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DORVAL PARK MEETING TERMINATES Big Crowd Views Some Interesting Contests All in Readiness for tho Opening at Bluo Bonnets Montreal Quo June 7 With the running of todays program the spring meeting of the Dorval Park Jockey Club was brought to a close A well balanced card yas provided for the occasion and with Ideal conditions for outdoor port prevailing an interesting afternoon was enjoyed by the large crowd present It was ladles day and this helped to swell the attendance tho crowd being tne second largest of the meeting meetingA A majority of the races furnished finishes close enough to be exciting but the best Contest cainn with the running of the fourth race in which the first four horses were heads apart three strides from the finishing mark The heavily backed Al Court after making tho pace in this race quit right at the finish The winner turned up in Kil day which came from a long way back to beat the favorite Gordon a nose in the final stride strideW W P Fraser secretary of the Ontario Jockey Club and the Canadian Kaeing Associations was all arrival hero today Ho came for the meeting of tin Canadian Haciug Associations tomorrow tomorrowBilly Billy Frew was tho first of the get of Oiseau to go to the post here lie was i starter in the llfth race but a poor start ruined his chances Billy Frew is reported to nave worked a half mile in 10 over the Blue Bonnets course courseFrank Frank J IJryaii and William P Riggs both of whom will act as associate stewards at Blue Bon ¬ nets wen arrivals from New York this morning Secretary Northey reports plenty of highclass ma ¬ terial tin hand for the Montreal Jockey Clubs meet ¬ ing and every indication points to Us being a suc ¬ cessful one oneThe The mutuels will bo in operation for the tlrst time at Blue Bonnets and the impression prevails that they will prove popular especially with the French element The plant is in readiness every little detail having been looked after long ago The agoThe machines will be of the latest lliclimclstor type and the arrangement of the betting shed Is similar to that at Pimlieo with the machines on one side and the cashiers on the other The track at Blue Bonnets Uiis year is faster than ever everFrancis Francis J Pons who feels much encouraged tho showing of his twoyoarold Boneros FLai reports that he has u lino band of yearlings at his farm in Tennessee three of which are by the Star Shoot stallion Great Heavens and six by Tony Bonero Six of them are lillies two geldings and one a colt Ho also has twelve foals at his place om iHing a colt by Judge Wright Dolly Bult nu n anil another a filly by Judge Wright Abrasion Eight of the others are by Tony Bonero Mr Pous has twentythree broodmares and all but three of them are less thiili1 ten years old oldJames James Arthur who raced his stable at Havre de Grace this spring is responsible for the state ¬ ment that of all the horses that were taken down with fever at that meetly lie could not recall a single instance of a horse shipped from Cuba being on tho ailing list listMr Mr Arthur contemplates schooling the speedy filly Kmerald Gem through the field with the idea of overcoming her fractiotisncss at tho barrier This proved a great success with Chester Kriini wJiose entry was barred by tho Canadian Itacing As ¬ sociations because he was a bad post actor actorManager Manager Albert Kohrbark has announced that the opening day of tho Ottawa meeting will be militarv day On that occasion all the soldiers encamped at this I7xH sitloii park will be gupsts of the club Among clubAmong tho applications for stable room received by the club was one from W llopkiiis who will shi his string to Ottawa from Baltimore