untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1936-10-06


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nor ism SWT- NOW ONLY 10 CENTS -i Regren s Great Saturday Record: AT LAUREL: MINEY MYERSON, 3.70, WON JAY JAY, 8.70, WON FLAG OF WAR, 6.30, WON GREY COUNT, 4.00, WON AT RIVER DOWNS: MONOCLE, .00, WON WAR SAINT, 6.40, WON DOUBLE B., 6.00, WON ODDESA GIRL, 3.60, WON AT LINCOLN FIELDS: ALL DEVIL, 4.20, WON DR. MENENDEZ, 7.00, WON TUT TUT, 6.40, WON "When winners are to be had Regren is the one who will have them. The above lists are just a sample of what this great handi-capper does daily. In addition, he had FOUR WINNERS at Woodbine and THREE at Northampton. When you receive winners in such a consistent manner as that you can play the horses and play them with the utmost confidence. Make it a point to consult Regrens selections before you make any wagers. Mccarty had the winner of the mt. Washington handicap: HOWARD, 2.70, WON BASSETTS LAUREL SPECIAL CLICKED: CORINTO, .60, WON The "Pink Sheet" is gaining new friends daily. Many players have come to the realization that the results obtained from using this publication can be put to good advantage in making daily wagers. If others can do it, why not you? You can if you subscribe at once! TUESDAYS TWO FREE CODES: ROCKINGHAM Sand-41-34-34. LINCOLN FIELDS Walk-21-33-35. To Decipher Above Codes Buy a "Pink Sheet" CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 41 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. per Alonth by First Class Mail .00 per Month by Air Mall Weekly Form BOOK NO. 71 PRICE, 35 CENTS NOW ON SALE EVERYWHERE a "Spot" Horse and Weekly Form Special: Corinto, .60, Won Another Best Bet scores. Weekly Form Specials are Standout plays. The Denemark speedster certainly was in a spot, as it so well demonstrated at Laurel Saturday. This information comes to you first hand, from men who know the game. All readers of Weekly Form are entitled to the "Spot" horses. The code appears in bur advertisement, published daily in all leading turf papers throughout the United States. Dont fail to take advantage of this live information. SUBSCRIBE NOW Ten Issues Two Months .00 0 RED STREAK SPECIALS: MINTON, 5.90, WON KINDACORN, 13.50, WON DR. MENENDEZ, 7.00, WON TRACKMENS BEST: SICKLEBILL, 1.80, WON PLAIN BEN, 7.80, WON AN EL-JIN MOVEMENT: PARVA STELLA, .00, WON 0 KNOW WHICH HORSES ARE READY o Morning Workouts Selected Speed Trials o TWO FREE CODES DAILY "SPOT" HORSES 0 TODAYS FREE CODE RELEASES: SEE BOOK NO. 70 ROCKINGHAM Noon-5-15-17. LAUREL Hour-GlT-23. O WEEKLY FORM PUB. CO. 443 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. I . .. Flat Wager Racing System The FLAT WAGER SYSTEM was checked over every eastern meeting Santa Anita also, completely outlined in Paciiic Daily Racing Form, Aug. 12, 1935, to Oct. 5, 1936. The profits were amazing. PIM-LICO Capital Required 71 PLAYS 31 WINNERS 43 PER CENT WINNERS. BOWIE 42 PER CENT WINNERS. NARRAGANSETT 34 PER CENT WINNERS. flat wagers at start of meeting. Only when profits realized, flat wagers permitted at end ot meeting. About 4 plays a day. System points exact horse to play. Simple 30 seconds per selection. All wagers made1 at one time noon. One horse in race played to win. NO TIPS. Send for FREE booklet, "HOW TO WIN." No obligation. PATY PUBLISHING CO., 618 South Western Avenue, Dept. 138, Los Angeles, Calif. I i rv DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR TUESDAY: LINCOLN FIELDS 1-19-17-24-1 J. RIVER DOWNS M-S-22-20-6. WM. BURKE KELLY 731 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. I WIN 0 PER WEEK I FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE If you play the racca we can put you next to little inside secret that should place you above want as long at you Jive. No obligations. Just send your name to SECOR PUBLISHING CO. 218 FOX STREET AURORA. ILLINOIS MAN i WAR 25 - TURF 4J,WEElaY 25 AT ALL STANDS TODAYS FREE CODE: ROCKINGHAM: Bridle-ZO-11-30-36. THORP RACING WEEKLY 35c per Copy Sold at All Newsstands TODAYS TWO FREE CODES:. ROCKINGHAM Pink-Set-Lap-Set-Paw. LINCOLN FIELDS Orange-Set-Net-Big-Tin. THORP RACING WEEKLY 63 PARK ROW Suite 804 Hew York City CONSISTENT WINNERS If you want a system which jives you winners every day and figures the best horse whether he pays .00 or 0.00, Icarn handicapping a new way. Five minutes of your time for daily profits. Price, .00, complete. CONSISTENCY 523 Brompton Ave., Room 35 Chicago, III. For Free Phone Results Call Wabash 7000 GTefa AMERICAS AUTHORITY CjSwk Spf ON RACING f9Xy The Turfs Newest and Best Monthly Magazine AT ALL NEWSSTANDS TODAYS TWO FREE CODE RELEASES: 6th LAUREL: Wheat-Mackerel-Pike-Pike. 3rd LINCOLN: Sturgeon-Coffee-Mackerel-Sausage. To decipher, write POST TIME loi particulars. Each Tuesday, Thursday- and Saturday POST TIME advertises its CODE HORSES in the principal racing papers. These selections are made by outstanding experts, and show a most satisfactory percentage ol winners. In order to decipher the Code and learn the names of the two horses given, it is necessary for you to have a monthly Code Card, the price of which is .00, and which is intended for distribution only among subscribers to POST TIME. At the price named, the information is practically free, as you have advice on two horses three times each week for an entire-month. We arc pleased to supply this valuable information to our subscribers, and suggest that you at once let us have your subscription to POST TIME, the only magazine in America devoted exclusively to Horses, Horsemen and Horse Racing. The subscription price is .00 per year, for which you receive POST TIME by mail each month. Fill out the blank and let us have your subscription, together with .00 for the Code Card. The October Code Card is now ready. GET AWAY FROM THE LOSERS JOIN THE WINNERS! GET A CODE CARD! POST TIME, 542 S. DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, ILL.: Enclosed herewith is hB1.00, for which send me POST TIME each month for one year and also the Monthly Code Card. It is understood that as a subscriber to POST TIME I may buy the Code Card each month at the Special Price of .00. NAME STREET AND NUMBER CITY STATE Advertise in Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1936100601/drf1936100601_35_1
Local Identifier: drf1936100601_35_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800