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ARLINGTON DOWNS . 1 -1 THE "DAILY DOUBLE" ON THE WINNERS OF THE SECOND AND THIRD RACES AT ARLINGTON DOWNS MONDAY PAID 67.00 FOR . - i i ARLINGTON, TEXAS, MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1937. Arlington Downs 1 1-16 miles and 30 feet. Seventeenth day. Texas Jockey Club. Spring meeting of 28 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward, S. Nuckols. Steward representing State Racing Commission, G. R. Pickard. Associate Steward, W. II. Shelley. Judges, L. C. Bogenschutz, E. A. Hileman and W. H. Shelley. Starter, R. Dicker-son. Racing Secretary, W. II. Shelley. Racing starts at 2:15 p.. m. Chicago time, 2:15 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; 7 pounds; 10 pounds. FIRST RACE 3-1 MILE. Trinchera. Nov. 21. 19361:117110. Purse 00. 3-year-401 oIds FoaIed I" Texas. Claiming-. Weight, 116 lbs. Non-winners since a7, a n March 30 allowed 3 lbs.; since February 27, 6 lbs.; in 1937, 8 lbs. Claiming Apr.-19-37-A.D price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Vx StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 384313SEMICOLON w 108 7 4 1" lh lh 4 LakeL C B Daniels 265-100 4C014CANAVIA w 103 11 1 24 23 2 2 RobertsS H and H Stock Farm 2480-100 34961 TAP TIME w 108 8 5 4t 34 3 31 AdamsJ J W Ray 500-100" 39846ROYAL PALACE wb 95 9 3 8 8b 6" 4" JohnsonWL B P Woodson f2235-100 39884 LITTLE WICHITA wb 100 10 2 64 4 4and 5h HanauerC H A Allen 8S5-100 39883ESCOMUR wl03 5 11 10h 1Q2 11 6 Haucrll H K Barron 595-100 39884-OFF SIDE wbIOO 3 8 11 71 10t 7i WardWF Mrs L J Remm 3090-100 39883ANGELITA wb 102 2 10 5 6and 5 8 RichardJ Reynolds Bros 245-100 39999NOPALOSA PEACE wb105 6 9 7 9J 9" 9 VedderRL Nopalosa Stock Farm 2820-100 39936 SAFE PORTE wb105 1 6 9J 11 81 10 McCadnW Radio Stable 15205-100 39846LITTLE SWEDE wb 100 4 7 3" 5h 7and 11 CornayW Mrs T Marshall tField. Time, :233i. :47?S. 1:1 24. Track fast. rH CERTIFICATES PAID-, ; OFFICIAL BOOKINO ODDS SEMICOLON $ 7.30 $ 5.30 $ 4.30 265100 165100 115100 CANAVIA 16.10 7.50 705100 275100 TAP TIME ;.. 5.30 165100 Winner B. g, by Prisoner Marie W., by Efficient trained by J. F. Daniels; bred by Mr. C. B. Daniels. V inner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST 2:18. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. uiSPiC!?Sy, rusncd the front was unable to draw clear, responded to strong urging in the stretch and withstood CANAVIA. The latter was hustled along from the start, then tired near the end. TAP TIME worked his way forward on the outside and held on well. ROYAL PALACE, outrun early and forced wide at the stretch turn, came fast when straightened. LITTLE WICHITA was in close quarters. ESCOMUR made up ground. ANGELITA failed to keep up. LITTLE SWEDE quit. Scratched 40066 Tarmac, 105. Overweight Canavia, 5 pounds; Escomur, 3; Angclita, 2. SECOND RACE 6 1-2 FURLONGS Waggoner Course, Out of Chute. Heelfly, Nov. 18, 401 fill 19,36 1:17S 2 112- Turse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-7r iq 4 h winners of two races since February 27. Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winners flpr. 13-J.A.D Since March 30 aH0wed 3 lbs.; since February 27, 6 lbs.; in 1937, 8 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; If for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Vi StrFin Jockeys " Owners Equiv. Odds Strt ,YMAY wb4U0 2 8 11 Ji li 1J EnvinS F Turner- Jr 425-100 400372COLTMAN w 4 102 9 10 64 41 21 JohnsonWL F Thompson 165-100 39929 JESSIE D. M. wb 5 108 10 1 2J 2 2 3 ThorntonB J King 14SO-100 37037 WELL HEELED wb8109 3 10 9J 82 6J 4h RichardA Mrs C E Dale 8535-100 S GRANDMAS BOYwb4112 6 3 4h 3J 3i 51 MayT B Pomeroy 1265-100 LT.RANSEN wb 7 102 4 5 31 51 5J 61 CornayW H B Poff 1080-100 Wgrai "HEAVY SUGAR wb8104 5 7 5 91 8 7 NealB E Luti 335-100 SSE SIGHT WB 4 103 11 4 7" 7 9 and RobcrtsS Summit View Stable 9095-100 SSSTH15- w5 102 7 6 62 41 7h 9i RichardJ T Powell 1220-100 tSS.JSE PIY ct4109 1 9 81 10 10 10 ChinnH Maple Leaf Stable 5615-100 39729 GRIDDLE CAKE wb4104 8 11 11 11 11 11 VedderRL F G Orr tField. Time, :23?4. :47. 1:12. 1:19. Track fast. ... - CEEIITICATES PAID-, , OFFICIAL BOOKINO ODDS 0.50 $ 5.30 $ 5.10 425-100 165100 155-100- "LJMAN 3.30 3.40 65-100 70-100 JESSIE D. M 4.8O 140100 Winner B f, by Mere Play May Girl, by Hessian trained by M. Preston; bred by Mr. H. -Altsheler , Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST 2:50. AT POST i minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. PLAYMAY rushed to the front, drew clear rapidly, responded to strong urging when threatened and won easily. COLTMAN. away well but shuffled back afterward, worked his way forward on the outside .nrnC.l-S TpivciS V! but tircd in the final eiShth- WELL HEELED finished strongl TRANSEN .- tired. a HEAVY SUGAR was in close quarters in the stretch. GRANDMAS BOY tired. Scratched 39999 Raffles Lad. 107. GriddleCCakeh2JeSSl! " 3 """"" W" "" 2 QU"f S!ght 1; Eva R- 3; Tr!pIe Ph 2; THIRD RACE 6 1-2 FURLONGS Waggoner Course, Out of Chute. Heelfly. Nov 18 40161 ""-VUZ. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward clairmng! Non-A7r"947AD" . "ner of .ces since February 27. Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winners p. , . . sInce March 30 allowed 3 lbs.; since February 27, 6 lbs.: in 1937 8 lbs Claiming price, ,250; If for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 39641MARCHLINE wb4107 7 3 31 21 21 lh RobertsS I F Barrett MR im 39976PARVA STELLA 4 104 8 1 12 11 12 U w Bd ey BrJlOO 40033AMAZEMENT .SIM 0 2 4h 3 3432 VedderRL G Tiller Ifs-Z 40036MANNIE w 5 107 1 6 62 62 42 42 Hauerll Silver Star Stable 1200 10Q l?SlU0N 5 9 81 71 72 52 ""u L R KnSfong 585-100 S,MANTECA w 4 109 4 8 7h 41 64 63 ManifoldH J McBride 2090-100 400373ROYAL LINK wb5115 6 5 2h 5 72 Chestnut! H K Barron 500-100 r?Mi?,r, ""I0? 5 7 5 83 8i 81 C"!"A W McCafferty 1S85-M0 f?,A,AlAb wb 5 112 10 4 10 92 93 95 ThorntonB H T Deahl 1690-100 40037 ALLEGORY wb 4 107 2 10 93 10 10 10 GrillF Pershall and Jameson 5740-100 Time, :23?4. :47. 1:12J4. 1:19. Track fast. MADruiTur "2 CEETIFICATES PAID-, , OFFICIAL BOOKINO ODDS . DAD4?r..V " 9-30 S8-30 S 4-30 865-100 315-100 115-100 AMAZEMENT .t 2.80 , 40-100 w 5 TiTi l- y Mr-,whiskIi",-Ev?lan Cale. by Compadre trained by A. R. Barrett; bred by Mr. W. S. McKee. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 3:18. AT POST 3 minutes. ,j Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same, PARVlVf c?nenon "Pnded to strong urging after reaching the stretch and oil-Iinisned finished PARVA STELLA. The atter took command at once, was steadied along attaining a big advantage. venf,nJ"r. 2? C Up0n but tircd rap!dIy !n the finaI sixteenth. AMAZEMENT worked its MAKiiiP Readily was put to strong urging in the stretch and was fast wearing the leaders down BjT? P t tST n!nc-sieenths, then bore out in the drive. TREVALLION los ground. MANTECA tired after reaching contention. ROYAL LINK was done after a half mile. Scratched 38046 Polyphote, 10$; 39059 Ancelot, 109. Overweight Parva Stella, 2 pounds; Amazement, 2. FOURTH RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS. Liberty Scout, April 15, 1937-:54 2 112 Purs 40162 570 2-year-,ds- Maidens. Colts and geldings. Special weights. Apr.