Overland Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-08


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C w . A. St „. ,, ■, Z Z Z :ji .", Z Z Z .»" ., ;: "j «• J, „. 2 •; • : ; $ s g I Z ! j S 8 ■ * « | ] ; • , . 1 v I ! I I I I ! I • I I OVERLAND PARK FORM CHART. I 1 DENVER, COLO., June 25, 1915.— Twelfth day. j Colorado Agricultural lair and Bacfcag Assoeia- .] liens Summer Meeting of 20 days. Overland Park. 1 Weather clear. Presiding Steward, P. A. Brady. Presiding faaVPB, T. Dethaaa, Starter, Bflward Trilic. Racing , Q secretary, W. W. Pinn. 212S3 first Rae» S H Mile. Purse .V». .".-year- . olds and Upward. S.-liinu. Net alue to winner .*17.-.: second, 0; third, *25. 2 ll.piiv Odds Ind. Horse. . fin. Jockey. Straight. 21S43 Eva I.a.lw hi. p,., i | t Notoa SCO 100 8I250*J. Crawford 10« :: V lira/. 1 ::::o inn 213andW Irish Ann hi7 ;:; V l-.f ■" " HN 1 •1197 i.a.usiL.iflv :m 1 R Crawford 370 loo l!»4 ciio.t. - IU3 !. i: . ai tor i . Pn : •ill lo Nobby Mt . a Donovan 3aM p»i SUM linlianol.a 111 7* D Louder UWO-100 :ill « i.m. M.ciii p.s .!■ O Sentry tmin io.i .l.ll ll. Hawkins tos s* : Warren MS lot MU7U cue ii Maeve mi HH V Kalter t I 1 l« idl.i Kalm M 11 "i: l..ii.y t 15926 Culdanoe lot J s McGraw iric."«» -KM , Mlllllel field. Time, ggsz 48. 1:00";,. Track fast. « inutiiels paid. Rva Pa.lwi. k. s:i.jn atralgbt, .16 place, .00 show; Jennie Crawford, .*!.;o place, s;.so snow; Irlsli Ann. 0.40 show. Winner C. V. Jacksaaa br. as, 7, by hfortlake i i aiharine the First drained by .1. W, Jackson . Start good. Woa driving; second ami third same. Overweights Rhodes, ."i | ids; Irish Ann. ::; In dianola. ::: Lady Si. Patrick, 1. 21284 seeomi Baee 5-$ Mile, purse 00. 3-year olds ami upward. Selling. Net value to win m r 7.".; ".olid. 0; third, $■-•:" . L.piiv Odds Iml. Here. wt fin. lackey. Straight. •1244 Jge Uheens in 1 0 Warren i • • loo 10O01 "L-ioo iu7 " i ■: Ha a kin 8S M lot SHOO* Minnie V. ill :;. K small 630 too S1300 Great Friar IU !"; K B ks K3O-1O0 21340 Dovle ill V K I. . ie I H0H 108 21 174" I if. J Ir.-ij ill i.i" T Nolan 160-100 . 31134 Miolani.a ill 7« li Louder C73»-l«8 31153 Chll. Trance III I i i-uuer ti::o-ion 21174 fvonne in." Refused. WLeedsl04SO-100 Time. 23,, 471., 140%. Track fast. inutiiels paid. Judge Cbeens, .10 straight. $::.!n» place, in show; Igloo, 1915.sh7.40 place, 3.00 show : Minnie I.. .20 show. Winner Vancouver Stables b, ?. 4, by Maria Santa Bet ties Deceiver i trained h R. J. Kamsey. Mart bad. Won easily; secoml and third driving. Overweights Yvonne, 1 pound; Mintanka. ::; Igloo, 1. 21285 Third Pace :; I Mile. lurse $•_.".». .". y.ar-obls and upward. Selling. Net yalue to winner 7.".: secoml, 0; third, 8. Eqnlv. Odds lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 21179 Say Wl I] S Smith sen 100 2134C*CoIdflnn 113 V R Bsnall 2S6 loo 211X0 Loan Shark Z : *■ 1 1 Stuart 1670-100 2 1240 Mater HS 4~ 11 Clark IIS 100 212S3sStoh»n Ante H O t Oeatry 6SO-1O0 31253 Id 1ito 11- 6 R Brooks lClO-160 lime. 234.. 48.. 1:13.. Track fast. muiiiels paid. Say. 0.20 straight. $ t.:MI place. .80 show: Coldlian. S::.7ti place. $::..".i show; Loan Shark, JM show. Winner W. oinmells br. g. 1. by Sais The Rose of i be Kan. ho trained by .1. ll. Hoppasl. Stall good. Won driving; seeomi ami third same. 2128G fourth Race— 5 1 2 rurtongs. Purse 30. -1 year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner .7.".; snrnad, 0; thud. 5 Eqnlv. Odds Ind. Hone, Wt Pin. Jockey. Straight. 