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ELECTRIC PARK RACING STATISTICS The spring meeting of the Electric Park Ex ¬ position Co which opened May 19 and came to a close May 24 embraced five racing day during which thirty races were run and 7050 was dis ¬ tributed in purses Of the fortyfour owners who won the following were winners of 190 or more Owner OwnerBrenton 1st 2d 3d Brenton G C 3 0 0 Fones J P 2 2 0 Seregni L A 2 1 1 Casey W V Gray R II Carter It D White H A Utterback E Westmoreland W O OCreighton Creighton B J Kites H Harrison J E Pangle J W Smith T Gardner W C Airhart H C Capps W C Condran E F Karr A J Nash J E Hutiler II Smithson C C Watson A R Watts U P Of tiie sixtythree horses that placed the follow ¬ ing twentyeight were winners of 190 or more moreHorse Horse 1st 2d 3d Arat AratHenry Henry Hutchison 2 2 0 400 400Royal Royal Onyx 2 0 0 380 380Cannock Cannock 1 0 0 300 300Battery Battery 1 1 1 250 250Petelus Petelus 1 1 1 210 210Bulgar Bulgar 1 1 0 230 230Otranto Otranto 1 1 0 230 230Peacick Peacick 110 230 230Havana Havana 1 0 1 210 210Page Page White 1 0 1 210 210Auavarl Auavarl 1 0 0 190 190Barette Barette 1 0 0 190 190Booth Booth 1 0 0 190 190Castara Castara 1 0 0 190 190Colonel Colonel Ashmeade 1 0 0 190 190Earlymorn Earlymorn 1 0 0 190 190Hedge Hedge Rose 1 0 0 190 190Hoffman Hoffman 1 0 0 190 190J J B Harrell 1 0 0 190 190Louise Louise May 1 0 0 190 190Maid Maid of Honor 1 0 0 190 190Moncreif Moncreif 1 0 0 190 190Monty Monty Fox 1 0 0 190 190Muzanti Muzanti 1 0 0 190 190Nellie Nellie C 1 0 0 190 190Ossary Ossary Maid 1 0 0 190 190Shepherdess Shepherdess 100 190 190Utlizzi Utlizzi 1 0 0 190 Pickens carried off the riding honors of the themeeting meeting The record of the jockeys who piloted one or more winners is as follows followsJockey Jockey Mts 1st 2d 3d Unp PO POPickens Pickens A 20 9 4 1 0 45 45Doyle Doyle W 27 7 3 C 11 20 20Ward Ward W 8 3 1 0 4 37 37Troxler Troxler R 8 3 0 2 3 37 37Atwell Atwell E 10 2 2 2 4 20 20Nicklaus Nicklaus A 10 2 0 1 7 20 20Moore Moore F 9 1 0 4 4 11 11Gordon Gordon C 10 1 2 1 C 10 10Montour Montour J 13 1 4 2 C 08 08Dennison Dennison J 14 1 2 2 9 07 07The The following jockeys placed but failed to win Jockey Mts 1st 2d SdUnp SdUnpManders Manders W 12 0219 0219Jackson Jackson C 14 0 2 0 12 12Whymark Whymark C 2 0 1 1 0 0Quinlan Quinlan T 4 0 I 1 2 2McEwen McEwen E 2 0 1 0 1 1Braxton Braxton C 2 0 1 0 1 1Wolcott Wolcott R 3 0 1 0 2 2Davis Davis S 3 0 1 0 2 2Bauer Bauer J 0 1 0 2 2Grand Grand C 4 0 1 0 3 3Chappell Chappell II S 0 0 2 0 0Goines Goines L 9 0 0 2 7 7Harrison Harrison 1 0 0 1 0 0Gartner Gartner J 4 0 0 1 3 3Tlie Tlie following jockeys had mounts to the number shown and failed to place JockeyAdams Jockey Mts Jockey Adams V 2 Merchant F Dunkinson W 3 Minder A Hanover A 4 Neander R Hartwell L 1 Peudergast J Irvin C 3 Quinn W Johnson J 2 Rosen W Lindsey I C Walker W R 3 3McDermott McDermott R 1 Young 3 3The The trainers who saddled one or more winners are as follows followsTrainer Trainer Wins Trainer Wins WinsAirhart Airhart IL C I Kelley M C 1 1Brenton Brenton G C 3 Kennedy II 1 1Brown Brown J 1 Nash J E 1 1Capps Capps W C 1 Pangle J W 1 1Carter Carter R D 1 Rathinan 17 1 1Casey Casey W V 2 Retldicks J 1 1Foster Foster M u Schlesinger H 1 1Harrison Harrison J E 1 Shields W 1 1Ilonlg Ilonlg J 2 Suggs W E 1 1Johnston Johnston J 1 Utterback E 1 1Jones Jones E L 1 Westmoreland W C 1 1Karr Karr A J 1 White R A 2 The percentage of winning favorites was normal is shown in the subjoined tabulation tabulationNin Nin her of days Nm tier of races Wii ling first choices Wil ling second choices Wii ling outsiders Wii ning at oddson Defeated at oddson Percentage of winning favorites