-19-37-A.D m vaue t0 w,nner 25; tecond 0fl. thu Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys Owner, Equiv. Odds Strt 39MOfbribtbzT st s s rrrm ?. 8 8 8 D"dmU R Derden tCouplea; Slock 7270-100 Three Ds Farm entry. Time, :23and. :48. :544$. Track fast. SVsHEST0CK7ARM-ENfRV:: " ll ,9-" W. SKHrtTrK C SU" Bclu-Dark riclory- h- T"" trained by M. M. Harrison; bred by Mr. WENT TO POST-3:50. AT POST 1 minute. ?m ??intsIow- W,on dr!vinS5 sond and third the same. tr.wV , .r VajVa,l0a?,lrushci1 into intention, responded to strong urging after reaching the Am ?. ""tfmishcd WESTYS HERO. The latter, a strong factor from the start, disposed of CAPT. JAMtb alter five-sixteenths, was unable to draw clear and tired near the end. CAPT. JAMES was hustled aiong irom the start, forged to the front nearing the final quarter, but tired in the drive. TRANSVIEW raced 1, IN, away fast, bore out badly rounding the far turn, then came again when straightened but fh,mSu up m.,hc strelch- TIGHTMOUTH was outrun. BOBBRAX was done after five-sixteenths ilUTZ W.. bore out in the stretch. Scratched 40001Red Hay, 116. Continued on thirteenth page. -- ARLINGTON DOWNS Continued from third page. FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Infantry, Nov. 21, 19361:443112. Spring Time Handl-40163 CaP" 1urse 1000, 3-year-olds and upward. Apr.-19-37-A.D Net vaue t0 wmner 00; second, 50; third, 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 40C18 ASHEN wb 6 110 6 2 2 2s 24 21 ll VedderRL C A Calhoun 585-100 39911 ZEVSON w 5 116 4 1 3 3 31 3J 2b ThorntonB Mrs E Bartlctt 245-100 39910 SACHEM w4103 2 4 1 1 H V 34 RichardJ T P Morgan 800-100 40018 HOLL IMAGE wb 4 103 5 5 6 4J 6 5 4 HauerH Superior Stable 1165-100 40018JWOODLANDER w6103 3 356 5J 41 5 RobertsS B Hernandez 220-100 40018JCORUM w 4 107 1 6 4 5J 6 6 GrillF Jack M Brooks 395-100 Time, :2i, M. 1:13, 1:39, 1:45. Track fast. r-i2 CEKTIFICATES PAID- , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ASHEN 3.70 $ 5.60 $ 3.60 585100 180100 80100 ZEVSON 4.30 3.60 115100 80100 SACHEM 7.90 295100 Winner Ch. g, by Ladkin Golden Lassie II., by Golden Sun trained by C. A. Calhoun; bred by Mr. R. J. Nash. WENT TO POST 4:18. AT POST 1 minute. Start good and slow.- Won handily; second and third driving. ASHEN, a strong factor from the start, swung wide entering the stretch, came fast when straightened, forged to the front inside the final eighth and won drawing away. ZEVSON, never far back and under strong handling, finished strongly. SACHEM sprinted into a good lead early, increased his advantage under light restraint, responded well when threatened, but tired near the end. HOLL IMAGE, shuffled back after improving his position, closed with a rush. WOODLANDER was outrun. CORUM failed to keep up. Overweight Sachem, 1 pound; Holl Image, 1. SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Infantry, Nov. 21, 19341:443112. Purse 00. 