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Blue Bonnets Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday June 8 8WEATHER WEATHER CLEAK TRACK FAST FIRST RACE 78 Mile 3ycarolds and upward Canadianfoaled Selling 01802 121 G 111 Index Course DIst TimeTckOddS Wt St StIRISH Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish IRISH HEART b e 5 113 113207GG By Dublin Sans Coeur D Raymond 207GG Dorval 1 l13fast 4 109 4 1 1 = i J Smyth 10 liogart Lucky George Font FontC 20013 Dorval 34 l14fast 15 9S 9 9201S7 C 4 21 A Collins IIS Egmont Mazurka Mcrcnrlum 201S7 AVdbine 34 l17slow 315 114 3 3173SG 3 u 311 F Coleman S Meissen Caper Sauce GoIdenJug 173SG Dorval Im70y 150 fast 75 107 2 2 Ih 41 J Callahan i Strlte King Cotton Mazurka 17103 Dorval 34 l175fast 16 117 3 31706S 5 5 5 G VanDun f SlipperHay Cornltroom Lindesta 1706S Dorval Im70y l49fast 8 Mi 3 31G979 3 2 24 1 Callahan i PrPhllsthpe TPCncir Bursar 1G979 BlucBon 1 143 slow 8 111 8 81GS41 8 S S50 AV Obcrt 11 Corn Itroom Calumny Pur Lass 1GS41 BlueBon 1 14 214fast 95 120 3 3LADY 2 2J 1 P Goldstn 7 SuivezMol I Pride Herrmana HerrmanaBy LADY SPENDTHRIFT ch f 3 93 93206S5 By Masterman Lady Irish N Macfarlane 206S5 Dorval 5i f lOSfast 4 90 2 220G13 3 2J 2i A Collins Faker Indifferent R It Miller 20G13 Dorval 31 l14fast 30 87 1 1204S7 1 3l Gs L MeAtec IS Egmont Irish Heart Mazurka 204S7 AATdbinc 34 l17V slow 1910 102 2 4 4 GJ It Shilling S Meissen CaperSance Irishlleart 17010 BlueBon 58 l03fast 115 115 4 41G703 2 2S lt P Goldstn 7 Red Post Reddest Lingar 1G703 ConBht 5J f 112 hvy 4 107 4 4IGC54 2 21 3s E Ambrose S II Dame Pep Sauce Lisle Hose IGC54 Conght GJ f l10fast 2 IOS 2 2 3i G I Teahan S M Bradley II Dame PepSance 15332 FortErie CS l01faat 12 110 3 3MAUSOLUS 2 2l 28 E Ambrose 7 LCurzon KedPost HBassettll HBassettllBy MAUSOLUS b E 5 123 RobertaG By Stanhope II Meadowley H H Roberta 16710 Conght 34 llSslow S 305 7 G 42 2k AV Obert 10 MarionGaty Meisn OldRelible 1GGS2 Conght 7S l32hvy 30 105 7 5 2t 23 AV Obert 7 M Gaiety PPhilsthpe CBroom 10132 AAindsor 1 l4Gmud 12 100 fi 5 59 G15 E Ambrose Iteeiiive MarionGaiety MossKox 16353 AAindsor 7S l31slow 9 117 2 1 1s I3 L Cheyne r Sarolta TPConnelT MofKrome 16221 FortErie 1 l4Smud 9 107 5 51TO36 5 5 553 A Nicklaus ri Exincr Meissen Ondrumida 1TO36 FortErie 34 l14fast 10 112 S 4 G1 45i J AAilliams S SlipperDay Ondramida CSnucc 15913 Hamton 34 l14fast 1310 112 4 2 I2 I4 P Goldstn 7 Ial Angel TomFlanigan Exnicf 15796 Hamton 1 116 l4S fefast 15 111 3 4 4i G13 P Goldstn 5 Beehive Sea Lord Rockupring 15615 Windsor 7S l27fast 8 111 S 3 3J 3ott P Goldstn S Rustling Rkspring Ondramida 15555 Windsor 1 l44slow 15 102 1 1RED 3 3 3 J AAilliams 5 Beehive MossFox D of Chester ChesterBy RED POST b ff 3 106 By Red Fox II Billposter W Trcnholme 174 15 Wdbiiuj 31 I16good3310 S9 4 3 2 2 = V McAtee 10 Ilerrniaua S Arthur TTnipsoii 17417 Wdbtne 5J f lOShvy 32 101 5 G TTnipsoiiG 9 81 E AmbroselO LCurzon IlampDame ToruSilk 17232 Dorval 5i f l10Vffast G 102 1 11701G 3 42 4 R Acton 7 Reddest Splutter Lingar 1701G BlucBon 5S l03fast S 115 2 21SS31 1 lk 2 J Metcalf 7 L Spendthrift Reddest Lingar 1SS31 Hamton 5S l01fast 12 101 4 3 3nk 4 A Claver S LCurzoii IIDame ILBassettll 15392 FortErib 5S l01 fast 100 100 7 7FROISSART 5 43 3 i G Gonld 7 LGrzon LSdthrift IIBsettll IIBsettllBy FROISSART b gr 4 110 1101711S By Havoc Frou Frou J E Seagram 1711S AVdbine 1 l40good 177 92 3 4 5h ti R Acton 11 Inkle Astrologer Privet Petal 