Third Race [3rd Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-08

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THIRD RACE 1 Mile anil 70 Yards 3ycarolds and upward Allowances 90155 112 3 9 ROYAL II b c 3 105 By Your Majesty Lady Ethel J Livingston 03Sfi Douglas 1 11 210hvy 13 101 S 9 9 71 Gl A Neylon 9 lorrov Ilodge P llcrmls 20134 Douglas IniTOv 14G hvy 32 114 774 7742035T lz 1 J Biitwcll 7 II and Stars Uncle llryn Tctau 2035T Churchill 1 11G l47Sslov 1110 10S 2 3 21 2s R Goose Kinersoii Coehran Sea Shell 20227 Churchill 1 11 205fast 15 117 1C 12 a 511 45 A Neylon lli Hcgret Pebbles Sliarpsbuotcr 0179 Lcxgton 118151 slow 2720 107 435 4 = 481 L Gentry 5 Sharpshooter Tntnu KUoohran 20077 Lexgtou Iin70yl43fast 3310 103 7 9 S SlOOlU 31 I1 A Neylon 10 Sluirptcr Coinada E Coclirnn lOOlU Lexston C f 100 livy 14 94 3 4 41S315 33 2 15 Marco 4 Hawthorn Hcl Parbee Useeit 1S315 LatonJa 31 l12fast 1S5 114 2 4 41S159 41 4 J Loftns 5 Wblossom One Step IIoos Uoo 1S159 Latonia 51 f lOSfast 4320 115 5 8 11 I1 J Lpftus 12 Hoos Uoo Syrian Mex GOLDCREST BOY br r 3 97 By Plaudit Polly Prim J W Schorr Schorriu 20717 Douglas 1 116 l45fast 26G 102 222 iu it i Stirling 0 firosvciior Brynliinali Kxption 0610 Douglas Im70y IMSJfast 91 100 3 4 4 4203SS C C ° F Hobinsn 0 One Step Leo liny LittlcString 203SS Douglas Im70y l47hvy 51 9G 1 3 4 4 41 F Judy 5 Durtcli GrovlIiiKhes LeaSkoIny 0501 Douglas 1 11G l17inud 910101 333 42 47i M Garner 7 BayCandle LString Uiugliiig 056 Churchill 1 l40slow fJ 91 7 7 8 32 1 M Garner 10 llocnir Stout Heart Old Ben 20331 Churchill 1 139 fast 17 92 1 4 4 4 4 1 F Judy 7 L String I Eagle W Witch Witch12l 20227 Churchill 1 14 205fast G 114 S 8 10 12l 12IJJ Kcdcris 10 Regret Pebbles Sharpshooter 20177 Loxgton 1 l4lhvy 10 101 1 3 3 3201G1 31 2h J Kedcris i Phosphor Embroidery Luther 201G1 Lexgton 1 11 203fast 69 102 3 3 9 9l 9l J Kcderis 10 Indolence U ISradley Leo Uay UayBy THE GRADER b E 5 107 107LUV3 By Orlando My Fair Kentucky J T Hughes LUV3 Douglas 1 l13niud 4 10S 111 le 1 ° E Pool Ilerinmlii Grosvenor J Hcanlon 2032 Churchill 1 1lfi l16Cast 11 109 532 532a2Tifi 1 = I1 A Mott 7 II Candle Blackthorn G Post a2Tifi Churchill 1 110 l40fast 41 110 7 G 0 G = 5s J Dutwdl S Bonanzii Robinelta Expcctioa 20177 Lexgton 1 lllhvy 16 102 544 55 5 = 3 A Jlott Phosphor Gold Boy Kmhdery 0126 Ixxgton 1 110 fast 22 102 3 3 4 4172S3 2 ° 2l A Mott 4 BradChoice SiinVega Chartier 172S3 Lcxgton 31 114 fast 29 110 2 3 3I51S3 Si 10 H Goose 11 Suregct Bank Hill Scrapper I51S3 Latonia 31 l12 fast fid 103 9 12 12 12 = l G Byrne 12 KioBrazos Raonl J P Robinson 1507S Latonia 34 l16mud 