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BELMONT PARK FORM CHART NEW YORK MONDAY JUNE 7 1015 Sixteenth day Westchester Racing Association Spring Meeting of IS days Weather clear Itacing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 130 p in Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACK 58 Mile Straight 01085 58 2 122 500 Added 2yearolds Soiling Net value to winner 100 second 100 third S50 AWtPPStM Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S w 102 4 2 3h 2l 21 I3 P Lowder R T Wilson 14 31011 out rNA w 104 24 1 1 lh 2 L Allen S Hirscli 15 20 12 3 710 710RN OG57ISUOOM CORN RN w 98 5 1 4i 4i 5 3 W Lillcy G A Cocbran 5 S S 7G 25 25K 001 F1SH WALK K WB J S 3 3 2 31 3 4 E CiiinpbllE B Cassatt 15 20 20 4 75 201 72 JERRY JU WB 101 15 5 5 4 5 D Steward J II Loucheim 10 12 8 6525 6525Time fastWinner Time 100 Track fast Winner HoaleyWent Ch f by Celt SancI trained by T 0 Hoaley Went to post at 234 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing THALEK after being held in reserve in the early running responded gamely when called on and drew away easily near the end EDNA KENNA was rushed into the lead quickly and set a fast pace but could not withstand the winners challenge BKOOM CORN came fust in the lust eighth and outstayed FISH WALK In the final drive Tho latter showed speed but tired The winner was entered for 000 no bid bidOverweights Overweights Jerry Jr 3 iRiunds QOTOO SECOND RACK 1 116 Miles 1530 144 5 120 000 Added 3yearolds and 4jJ i J A upward Selling Net value to winner 530 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWlPPSt U Vj Str Fin Jockeys Owners O HOP 20504 WOODEN SIIOESwn 4 101 4 4 I1 I2 I2 I2 I2 J McCaboyQuIncy Stable 3 3 2i 1 25 207532G M MILLER wn 8 111 5 G 3 3i J 3 II LaffertyR F Carman 2J 13521 1 25 20000 = AL BLOC1I w 5 107 2 2 4J 11 4 4 3 P Lowder S Lewis 3 4 18575 20058 OSULLIVAN wn 5 112 i 5 5U 2 2l 2X 43 M Buxton J MacManus S 12 12 4 i 20753 GUY FISHER wn a 114 1 1 C G 5 53 5 G Byrne E F Cooney 4 4 18575 35 20550 RAY OLIGHT wu 4 103 2 3 2s 5 6 C G D Steward J II Loucheim 10 15 15 6 2i fastWinner Time 12 23 35 S 48 100 139 147 Track fast Winner Ch g by Burgomaster Breakdown trained by J Fitzsimmons FitzsimmonsWent Went to post at 303 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving WOODEN SHOES began quickly and racing into a good lead while rounding the far turn kept it and won with sneed in reserve G M MILLKU was a forward contender throughout but tired and just lasted long enough to withstand AL BLOCHS belated challenge The latter was held in close quarters to tho eighth post then gained rapidly when clear OSULLIVAN showed a good order of speed but tired GUY FISHER was outpaced all the way The winner was entered for 500 ny bid bidScratched Scratched 2o500 = Marshon 101 20730 Beethoven 101 THIRD RACE 6 12 Furlongs Main Course 71401 1177 1 124 5500 Added 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 470 second 100 third 50 index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O HOPS 005G2 OROTUND WH 4 99 G 6 S 4J 2l 1 W Lilley R O Miller 12 15 12 4 2 200 1 8 DISTANT SHOREwsn 3 101 5 5 lh 1i 1i 2 P Lowiler Oneck Stable 3J 4 1151 12 20 107 ELLA BRYSON w 7 IOS 4 1 rJ r i 3t 31 II LaffertyR F Carman 3 4 16565 36 7l 7 fi2 4 J MeTiigrtMrs R I Miller 20 20 15 G 2 20730DERVISII WB 3 92 1 3 4 21 4 5 F Hopkins J Butler 15 20 20 S 4 20058 PERTHSHIRE w 7 114 3 4 G fi 5 fi J McCaheyW N Adrians 4 G 41 S5 45 20754 2AZYIADE wn 6 107 2 2 21 lii 73 7 G Byrne H C Hallenbeck 853 135S5 35 20348 M B EUBANKS W G 10G S 7 3 S S S M Buxton F A Clark 25 25 25 S 4 4Time Time 11 Ss3 35 48 100 113 120 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch f by Hippodrome Olovia trained by It O Miller MillerWent Went to post at 333 At post 4 uiihtites Start good and slow Won driving second and third die same OROTUND was shutlled back at the start but saved ground on tho turns and closing np steadily in the stretch outstayed DISTANT SHORE in the linal drive and won going away DISTANT SHORE slipped through next to tho rail on tho backstretch and took a good lead while rounding the turn but tired when challenged ELLA BRYSON raced on the outside throughout and finished gamely under punishment BEETHOVEN closed a gap and finished fast DERVISH