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Belmont Park Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday June 8 8WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST FIRST RACE 34 Mile Main Course 3yearolds and upward Selling 20720 111 7 125 Indei Course DIst TImeTckOdds Wt St StWATER L Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy WATER LILY ch f 4 105 1052007J By Watercress Almadio R F Carman 2007J HdeGce 5J f 107 fast C5 111 1 1rOOSt 4 4 2l 33 E Ambrose Slierwooi Monty Fox Scorpii rOOSt lldeirco 34 13fasl 12 10S 4 2 1 21 2l O Turner J Progrssslvc Coy Glint 17924 Laurel r ri i f 07 fast 24 110 7 C C 5 4J S Davis 8 Belamour Jranltc Bes 3m 175 7S Laurel 34 I faKt 10 10S 3 4 4 4 2U S Davis 10 Briar Path Prairie Jim Basey 17728 Uiurel 34 13y 13yfast fast SJ 113 4 2 2 22 3s S Davis Lohengrin JJLIIlis Ha Penny 17513 Empire 58 01 slow 2 121 Ii Ii174KO 5 4 r2 4J S Davis i Ha Penny L Oririe Northerner 174KO Kmplre 31 14V fast 23 104 3 1112 1J S Davis r llIIIatioii MCnagh Kimumigo 4T Empire 5i f lOGfast 85 112 G 3 3 3l 1i S Davis 7 Ha Penny LilyOrme WWelles t Uelmont 34 l12fast 13 100 4 1112 IJ II Suiuter r Striker Coimemara Mr Specs SpecsBy J J LILLIS br g 4 110 1101SUG By Bannockburn Tootsy Mack D Stevenson 1SUG II deGco 1 I1G 151 mud 9G 91 2 3 3 2s lnt P Coleman Bushy Head Urperth Hd Day 1S103 HdtHVce Im70vl44 fast 1G5 101 5 1 4 4 ° 4X A SchuKr C Jrperth Biishyllead Hiiniknti 1S391 Pimlico 1 1lG 149 fast Cl IOS 4 2 2 2J 2 A Schugr S Holtoii LitKngUind Afterglow ISnCl Pimlico 34 l12fast 1910 IOS 5 51S34 G G 3i 3 = 1 A Schugr Crosshun True as Steel Galaxy 1SM imlico 31 lir l13Ufast fast 12J 105 4 41S1CG C 5 3l 2l A Schugr Kewessa Briar Iatli ITseeit 1S1CG aurel 34 l13 = ifast 91 101 5 51S052 51S052 4 C C2 43II Lanerty S Belamour WWelles Lohengrin 1S052 aurel 34 l13goodin20 99 11 9 7 5J 3 J H Shilling 11 Kewessa JimBasey Humiliation 17932 aurel 51 f l07 l07fast fast 235 101 G 4 4 2 l R Shilling 11 UncIcJimmie Orusslmu Laiira 17773 aurcl 5J f l0fifast 4310 103 4 41772S 3 3 3 ° 3J 11 Shilling C Kewessa Briar Path Sackcloth 1772S aurel 31 l13 fast 40 IOS 3 4 4 3J 2 F Hopkins Iihciigrln VaterLily HaPeriny HaPerinyBy FORECAST ch f 3 90 By Voter Divination Oncck Stable 5 C97 Belmont 34 st l10fast 1G5 95 4 1 1 23 2 = P Lowder Striker Amaiis Menlo Park fi590 Btlmont 34 lKU fast S 9fl 7 7IHI70 3 2 3 3 P Lowder 7 lie Will Chesterton Srhuman IHI70 Aqueduct 41 f 54AfaSt S 108 2 214iSS 3 1 3 4A K Karrick r Coquette LadvBarbarv Dismiss 14iSS Belmont 41 f st 53fast C 103 2 1 1 = 1 II Siunter 10 Pierrot Fenrock Al Iteeves ARMAMENT b g 4 120 1201S1GS By Armeath II Hot Bird C N Williams 1S1GS IldeGce Im70yl43 fast G 108 1 11S439 2 3 1s 1 J McCaheyll Bushy Head H Shaw C Field 1S439 HdeGce Im70yl45 good 185 104 1 11S421 3 5 3 2J J McCahey 7 Bolala Bushy Head Ambrose 1S421 HdeGce Im70yl47hvy 7 100 3 2 2 2 2 1 McCahey r Be Clint Munasscli 