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PLATERS AT BELMONT PARK SUPPLY THE REALLY INTERESTING FEATURES OF THE AFTERNOONS RACING YESTERDAY Flittergold Beaten by Distance and Double Eagle The Finn Not to Start in the Coming ComingLatonia Latonia Derby Now York Juno 7 Two races that wore framed for llu selling platers today developed into ahout the best features of the afternoon at Rclmont Park Iiolh from the racing and speculative stand ¬ points In the second Wtiodon Shoos going to tho w st equal favorite with I M Miller over conic good platers was returned the winner after lead ¬ ing throughout and in the third over the straight ¬ away course Orotund at 12 to 1 was home liy a scant margin in advance of Distant Shore ShoreWhat What was intended for a feature was marred somewhat by the withdrawal of Flying Fairy and Hock View It resulted in the defeat of the re ¬ maining Ilclmont entry Flittcrgold quoted at odds on by the threeyearolds Distance and Double Eagle The latter two fought it out through the last eighth and Distance ably ridden by the ap ¬ prentice Iowder got the verdict bv a head over the Quincy Stables Doulile Eagle piloted by the veteran McCahey What perhaps encompassed the defeat of Flittergold was tho overconfident manner In which Diigan rode he being taken out of con ¬ tention in the early running and then after trying unsuccessfully to get through on the stretch turn WUR forced to go around aroundOld Old Salt added another race to his credit when lie took the steeplechase in easy fashion over Syosset anil Hryndor loekey Lowdcr who pilited two winners during the afternoon is much sought after by the horse ¬ men W II Karrick who has lirst call on the Oklahoma engagementsAndrew lad is making his engagements Andrew Miller has forwarded to Kentucky 250 the amount of the line imposed on jockey J But woll by the Kentucky ollicials ollicialsH H C Ilallcubeck today ordered a ear to ship The Finn to Lntonia hut afterwards cancelled the order and the threeyearold will not make the trip to r iMt in the Latonia Derby It is regarded as prob ¬ able that ho will go to Hamilton for the Hamilton Derby to be run the latter part of June JuneJockey Jockey J McTaggart was an arrival from Louis ¬ ville today todayTho Tho jumper Old Salt has again changed hands He was bid r and sold after his victory last week then purchased back by his original owner who then sold him to Edward Burke in whose colors he ran today todayJockey Jockey Ural was suspended for three days by order of the stewards for rough riding while astride Iomette Bleu Saturday SaturdayGeorge George Odom is to train a public stable and has taken over Uncle Jimmie Carlavcrock and a maiden threeyearold Theodore Smith The report that the threeyearold lilly Silver Thread belonging to Mr Odom had broken down is incorrect as tho filly only bruised one of her feet feetMagnet Magnet is reported as training but showing sore ¬ ness at Gravesend GravesendThe The Jamaica track is in good condition for the opening there The newly passed scratch rule was not effective for the fourth and llftli races today as these races had been made np before the rulu was passed passedThe The following were among Sundays workouts over the Belmont Iark track trackHigh High Noon Threequarters in l12Jf l12JfHuiakan Huiakan Mile in 142 142He He Will Threequarters in 11 11Kilmer Kilmer Threequarters in l10j l10jKaskaskia Kaskaskia Mile in 141 141hast hast Coin Threeeighths in 1 1Malachite Malachite Half mile in 4 4Phosphor Phosphor Threeeighths in 39 39Regina Regina Half mile in 17 17Sharpshooter Sharpshooter Threeeighths in 39 39Sum Sum Slick Mile in 114 114Sand Sand Pocket Fireeighths in 102 102Slumber Slumber II Half mile in 47 47TackoyIIalf TackoyIIalf mile in White Hackle Threequarters in 120 120The The following workouts took place today at Ja ¬ maica Borax Half mile in 53 Cov Half mile in I ILady Lady A tkin Fiveeighths in 104 104Lily Lily Heavens Half mile in 51 51Pofaritis Pofaritis Fiveeighths iirl10 iirl10Runes Runes Mile in 14S 14SSolon Solon Half mile in 1 1Vatertown Vatertown MIIe in 147 147The The following were among todays workouts at Belmont Park ParkAlways Always First Mile and a quarter in 21G 21GAll All Smiles Threeeighths in 3S 3SBeverly Beverly James Fiveeighths in 104 104jUue jUue Hock Fiveeighths in 111 111Forecast Forecast Half mile in 53 53Gilt Gilt Fdge Fiveeighths in 105 105High High Tide Half mile in 51 51I I larmonicon Threequarters in 113 113Hansa Hansa Fiveeighths in 10 10Hidden Hidden Star Fiveeighths in 103 103Irish Irish Boy Threeeighths in 38 38IHIU IHIU MishaFivoeighths in 102 102Menlo Menlo Park Three eighths in 40 40Meeting Meeting House Threeeighths in 35 35Onncsdale Onncsdale Fiveeighths in 101 101Inss Inss in Hoots Threeeighths In 3S 3SRobinetta Robinetta Threeiiiartcrs in 117 117Morl Morl Grass Half mile ill 4 4Success Success Fvocighths in 102 102Tartar Tartar Mile and an eighth in 154 154Young Young Emblem Mile in 141 141Yankee Yankee Notions Threc inarters in 115