials that has been making lots of money for followers Horses and comments from the finest sat of experts and trackmen ever assembled for one publication 1000 WORTH OF INFORMATION FOR 15 CENTS CENTSAnd And it costs us more than that to compile and edit this weekly It is for your benefit and your advantage to get a copy of HORSEMANS WEEKLY NOW NEW ISSUE IS GOOD FOR FIVE MORE DAYS WHICH MEANS WINNERS WINNERS AND WINNERS WINNERSYESTERDAYS YESTERDAYS FREE CODE CODECLOUD CLOUD DOR 730 334 3rd 3rdTODAYS TODAYS FREE CODE LATONIA February41443333 The information on this one comes to us excep tionally strong and we advise all readers to make a good play playHORSEMANS HORSEMANS WEEKLY 20 WEST JACKSON BLVD CHICAGO ILli

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934062601/drf1934062601_31_10
Local Identifier: drf1934062601_31_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800