1S3S1 Pimlico 1 31G 202 fast 3910 100 1 3 5 41 C3J J MtCahey S G Fisher Good Day CHolloway 1S377 Pimlico 1 142 fast CJ 105 1 G 4 3i 2t j McCaheyll Ambrose Cliff Field Kewessa 1S336 Pimlico 1 1lG l47fast 17 100 4 41SOC1 3 3 2i I1 J McCahey 7 Ambrose GuyFishir Inclo Mun 1SOC1 BelTer Abli good S5 IIS 1 117SS1 1 2 2la 2 F Crowley 3 Election Bet Lily Orinc 17SS1 BelTer Ab7S fast 85 11G 4 3 1 1s 1 F Crowley X Election Bet Lily Oruie Aurora 17920 PipH Abl 1S l3Gi fast 115 112 4 4LILY 3 I lnt 2nt T Davies 4 Kltc Bet Virginia Lass Aurora LILY ORME blk f 4 100 1002075J By Warner WWarner Monsieur do LOrme Web of Fats H W 2075J Belmont 34 l14 fast S 108 1 120ilS 1 3 3 3s H Suultor f Fenmouse Azylatlc 20ilS Belmont 34 113 fast 40 117 3 1 1 4J GI511I Suiiiter 7 Koyal Martyr Broomleaf Holy 20539 Belmont Cl f lLHfast 30 105 1 1LWJl 1 1 1 2 = H Suiuter Hiirakan S of Valley Striker LWJl Belmont 34 l14slop 21 105 1 1203SO 2 2 21 3si II Sumter C Apple llermis Jr Hosomarlne 203SO BelTer AbGJ f fast 10 150 2 22031S C 41 Ci F Crowley Ambrose Uoger Gordon i Bend 2031S BelTer Ab5S fast 7 150 10 iMrHLBell 10 Fenmouse Mr SPPCS Otto Floto 20174 Uockwy 14 fast 95 1GT 2 2JSIWI 3 = o 2 = B B Lewis 4 Culvert Comet Stayaway JSIWI TJeJTer AblJ good 12 IOS 2 3 3 3 3 i W Williiis 1 Klectlon Bet Armnment I7US4 lielTer Ab7S fast 115 IOS 2 2 2 3to ST E Tlc 5 Armament Election Bet Aurora AuroraBy lLANTAGENET b g 3 95 95207S2 By Ogden Mamie Worth R T Wilson 207S2 Uelmont 31 st lllfast 25 U7 G G2i G 7 G3 5 C Watson 10 Amaiis Suplmmaii LostFortuno 2i 7 Belmont 34 st l10 fast 40 102 2 5 9 9 S C AVatson Striker Forecast Amans 20590 Kelmont 34 l13V fast 20 109 4 4 5 G G JJ McCahey 7 lie Will Chesterton Forecast 20100 HdeGce 31 l12fast 40 100 7 5 C 7 7 W Ural 7 Star Gift Belamour Glint 2 XM7 HdeGce SS 59rast S 303 13 131430G 10 10 10 = 10 W Ural 35 NorseKIng Protectr NSimplex 1430G Belmont 5S 101 fast 85 105 3 1 4 4 ° 49i II Wolfe C Hdroplane Hectograph FHelcn 14334 Uelmont 4J f st 53V fast 3 108 2 1 1 1 H Wolfe 0 Comely DlstantShore Shorthand 14233 Pimlico 4J f 5Gfast 2920 112 2 2HYDROPLANE 1115 2nk II Wolfe 7 Celto Energetic Haberdash HaberdashBy HYDROPLANE ch g 3 92 92207S1 By Aeronaut Litigant E B Cassatt 207S1 Belmont 34 st lllfast 30 97 7 7 S S5 9101E CampbIllO Amans Superhuman L Fortune 20590 Belmont 34 llSfust 30 1M C G 7 7 728 E Cmpbell 7 He Will Chesterton Forecast 20191 Pimlico 34 llGVfehvy 1C 100 5 5ISrfS 5 G G5 G15 J P Ityan 7 Hiker Amaiis Kazmi ISrfS Pimlico Gi f 1OS fast SJ 1O3 7 71S142 2 2 i 4 J P Ryan 12 Mamie K Boxer Fair Helen 1S142 Laurel 34 114 fast 2i JdO 8 3 3 4l 5 J P Ryan Mallard Meelicka Celebrity 17992 Laurel 34 l13fast fid 104J G 4 7 H3 II9 J Kederis 12 Ella Bryson Briar Path franid 1795 Laurel 51 f lCGfast 91 9S S G G 4J G i J P Ryan t Heailluast Dist Shore KevMar 2 4 4 43 J P Uyiin 4 Ileadmast Alheiia Gaelic 1 1 1 = It J P Ryan Miss Fielder Fair Helen