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WORKOUtSl Date at left of horses name la last workout. Letters following time indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; a, sulked; o, eased up.. Fastest Tune at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type THURSDAY, APRIL 11 ARLINGTON DOWNS. Weather cloudy; track good ! Three-Eighths Mile. 4-6 Airy Heiress. :36h 3-25 Lovely Mary. :36h 4-7 Charles Adee. :38 h 4-7 Oddesa Clark, :39 h 4-9 Chiefs Pride. :36h 3-26 Preferred ... :37 h 4-5 Gold Sweep.. :38h 4-7 Profcsr Paul :37 h 3-7 In Memory.. :37 h 4-2 Richstrike .-. :40 b 3- 29 Kingsbury . . :38 h v330 T. Flankman. :37 h One-Half Mile. 4r6 Galhaef Maid :50 h 4-1 Pacheco .... :53 h 4- 8 Hudson Bay. :0h 4-1 Unkie Tom.. :53 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-2 Balancer ...1:07 b 4-9 Msouri Girl.l:04 h 4-5 Blue Armor. l:03h 4-6 Omareen ...l:04h 4-9 Cheerus;4i.. 1:01 h 4-9 Poly Royal.. 1:04 h 4-6 f -Debbre- ..i.-.l:04b 4-2 Sheratan ...l-:034ih 4-9- Donday1--. . .l:04h 3-29 Southard . . .l:08b 4-8 . Eternal Flashl:07 b 4-7 Skipsea .....l:04h 4-3 Irish Image.. l:04h 4-8 Stay 1:03 h 4-8 Ly Brn Budl:03h 4-7 Traitor l:03h - Three-Quarters Mile. 4-9 Boy Valet... 1:18 h 4-6 Miss Chicro.l:18 h 4-6 Bill Donhue.l:19 h 4-5 R. V. Winkle1:16 h 4-5 iBally Wise..l:17h 3-9 Sweeperman l:19b 4-7 Cntess Bina.l:17h 4-8 Ted Clark. ,.l:17b 4-8 Darkest Hourl:19 h 4-3 The Choctavl:22 b 4-8 Foxlnd Hall.l:18h 3-27 Tight Wad..l:17h 4-9 Jean Brovn.l:16h 4-9 Texas Pal... 1:19 h One Mile. 3- 14 Easy Sailing.l:44h 4-7 Play Hooky.l:43 h 4- 9 Hokuao ....l:44h 4-9 Whiskolo ..1:41h 4-8 Joe FIores...l:44 h Joe Flores and Easy Sailing worked a nice mile in company. Whiskolo was accompanied by Cheerus for live-eighths in his handy mile work. Visibility was very bad, due to a sand storm and a number of horses were not timed. Professor Paul, In Memory and The Flahkmaiv came from the barrier. Kingsbury and Charles Adee were together. Rip Van Winkle worked handily, accompanied by Jean Brown. Ted Clark was breezing. BOWIE. Weather clear; track heavy -Three-Eighths Mite. 4-8 Ahmed :39 b 3-24 Just Amcan. :38 h 4-4 Browbeaten.. :41 h 4-9 Little Tryst. :37h 4-5 Chf Mourner ,-37d 4-6 Merrily On..:38b 3- 30Dancg Cloud :37 h 4-10 Match :38 h Easter Lad.. :39 h 4-3 Miss Firefly. :39 b 2- 26 Good Hrvest :39 b 4-2 Night Sprite. :37 h 4- 7 Hs Chances. :38 d 4-9 Peter Pepper :38 h 4-10 How High... :38 h 4-9 Sandy Mack. :37h 3- 14Infidox :38b One-Half Mile. 4- 3 Baydrop .... :51h 4-10 Marmion ... :52h 3- 20 Flaxen :54h 4-9 Onward :55 h 4- 10 Just Fun :52h. Rothair :51h 3- 12 Kindacorn .. :52h 3-31 Saint Kitts. :54 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 4 BrightrBird..l:07h 3-11 Heiress 1:10 b 4-7 Cancel 1:06 h 1-7 Pot au Mint. 1:11 b 4-9 Enthusiasm .1:04h 3-31 Sparky 1:09 h Three-Quarters Mile. 3- 21 Bally Bay... 1:22 h 4-5 Ladfield ....1:19 d 4- 9 Blue, Zip.... l:19h 3-25 Lynx Eye... 1:21 h Best Butter. l:19h 4-6 Miss Monoa.l:26 b 4-7 Count, Dean. 1:20 h 4-3 W.-in-Chcryl:28 b One JVliie. 