14 109 10 7 9l 951G Byrne 10 Fly Yankee BChilton BBarnes BBarnesBy IMPRESSION b K 6 107 By Wild Mint Inspiration J ft Stamper Jr 20773 Douglas 1 11G 143 fast i 4 110 3 2 2 1i I1 O Ganz B Beulah S Old Bon Korfliage 20701 Douglas 1 116 l16 good 3S5 113 322 32220Mi I3 1 G Ganz 7 Star Actress Reno StCharlcote 20Mi Churchill 1 116 l4flast 1910 109 322 2s 2h J Putwell 11 Jessie Louise Acis Hard Ball 20274 Churchill 1 11G l48slow 3 107 S 9 9 31 21 W Liilcy 10 Itdiuiram Loveland Penalty 19365 NOrlns 1 116 l44fast 15 100 3 2 2 5 rJlt Urqulirt 5 For Fair Resign Just Red 19331 NOrlns 1 l39fast S 104S 211 22 2 Ij Gaugel 7 OldBeii ILTeniple TBusybody 19272 NOrlns Im70y l44fast 15 103 5 3 3 2 55i H Urtmhrt 0 Stoiitlleart Just Red B Candle CandleBy WATER WITCH b f 3 95 By Watercress Miss Crittenden W J Youncr 0711 Douglas 1 l3916fast S710 100 S S S S20TSS 41 3 = 1 A Mott S Dortclt Fllabelle CToniGrcon 20TSS Douglas limOy l47hvy 71 911 5 5 5 5CO 5 58 M Garner r Dortch GroIIiighes LcoSkolny CO 102 Douglas 1 11G l47mud 315 97 7 7 7 720i 7 7 = 3 A Mott 7 ItayCandle LString Ringling 20i Churchill 1 139 fast 51 90 7 7 7 3 = 331 It Urquhrt 7 L String I Easlc Gold Boy 1 2S7 Churchill 1 1lfi l4rfast 14 S9 544 3 = 11 R Urqhart 5 S Shooter L Skolny Kil Ioy 20137 Ixjxgton 34 l13fast 12 100 S S SITOS9 SITOS9 5l 4 F Murphy S Kmbrolilery Tory Maid Grecian ITOS9 IxjxKton 1 l3Sfast 40 112 2 4 C C1KK53 43 471 L Gentry 12 Wlilossom Emhclery One Step 1KK53 Latonia 5 f lOS ffast 3120 110 10 8 Si 2 ° K Goosu I Gilt Edge Gertrude B Dimity 18241 Latonia 31 l13fast 115107112 10 101S170 S 4i R Goosi 12 Cahnonaile Nnblemnn WCrown 1S170 Latonia 51 f l07good 145 112 1 G 3l 2J F Murpliy 12 Fidget Flos Crocket Gilt Edge UNCLE BRYN br c 3 100 By Bryn Mawr Aunt Belle Mrs S W Waldcn 20330 Douglas 31 lll niud 313 1111 4 420ii 4 3 l Bntwell 7 li and Stars RGoosc Converse 20ii Douglas Ini70y 146 livy 2S 103 5 5 2 3 = 3J K Gcose 7 Royal II B and Star Tftau 20227 Churchill 1 11 203fast fid 117 14 14 14 141S3JS 131 13 XT McTagtK Regret 1ebhlcs Sliarpslicoter 1S3JS Piinlico 31 114 fast 135 112 1 5 51S30J 4 451 R Troxlcr 11 llerht Temple Volant Carlone 1S30J Piinlico 1 l10fast fid 110 S 5 4 4S2o 41 4 3 R Troxler 11 Double Knglo Razzano Sarsonet S2o Piinlico Di f 1OS fast 175 112 7 4 41S1G1 12 I4 R Troxler 11 MarTolons LWing Bev James 1S1G1 Laurel 31 lir fast 9i 110 1 2 2179S9 li 21 J MeCaheylJ Mcolicka LightWing Estimable 179S9 Laurel 51 f l07sfast 135 110 7 5 33 35 J Bntwell lo Tudor King Key Mar Meclicka

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Local Identifier: drf1915060801_6_1
Library of Congress Record: