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ENGLANDS SUBSTITUTE FOR THE DERBY Wednesday of last week was to have been Kpsom Derby Day and the Oaks wns to have been run on Friday In a way those races wore national institu ¬ tions Never before sluce its first running in 1780 Ims the annuul running of the Derby been Inter ¬ rupted Tlie British government could have taken no shrewder or more convincing step to bring home to the British comprenxlon the conviction that the British Kmplro is engaged in n life and death struggle for its continued existence as one of the great nations of the earth SVjiue such hock was uvmsary to urouse a big sccljou of Eugluuds popu ¬ lation to tint real gravity of the nations peril and needs That necessity and not hostility to racing was tho impelling force behind the governments call on the Jockey Club for the abandonment of racing elsewhere than at Newmarket and it was the Jockey Clubs intelligent comprehension of the pressing needs of the hour that caused its prompt compliance with the governments request requestHowever However u race is to be run this month at New ¬ market which will probably go into the records as tho Derby of 1015 oven though not technically the race which closed two years back to be run over the historic course on Epsom Downs Full details of tho Jockey Clubs provision of the races for the meeting have not been received but a dispatch from London of Juno 3 said saidAlthough Although they are to be denied an opportunity of witnessing tho Derby at Epsom Downs British race lovers will have a chance to bee Pommern the favorite for the abandoned classic run in thn socalled New Derby Stakes a race to be held with the New Oaks Stakes at the first extra Newmarket meeting which commences June 15 15Eleven Eleven other horses have been entered for the New Derby Todays Racing Calendar announces two other extra Newmarket meetings one July 27 2S and 20 and tho other August 24 25 and 20