3-31 Advocate Jrl:48h 4-6 St. Moritz. . .1:48 h St. Moritz is in his best form. Lynx Eye went handily. Peter Pepper and Match went handily together. Night Sprite and Dancing Cloud went handily together. BAY MEADOWS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 3- 31Azusa :39b Lloyd Pan... :38 b 4- 8 Chosen Pal.. :38b 3-13 Rattlebrain . :36h Guidclight . . :38 b 4-7 R. D. Pwers :39b 4-6 Harrogate ..:38 b 3-16 Sir Wag.... :39b 4-9 Instigator ... :37b One-Half Mile. 4-4 Answer True :51b 4-4 Kenay Belle :50 b 3- 13 Bright Knot :49 b 1-24 Pillow Fight. :51 b 4- 6 .Morclass ... :50h 4-6 Sun Thorn.. :52 b 3- 27 No Excuse.. :53b 3-28 Theorem ... :53b Jdge Austin :51b 3-20 Totness . ... :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 6 AH Star.....l:03y3b 4-7 Morning Maill:02 b 4-9 Ethel Mae...l:02b 4-9 Penal . l:02y5h 4-1 Gay World., :59h 4-6 Sand Cloud.. 1:02 b 3- 27 Gaillardia .. :59h 4-9 San Jose. .. .l:02h 2- 3 Mcod Chiefl:02h Three-Ouarters Mile. 4- 2 Coalizer ....l:17d 3-31 Time Flight. 1:13 h One Mile. 3- 26 Coldwater ..1:41b 4-9 Uncle Hyde.l:44 b Harrogate was hard held. Chofin Pal bore out slightly. . Sir Wag was inclined to sulk. R. D. Powers was well in hand. Rattlebrain could have gone faster. Moxclass was under wraps. Totness wore blinkers and was restrained throughout. Penal wore blinkers and broke from the gate. San Jose broke from the gate. Gay World broke behind Gaillardia and finished on even terms, both well snugged. Sand Cloud and Morning Mail went together evenly. Coalizer was inclined to sulk all the way. Time Flight, wearing blinkers, broke from the gate and was well rated. Coldwater tired badly in the last quarter, i BELMONT PARK. Main Track. Weather cloudy; track good Three-Eighths Mile. Buckminister :37h 3-4 High Glee... :38 h Corner Boy.. :38 h 3-22 Gusto :41 b 3-25 Captain Argo :37h Sparkdale .. :37h One-Half Mile. 3-4 Pundit ..... :55 b Quiet Talk.. :49h Five-Eighths Mile. 2-28 Sound Advicel:05h ! Three-Quarters Mile. Blackmail ...l:17h Surveyor ...1:25 b Hoopla .....1:19 h Tribunal ...1:19 h 3- 4 Pantbufle ...1:25. b 2-28 The Darb. ..1:17h One Mile. Astra 1:49 b Synod 1:48 b Fortification 1:49 b Thorson . . . ;1:48 b DALLAS. Weather cloudy; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 4- 9 Aurebon :401h 3-23 Jim Ormont. :40 h 4-6 Be Big :40h Liberty Ace. :40h 4-5 Blue Cat.... :43 b 4-6 Phil Marcus. :41 b 4-9 Bon Champ.. -.42 b 4-8 Peter Blues.. :42 h 4-6 Elegy ...... :42 b 4-6 Scrip Money. :39h 3- 20 Emps Mthrr40 h 3-22 Tahira . . . . . :42h 4- 6 First General :39h 4-7 The Judge... :40h One Half Mile. , 4-7 Barney Allis. :54h 2-23 Lady DeVer. :53 h 4-7 Cross Road.