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LATONIA READY TO RECEIVE VISITORS Racing Hosts Arrive from Louisville in Excellent Condition Good Card for This Afternoon Latonia Ky June 7 Everything is in thorough readiness for the opening of the meeting The pic ¬ turesque courno never presented a hotter appearance mid the numerous improvements that Manager Ilacu meibler has added this spring has brought the plant to a standard far excelling in beauty and complete ¬ ness any racing plant in tho state Local interest in the sKirt this season is in excess of that shown at any former meeting Yesterday and part of to ¬ day wort given over to the transfer of horses from l uisvile Special trains arrived frequently and over 700 racers were moved from the Loulsvlllu courses and put away here without mishap In tho shipments were most of the stars that took part in the siKirt at the Falls City tracks There will bo no scarcity of racing material or riders for all the good jockeys are likewise registered here hereEugene Eugene Elrod who has charge of the mutncl bet ¬ ting arrangements has installed thirtyone machines of tho 2 5 1O and 20 straight place and show varities in addition to tho 4 0 and 10 combination machines Thirtyone ticket sellers together with a like number of cashiers and clickers will he employed in connection with their operation The machines in use hero are the latest improved ones designed and patented by John Ilachmeister IlachmeisterBrisk Brisk showers this afternoon gave tho course a good drenching but unless more heavy rain falls tomorrow the coursu will bo ideal to race over The overThe opening card is a splendid one featured by the Inaugural Handicap one mile and a sixteenth 2000 added and engaging all the cracks in these parts partsThe The same officials who served at Douglas Park with the exception of Dr Leach who will bo the paddock judge hero will have supervision of the racing racingAt At Latonia slow work was the rule this morning over a fast track Among the best workouts noted were wereBiiyberry Biiyberry Candle Fiveeighths in 100 100Beach Beach Comber Mile in 148 148lob lob Hensley Threeeighths in 30 30Broomtlower Broomtlower Mile in 147 1471M 1M Howard Fiveeighths in 103 103Expectation Expectation Mile in 140 140Helen Helen M Threeeighths in 41 41Ilermuda Ilermuda Mile in 150 150Irish Irish Gentleman Mile in 148 148John John Oimd Fiveeighths in 1OS 1OSKate Kate K Fiveeighths in 104 104Miss Miss Thorpe Mile in 145 145Onotarllalf Onotarllalf mile in 50 50September September Morn Throeeighths in 3S 3SStar Star McGec Threeeighths in 37 37Stifk Stifk Pin Threeeighths in 42 42Sureget Sureget Threequarters in 118 118Talebearer Talebearer Threequarters in 117 117Tener Tener Mile In 140 140Tetan Tetan Fiveeighths in 104 104White White Crown Fiveeighths in 10