4-year-Af-t CA ls and upward. Claiming. Weight, 116 lbs. Winners two or more times TfcvrJLOrar since March 30, 4 lbs. extra. Non-winners of two races since March 30 Apr.-19-37-A.D allowed 3 lbs.; one race since March SO, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; If for less, 1 lb. allowed for each 00 to ,000. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St ,4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 40071GILBT ELSTON wb 6108 4 2 4 3J 21 2 lh RichardJ Mrs A M Creech 285-100 40098JSTOP SCOUT w 4 105 8 1 2J 21 in lj 2J ComayW F J Estes 225-100 40004SQUEEZER w 5 103 7 3 5 4J 3 3 3 Moral! A MacMaster 1500-100 39851SHOW BOY wb 5 105 5 7 7 7 5J 5 4 HauerH C E Davison 815-100 00043LADY PEENZIE w 5 100 3 5 6 6 44 4b 5 JohnsonWL Mrs D Christian 525-100 40071DOKAS wb5105 2 4 1" 1 6 6J 6 RobertsS Woolford Farm 665-100 40019HANDSOME HAL w5105 1 6 3J 5s 7 7 7 VedderRL CAndradein 1790-100 40004SOMEONE ELSE wb 4 105 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 NealB CEDeahl 1995-100 Time, :25, :48?. 1:13. 13M. 1:45. Track fast. r- CERTIFICATES PAID-, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , GILBERT ELSTON $ 7-70 $ 3.60 $ 3.40 285100 80100 70100 STOP SCOUT 4.10 120100 105100 SQUEEZER 6-60 230100 Winner B. g, by Upset Dendera, by Rabelais trained by B. Creech; bred by Mr. C. V. Whitney. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 4:47. AT POST minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. GILBERT ELSTON moved up fast when called upon, swung wide after offering a bold bid approaching the stretch, came fast when straightened and outfinished STOP SCOUT. The latter was hustled along from the start, disposed of DOKAS after five-eighths, was unable to draw dear and tired near the end. SQUEEZER worked his way forward on the inside and tired after offering a strong bid in the final sixteenth. SHOW BOY closed with a rush. LADY PEENZIE, taken back during the opening half mile, improved her position when steered to the outside, but tired in the drive. DOKAS was done after five-eighths. HANDSOME HAL quit. SOMEONE ELSE was outrun. SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Wise riayer, Nov. 12, 1936 l:41f 4 113. Ar-trfr Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 110 lbs. Winners at a mile 4UlbO or over since March 30, 2 lbs. extra for each race won. Non-winners at a Apr.-19-37-A.D mile or over since March 30 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,000; If for less, 1 lb. allowed for each 00 to SMOO. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Equiv. fniW!YnnJ wb104 7 2 4 4 3 3 1" NealB Coward and Coffey 195-100 rtWJinin JAKF wll2 2 7 7 7 7 2J 2J MclochcT Fishburn Stable 1095-100 mw iFARTY wb102 4 5 22 21 2 1" 3 RichardJ J Carter 1345-100 3.TFX-I INF b102 6 4 5 5 42 51 41 CornayW Mrs T Marshall 550-100 40099 PANSY ANN wb104 8 3 6 6 6J 7 5 CraigA D H Fursc 665-100 299rnYANHURRY wb 97 3 6 3J 3" 5 6 6 Morali J T Withers III 325-100 W71 inY ilAY wb 97 5 1 I5 1 lj 4i 7 JohnsonWL C W Pershall 1865-100 .SftUi 70Q7t3nRATtf" DKAbllt- I ln. ANE wb 105 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 HauerH Summit View Stable 2050-100 1;13 1:39 yM TrJtfc jst ! CERTIFICATES PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ... .... $ 5.90 $ 4.60 $ 3.40 195100 130100 70100 n.,?Lr .... 9-40 5-20 370-100 160-100 OLD JAKE 9.8O 390100 HEvI.X..lIfV"V"bv"BrigM Myra. by Atheling II. trained by R. A. Coward; bred by Audlev Farm" Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. POST-MS. AT POST-3 minutes WENT TO c. . Y,J and slow Won driving; second and third the same. fast but shuffled back on the lower turn, was saved when outrun, responded fast alter MRON, MYnOVawav away lasi prcssure in the drive and got up in the final stride. OLD JAKE outrun 3nsid was s,ishlJy impeded by LADY DAY, but came fast when for lh"u",e":..0c? to Und the winner. HEARTY, under steadying restraint for five-eighths. clear though failms y, ,tjd fc lircd moved up fast """",ty C" shPuffcd back in the stretch and tired. PANSY ANN was outrun. TRNliURRY llu. LADY DAY, in motion at the start, raced into a long lead during the opening quarter, increased her advantage under light restraint, then quit badly alter relinquishing the lead and impeded several members of the field in the drive. Overweight Myron, 2 pounds; Pansy Ann, 2. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Infantry, Nov. 21, 19361:443112. Turse 00. 4-year- fifi olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 116 lbs. Non-winners of two races 7, io W slnce March 30 allowed 3 lbs.; a race since then, 6 lbs. Claiming price, Apr.-19-37-A.D 51,000. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. J Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 40O42GOLDEN KNIGHT w 6 105 6 8 6 41 2i 2 Ink VedderRL F G Orr 435-100 5fRINCE BALL0T w5105 2 1 9 9 44 44 24 JohnsonWL Mrs D Christian 405-100 40086ROCKRIM wb 4 105 11 2 71 61 5 11 31 RobertsS J H Faurote 1HO-10O 40072IRISH PLAY v,4104 5 6 5J 71 8 3 43 NealB Coward and Coffey 510-100 40095 WONDER RUN w 4 105 10 3 83 8M0 71 51 AdamsJ J W Rav- 4055100 SYGIASUN WB HauerH Helton Chapman -1W fi 8 lfl? 102 q 9 4 hi fli 72 .XS20GYGIA wb 4 41 3 64 81 V RichardJ Mrs A M Creech 630 101 40067"WHOA BACK wb5105 7 5 21 23 lh 51 8J Moral! Mrs B Clark 400943BENEFIT ,8110 8 1 1 11 S 9! KingT W A Mike IMd irn 40005 JERDAN w.4105 4 11 Lost rider. CornayW Mrs J F Leisering 445-100 td- Time, :25, :48. 1:14. 1:40. 1:4614. Track fast 7MI?S EB OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS GOLDEN KNIGHT PRINCE BALLOT $ 5 Ill -P 2 i35m Um 10m HayU,nhenheVedy,o5be Mfo rmnda,e M G" b"d SI" C W WENT TO POST-5:51J. OFF AT ONCE. f, rniV.rJ?dI.-aAl-,S,,iw: Wcn ,drivins: "" and third the same. uuLUtN KHIUIIT improved his position on the outside, moved up fast after five-eighths, swung wide entering the stretch, came fast when straightened and withstood PRINCE BALLOT. The latter, in close quarters on the lower turn, raced forwardly on the outside, lost ground on the stretch turn, but closed with a rush. ROCKRIM worked its way forward steadily, forged to the front nearing the final eighth, but tired thereafter. IRISH PLAY came over sharply at the lower turn, moved up fast after three-quarters, but tired near the end. WHOA BACK tired. EASTER SUN made up ground. BENEFIT quit. JERDAN lost its rider when in close quarters at the lower turn. Scratched 40094 The Jurist, 105. I Overweight Irish Play, 1 pound; Ogygia, 2. NINTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Infantry. Nov. 21, 19361:443112. rurse 00. 4-year-Aft fifi JL ds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 116 lbs. Non-winners of two races "VJ.UU 2 since March 30 allowed 3 lbs.; a race since then, C lbs. Claiming Drlce Apr.-19-37-A.D ,000. DECLARED OFF.