-. :54h 3-9 Moving On.. :55 h 4-8 Gulfelano ... :54h 3-5 Thistle Ray.. :54h 4-5 Hammel .... :55 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-9 Biff l:08h 4-7 Frigate Bird.l:ll h 2- 26 Donna James1:06h 4-6 Mt. Washtnl:08h . Three-Quarters Mile. 1- 27Cherapp ....1:24 b 4-7 Playmaster .1:28 h 4-9 Forest Ave.l:25 b 3-11 Sleepy Joe. ..l:24b 4-6 Mskd Ducs1:21h CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather cloudy; track muddy " Three-Eighths Mile. 4-8 Bway Wild. :41b 4-7 Jerry H..... :40b 4-8 Brown Man. :41b 4-7 Jge Borielli. :40b 4-7 BeauDis.... :40 b Kailin :41 b Chalk Eye... :40 b 4-8 Omar Nassa. :41 b Emileo ... . . :41b Primulus . . :40b 4-8 Eccentric .. :40 h Ppeys Squw :38h 4-8 Ggs Hussy. :38h 3-1 Pomparia . . . :38h 4-5 Haeheart.... :38d 4-2 Semaphore.. :40b 4-7 Herbar :40b 4-5 Sasquatch... :40b One-Half Mile. 3- 23 Albert D.... :51 h Miss Vince.. :54b 4- 8 Bring Back.. :52b 4-8 Nuckols Boy. :57 b 3- 15 Bd Meadows :51 h 4-8 Pot au Brs. :53b Crry Cross. :55b 4-7 Prince Torch :55 b 4- 6 Likewise.... :49h 4-5 Syral :52h 3- 23 My Go Rnd :53b 4-8 Vanished ... :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. Almac 1:07 h 4-7 L. B. Wilsonl:llh 4- 8 Byrdine ....1:04h 4-5 Little Gynic.l:05 h 45 Bartg Kate.l:05 h 4-6 Otherwise ..l5h 3- 12.Blackbirder .l:07ib 4-7 Pantr Rockl:llb 4- 5 Captain Joy.l:07 b 4-2 Ping ..-1:13 b 4-8 Chace FIightl:05 h 4-7 Prince John.l:llb 4-5 Clean Out... 1:10 b 4-7 Rosa Dear..l:07h ! 4-7 Epernay ....l:09b 4-2 Squeeze ....1:06 b 4-8 Ellen Fisher.l:10 b 4-5 Secret Tryst.l:07 b 4-8 Foxiana .,..1:07 b 4-9 Sora .1:05 h 4-8 First Pigeonl:ll-b South Bend.l:07 b 4-9 Hastinola ...l:08b 4-6 .Sallie Gray..l:06h 4-9 King Cicero. lK5h 4-7 Silver Sickle.ldl b 4-8 Lynvete ....1:08 b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-6 Bibboo 13 b 4-5 Infinitate ...1:21 b 4-7 Black River.l:24b 4-8 Kwamudi ..,.1:28 b Black Miss..1:19h 4-9 Ltle Conllyl:20h 4-9 Cactus Rose.l:24b 4-8 Nasslyn.... 1:24 b 4-8 Chauvenet ..1:24 b 4-8 Nassa AIone.l:24 b 4-9 Eniz ...l:24b 4-9 Supernatural l:22h 4-7 Fch Princessl:24 b 4-7 Spartan Lad.l:22b 4-5 Gamaliel ....1;21, b 4-8 Tormy B....l:21b 4-7 Hasty Lady.l:22b One Mile. Carroll Day.1:53b 4-8 Shady Woodl:54 h 4-6 High Diver. .l:57b 4-7 Who Win...l:55b Blackbirder showed a liking for the going. Byrdine showed a good effort. Broad Meadows and Albert D. were together. Chance Flight and Bartering Kate worked together. Likewise worked impressively. DOUGLAS PARK. Weather rainy; tracck muddy Three-Eighths Mile. Almarine ... :40h 4-8 Gold Signet. .-42 h 3- 23 Blies Orphan :38h Indian Flyer. :40 h 4- 8 Chitter .... :40h Molly Gnock :43h 4-8 Criticize .... :41h 4-8 Morden .... :42h 2- 28 Ding Bin... :43 h 3-21 Prinss Ivory :38h 4-8 Ebony Lady. :41h 3-25 Roberta L. . :39 h 4-7 Fern Memm :38 h 4-7 Umbriere ..: -.43 h One-Half Mile. 4-9 Baby Stare.. :52h 4-7 Transformed. :56 h Projectile ... :56 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-7 Our Trouble.l:12 h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-8 Clean Play. .l:27b - 4-9 Cesar-Toro.. 1:30 b 4-8 Claimant ...1:27 h 4-8 Celebrant ...1:28 h 4-8 Connie R...l:30 b 4-8 Cmon Gossipl:28 h 4-8 Cnt Adrian. 1:28 h 4-8 Celebrity ...1:25 h 4-8 Chatain ....1:28 h 4-8 Sis Agnes... 1:22 h 4-9 Cantiel 1:25 h One Mile. 4-8 Bobs Buddy. l:53h Billies Orphan and Princess Ivory were in company. Sis Agnes work was the best of the morning. Baby Stare went handily.