2IIM.V ;r. favorite 111 1 R Crooks MO-100 21248-Light Knightlll 2* W Kelsay 2GO-100 SllSlsOrba Smile 109 i:1 V Stevens 870-100 21105 Kb . trowan lea 4" G Warren 1770-100 18S7SGasket Hin :•" R Carter 245-100 21105 CW.Kennon III %* S Smith B.ViO-100 2 1254 Mar. hfcKee hi7 7 W Leeds 830 Inn 21250 has. Qoeta 111 -1 I". Denny 3125-100 81108 Miss Tempo Wl S ■ W inn. - 3930-100 I7S27 Binocular 111 M C Basqull 4710-100 Time. 23»r.. 48V,. 1:07--.. Track fast. S2 mutiiels paid. Crays favorite. 2.00 straight, .30 place, *::. in allow; Idghf Knight, .70 place. .30 show: urba Smile, .fl.ln show. Winner it S. Plunketfs blk. u. 5. i.v Bonnie Joe Mri Blackburn I trained by It. S. Hlnnkeltl. Start e; m . I . Won driving: second and third same. 21287 lifth Race 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 50. |-vcar olds ami upward. Selling. V! value to winner 75; second, 0; third, 5. P.liiiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt Pin. Jockey. Straight 2 1215 lira. IfcOee lm; f- O leiiliw fa. hm 2l2lt Isabelle VallelSS S- K Smith s:.n leu 21170 Balcliff KiS :■.. T Nolan 690-100 2I1!*8 Ifollie Cad 1"7 1 C Riddle I W 100 2 1 243* Black Mate tOS ■.,■ W Ormea I 100 21281 LilMar.hiit bis i"k S Sniilli -if. Iimi 21100 Whhl.l. ti Ins 7 Q Baaqull 945-160 15 I IX Sir John Hi 8SJ W Kelsay 970 100 31180 Wise Mason 113 a 1: Carter JSi i» Time, 2a. 09*4, l:Ii, l.*«Hs. 1:88%. Track fast. mutnels paid. Ira IfctJee, 5.00 straight, .iin place, .00 show: Isabelle v.alie, 11711 place, .00 show: P.al.litr. .40 show. Winner D. P.. Freemans cb. in. 8, by UeGee Idly trained by l . R. freemaal. Start fr.x.d. Won easily: see.. ml and third driving. Overweights Motile Cad, I pound. 21288 Sixth Race 5 i 2 Furlongs. purse 50. I year-olds and upward. S.-llim;. Net value P. winner 75; seeomi, 0; third, 5. Rquiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Pin. Jockey. Straight. 21105 Bob I arb y lit I] S Smith 2720-100 I 21 188 Faustina M9 l" C Kiddle ISO-100 21188 Aaarea In» MT Nolan Sli loo , i2i2l!iMs Clark ion t" i Bauer f.oo m.i i 21282 allium 111 V R Brooks 23G UM l 21243 /.....I 109 G3 .1 Washer ..1.::. loo i 2l2l43L.for.l loa 7»k li Small :,!., Ion i 21213 Hapnia 1*h; n:i I Dealy IP.111 Hid i 19071* J. X.dan 109 U- W Kelsay S540-100 2ll7:t Cust House IU jo .1 Donovan 2980 |ih I Time. 23., 4S-... 1:07. Track fast. *•_ mntnebj paid. Bab Irarier, 0.40 straHrht, 5.70 place. 1915.sh.10 show; fauslina. .80 place, .s:;..a» show: Aaarea. .10 show. Winner W. tSeuimelPs b. g. 7. by Miller Black Lady trained I.v .1. hi. Hoppas. Start uo.nl. Won driviii;: scioiid and lliird same. 21230 Seventh Race 5 s Mile, lurse 511. 4-year obis and upward. Selling. Net value to win per 75; I e.,,11 I. 0; third. 5. Eqnlv. Odds i lad. Horse. wt fin. Jockey. Straight. 2 1081 1 Km ! Ill I- .1 Wa- her 370 MM , 2 1251 "Min. Jlmmle Ms :" R Small 3S0 loo 21251 Swarfs Hill ill :: S Smilh I .:, WO 21240 !»• lain MO P 1 Phillips 670 100 , 18250-ln Dutch 110 .,- T Nolan 1 .1.0 pm , CI1I84 .. uid Nunc hit! C 1 MolesworthlS IO0 1 Time. 88%, 48".. l:004,. Tia.U last. mutueis paid, I ny. ..i hi straight. .::o place, .70 show; Uinco Jlmmle, .00 place, .00 show ; Swart 1 Hill. .40 show. Winner . L. Valentines b. m. 5. by Kenil-worth Milieu trained by . L. Valentine si ill 1 1. Won handily; seeomi and third driv illL.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915070801/drf1915070801_2_10
Local Identifier: drf1915070801_2_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800