100,000 or More To Witness Derby: Track Crowd Will Be as Large as Ever Regardless Of TV Coverage of Classic, Daily Racing Form, 1952-05-03


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700000 or More To Witness Derby DerbyTrack Track Crowd Will Be as Large as Ever Regardless Of TV Coverage of Classic ClassicBy By OSCAR OTIS OTISCHURCHILL CHURCHILL DOWNS Louisville Ky May 2 Television to the contrary there still will be one hundred thousand and some people on hand to witness the seventy eighth running of the Kentucky Derby here tomorrow afternoon if the vast crowd con ¬ verging upon Louisville today may be taken as a criterion criterionThe The usually leisurely city of Louisville be ¬ gan to take on a new tempo a festive air that can be best described by the words however trite as Derby fever The great bulk of the hundred thousand were coming by every modern means of transportation meaning by air train bus and private motor car carThe The arrivals began in force last Sunday and the volume was gradually increased until today it became a veritable tide They quickly filled the towns hosteleries and overflowed into apartments private homes and motor courts Many thought it desirable to stay near town and come in the day of the race and reports from such spots as Lexington Cincinnati and French Lick Springs indicated that this years Derby was up to par or better betterSocial Social Activity at New High HighIts Its a wonderful Derby was the way Dave Quin manager of the Kentucky Hotel in downtown Louisville put it The social activity surrounding the Derby is at a new high It seems that more and more groups and organizations are making Derby week the occasion for real events Jack Dempsey of Hollywood is having a special Derby breakfast at the Kentucky for more than 50 and the Greyhound bus tour from Cin ¬ cinnati has an after the Derby dinner scheduled for more than 200 These are cited as being only a few among many manyVisitors Visitors especially from the North and West expecting traditional Kentucky hos ¬ pitality were not disappointed Louisville and its citizens did everything possible to make their guests for the big weekend comfortable Big name entertainment was on hand in abundance and there is no lack of excitement or things to do prior to the Derby running As per custom downtown Louisville was ablaze with decorations all of them with a Derby or equine motif and stores which had displays which were both spectacular and lavish drew great crowds to their windows windowsLouisville Louisville police were on instructions to be courteous but firm with the visitors and to assist them in any way possible Thousands of road signs have been placed up making the quickest way to Churchill Downs and the one way streets designated for the day and noparking streets also designated for the day are amply posted postedOldtimers Oldtimers say the complexion of Derby crowds is changing and for the better This years crowd was having fun and ex ¬ citement and enjoying every minute of it but it was nonetheless orderly orderlySeveral Several Special Trains TrainsNo No story of the Derby weekend would be complete without reference to the flock of special trains which came from all parts of the nation excepting the Pacific Northwest These trains began arriving Wednesday and were continuing to arrive today with still others due tomorrow morning Most of the Derby visitors on these specials made their Pullman accommodations their home for their stay and the railroad yards sprang into sizable cities citiesIncidentally Incidentally the tens of thounsands of people here seem to have but one topic of conversation the Derby It appears that when the Derby is open it generates more general interest than when there is a stand ¬ out outFans Fans cant quite make up their minds whether Calumet Farms Hill Gail is a standout or not This question mark has added spice to all conversations arguments and pros and cons of the race plus the usual uncertainty added by what the track conditions may be at actual post time The weather is inclined to be subject to change changeContinued Continued on Page FortySix 1100000 or More to Witness Todays Renewal of Derby DerbyContinued Continued from Page Nineteen at this time of the year but one point all hands are in agreement namely that the early part of the week has seen the finest weather in the modern history of the race It has been sunny and pleasant mostly lacking in humidity just genuinely agree ¬ able Churchill Downs officials are as amazed as anyone else and are just hoping that come what may in the way of possible showers that Derbjf day itself is in keeping with the weather which prevailed jearly in the week

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1952050301/drf1952050301_19_2
Local Identifier: drf1952050301_19_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800