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FRENCH POLITICAL CRISIS PARIS, France, Nov. 17. A political crisis of major proportions looms in France as a result of a decision taken today by the socialist parliamentary group to organize a nationwide fight against Finance Minister Paul Rcynauds decree laws. The group also decided on vigorous opposition to any attempt by Premier Daladier cither to prorogue or dissolve parliament. The action was taken at a meeting of the group in the chamber of deputies, at which former Premier Leon Blum, Vincent Auriol and all the other important leaders, were present. It followed veiled threats of a general strike which were made by Leon Jcuhaux and j other leaders of the general labor federation j at the recent conference in Nantes. Daladier is confronted with a problem which, political observers believe, will soon show the nation whether he is the strong man his friends pictured him as being during the Czechoslovak crisis.