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W rig ley Field G round skeeper Likes PdDerThrowinq Peoole Cant Stand to Work When Only Small Crowds Attend Baseball Games Says Dorr DorrBy By TIM CANTY CANTYUnited United Press Sports Writer WriterThe The more people who come to Wrigley Field and throw paper around to make work for the groundkeepers the better grounds superintendent Bobby Dorr likes it itI I cant stand to work when there are only 3000 or 4000 people in the stands he said I love to see the place jammed even if we have to work overtime carting out the litter litterDorr Dorr who has tended Wrigley Field with loving care for 33 years said his worst headache is getting the diamond back In playing condition after the Chicago Bears get through massaging it during the football season seasonOh Oh how they tear up my ball field he said It takes us until the middle of May to get it resodded and fixed so that its what Id call real nice niceThe The leathery faced Dorr who said hes in the early 50s lives under one corner of the grandstand and his neat little house has probably the biggest back yard in the city the Cubs outfield outfieldI I dont have a garden though he said Those vines all over the walls are all the garden any man could ever want wantDorr Dorr spoke about the foliage that adorns the outfield walls in Wrigley Field in place of advertising signs that flank the outer gardens in many other major league ball parksAdvertising parks Advertising Pays Many Bills BillsI I suppose that the advertising pays a lot of bills he said but I think Id go nuts looking at razor blades and beer bottles all day Ill take the vines vinesHe He said Wrigley Field has the best drainage system in the majors and no matter how hard it rains the night before a game he can have the field ready to play inside of an hour and a half halfOne One day we had a doubleheader against the Giants and it started to pour early in the morning Well by noon there was ankledeep water covering the outfield all the way to second base baseThe The front office wanted to know if we should postpone the game and I told them to give me an hour The game started only 20 minutes late and you couldnt tell there had been any water at all on the field It was a little slippery though thoughHardly Hardly a baseball fanatic Dorr said his one main interest was keeping the field in good shape shapeI I do have a favorite Cubs team though he said That 1929 club was tops And I never did see another player that could compare with Hack Wilson He sure could powder that ball ballDorr Dorr said it seemed to him that people are bringing more lunches out to the park than they did in the past pastEvery Every year it seems that we carry out more and more trash he said Why in one series against the Cardinals Ill bet we carried out three tons of stuff stuffBut But that doesnt bother me he said I just wish the Bears played their games in Soldiers Field or any place but Wrigley Field FieldThey They sure do tear up an outfield