was forced wide when entering tho stretch AZYIADE quit The winner was entered for 500 no bid bidScratched Scratched 2001S3KoIy 105 20407 = Mlnstrol 102 207G33Stonehonge 111 20782 Plantagenet 07 07Overweights Overweights Azyiade 3 pounds fcJfVTOi FOURTH RACE 1 Mile 10870 1 30 3 117 McKinney Handicap 700 Added IJ I t t 3yenrolds and upward Net value to winner 570 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPStV V 01 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P i 20003 DISTANCE w 3 97 3 3 2l 4 31 21 1 P Lowder F A Clark G S 7 65 out 20331 SDOURLE EAGLE wsn 3 102 2 4 in 1i I1 1J 2U J McCabeyQuincy Stable 3 4 2J 35 out 2072 FLITTERGOLD w 4 IIS 4 1 3 2l 2l 3 3s E Dugm A Belmont 12 71033 out 207783ADAMS EXPRESSwJi 7 107 1 2 4 3i 4 4 4 G Byrne II C Hallenbeck S 12 12 2J out Time 13 5 37 49 10114 126 139 Track fast fastWinner Winner B f by Rock Sand Dissembler trained by W S Walker WalkerWent Went to mst at 402 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same DISTANCE clo e up from the start slipped through next to the rail on the last turn ind resfpond gamely to punishn nt when called on outstayed DOUBLE EAGLE in the closing strides DOUBLE EAGLE set the pace ai 1 was rated in front to the stretch then tired when challenged but finished gamely FL1TTERGOLI raced ito a pocket on the backstretch and was rated behind tha leader to the eighth post where ho failed to resp nd when called on onScratched Scratched 20021 I ek View 120 20780 Flying Fairy 120 120Overweights Overweights Adan s Express 3 pounds O TOPv FIFTH RACE About 2 Miles 10005 109 5 153 Centreport Steeplechase 700 1 J I tf O Added 3yearolds and upward Selling Handicap Net value to winner 580 580second second 125 third S75 sea AWtPPSt 3 0 J 12 Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 20059OLD SALT w G 153 8 5 2 2U P 1 = I5 T Tuckey E Burke 2 1152 4a 2 20022 SYOSSET ws 5 140 428 71 73 5 = 21 M HensonLissbKerJacbs 7G 2 9571013 20503 BRYNDOR w G 111 1 3 51 1J 3i 2t 3 t L FranklinT Hitchcock G 7 4 8545 1 0729GUN COTTON ws 10 152 G S G G S 3i 4 T Howard W Stockton 8 S G 2 1 2075 XELLWOOD w 7 130 7 4 45 5s Cl V 5 K Waufih L Jacobs 15 20 20 S 4 4072U 072U FRIIOLEE w 5 137 5 7 1 = I1 Ll GI = F Walker M Smart S 10 10 4 2 2l758 l758 FREE AND EASY w G 132 2 1 3s 3i 4l 73 7i S Stevson C K Rockwell 20 30 30 10 5 18005 3ROCK ABBEY w S 130 3 G 7i S S S 8 J Ryan P Houck Jr 20 20 20 8 4 4Time Time 415 Track fast fastWinner Winner B g by Seahorse II Salllo Thomason trained by J H Lewis LewisWent Went to post at 431 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing OLD SALT fenced well and was held in restraint for a mile then raced into this lead in the second turn of the lield and won in a canter SYOSSET was permitted to drop too far back in the early running trd closed a tremendous gap in the last half BRYNDOR moved np gamely at the last fence but tired when the final drive came GUN COTTON was ridden all over the course The winner was entered for S800 110 bid fr7CC ± SIXTH RACE 78 Mile Main Course 05117 122 5 120 500 Added 3yearolds f i O and upward Selling Net value to winner 410 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S ° 00183ROLY WB 3 115 3 G 4 2l 22 lh 1 M Buxton C J Quinn 95 2 G5 12 out out20720PRAIRIE 20720PRAIRIE WB 4 107 5 3 1 I1 1J 2 2J P Lowder R T Wilson 4 fi 4i Sf 710 710C C 0535DINAH DO w 3 105 G 1 2 3 a 32 32 F Hopkins T O Talbott 3 5 4J 85710 20083 EL BIOD w 4 112 1 4 G fi 4J 4J 4 G Byrne Mr Esirlo 4 5 41 S5 710 20232 SIR W JOIINSNwit 4 112 4 2 3h 42 5s 55 5s J McCabeyE J Travers 5 G fi 2 45 17208 S AND GARTER wn 3 107 2 5 52 G G G G D ONeill J L Coyle 50 10010030 12 12Time Time 12 24 35 48 113 12G Track fast fastWinner Winner B c by Golden Maxim Lotowanna trained by C T Patterson PattersonWent Went to iwst at 501 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third ilrlvt ing ROLY was shuttled back at the start but need up into early contention and passing PRAIRIE in the final eighth won under restraint PRAIRIE showed a good flight of speed and set a fast pace but tired fast hi the tinal eighth DINAH DO ran well and finished resolutely EL BIOD closed up steadily Tho winner was entered for 500 no bid bidScratched Scratched 20097 Menlo Park 110 20782 Roseuiarlne 105 20527 Northlight 105