17328 Wdbino 1 l42fast 225 91 2 5 G 55J J McAtee 10 Boehive nRosalecn IPsthorpe 14322 AVdbine 1 14 210fast 5 110 8 7 7 ° 7 = 7 G Gould S Beehive DarkRosaleen KeaUird 11147 BlucBon r J f 108 fast 8 100 2 3 3 31 AV AV Tlor 4 M Gaioty OReliable D Girl 10019 Hamilton G f l074fast C 103 5 59SSO 4 G2 5i Teahan Slipper Day Alai Bass Marlola 9SSO AVindsor GS l02fast 4 109 2 291S1 4 3J 1 F Adams 5 D Cluster L Isle Alai Bass 91S1 Fort Erie 5S l03Vfcgood GO 105 3 3MONA 3 35 3 i P Adams 4 Beehive Slipper Day AlaiBass AlaiBassBy MONA G ch f 3 89 891X71S By Apologize Virginial W Walker 1X71S Dorval 5 f 1OS fast 30 90 5 5 S S10IE ForehndlO Colors Inlan Mrs Me 17754 Hillcrcst Ab5S l0fast G 110 2 217G97 1 H 2t E Carter 7 Blue Wing LouiseMay LitPeto 17G97 Hillcrest Ab58 l005sfast 4 115 2 2 210 3s E Carter fi Ilnmkcress Little Pete Gartlev 17415 AVdbine 5S l01good 53 95 8 81G91S 5 5l 5 J V MfAtec 11 COrme LCapricions BBrolher 1G91S BlucBon 5i f l10hvy 12 100 2 21GS31 3 52 5i R Acton i HampDanio PepSiucp iarlley 1GS31 BlueBon 34 117 slop 20 SO 2 2 2l 4 4i i R Acton 9 Calumny OReliable CornBroom 10753 Conght 34 llShvy GO SG 4 41CG54 3 S S15 R Acton S KatharincG Sof Love DCortca 1CG54 Conght 5J f Il02 fast 7 101 4 1 21 42 V Murphy S M Bradley II Dame PcpSanco 15151 Fort Eric GS l00fast 10 97 4 4 G4 7 J H Shilling 8 in Del Blackthorn Gcrthelnm 15331 FortEri 6S 102 fast 85 T 1 l 1 J Smyth 0 Smithfiold Can Jean John Peel PeelBy MAIDEN BRADLEY ch f 3 89 By Havoc Fromo M Lcroy 20322 AVdbine 1 116 l51fast 21 120 2 4 3 ° K 3 1 J Acton 4 LadyCurzon CanJcan TornSIlk 17324 AVdbine 5S l01fast 37M 107 3 2 3k 75J R Ncander S Otero HamptoiiDnino Tartarean 10054 Concht Gfl10fast 10 101 G 4 lnk lnk A Claver S HampDame PepSance MonaG 10395 AVindsor 5S 102 fast 7 94 3 3 21 3J J Smyth 7 Okeinns H Bassett II IIDamo 10111 FortErie 5S l02fast 40 106 5 2 2J 5s 7 Callahan i JolmPeel PhotographcrlL Otero OteroBy SAROLTA br m 5 109 By Bassetlaw JTai Alai C K Millar 20013 Dorval 31 l14fast 15 uc 13 13 13 1331 A SchugrK Egmont Irish Heart Mazurka 2150 AVdbine Im20y l4u fast 4S 100 fi 2 2i 2 5 Grant S SofLove Celebrity Abbotsford COIS7 AVdbino 34 l17Vfeslow 175 117 7 5 5i 73 P Goldsfn S Meissen CaperSance Irishlleart 17813 Hillcrcst 7S 131 fast 5 115 1 3 lu 2i G AVhite 10 Autumn ScarLcllor RustvCoit 17793 Hillcrcst Ab5S 1 00fast 32 115 3 3 Si 4 J N Fodcn 7 Little Jake S of Rocks Ncvilo 17721 Hillcrcst Ab5S l00fast 2 117 3 1 I2 1 N Foden S Montreal Dorbie Bombay HARRY BASSETT II b E 3 01 By Bassetlaw My Honey H Giddings 20553 AVdbine 34 lllfast 14 10 13 11 8 G7 AV StevVnl Red Fire Gartlcy Lingar 203 AVdbine 1 14 209good 47 103 10 8 S1 93 AV Stevsonl2 Tartarean FMontague PSauce 17417 AVdbine 5i f lOShvy 2710 10IJ 4 7 7i G ° G AanDunlO Lady Curzon II Dame TornSilk 16395 AVindsor 5S 102 fast 6 113 4 5 3k 2ik G AauDun 7 Okemus M Bradley H Dame 10039 KorlErie CJ f I0fi7ffast 20 103 2 2 3i 3B G AanDuu Okemus Lady Curzon Charon 15851 Hamton 5S l01fast 12 104 3 4 42 33i II Gray S LCurzon HainpDanie RedPost 15691 AVindsor fiS 102 fast S5 115 1 4 42 2 II Gray S Smithlield HimpDanie OkemuH 15392 FortErie 5S l01ifast 15 103 5 4 G2 4 ° iH Gray 7 L Curzon LSpendthrift RPost 15202 Hamton 58102 fast 3J 113 1 3 3 ° 3i G Burns 8 Last Spark Lady Curzon CJean 15109 Hamton 6S I02 fast 2i 100 3 5 32 3 J W Stevsn 7 Splutter L Sdthrift J Tmpson PURITAN LASS b m 5 107 By TmpsonBy Ypsilanti II Puritania P Gorman 2C1SG AVdblne 24 l10slow 73 112 2 3 42 G3 F CiMiper S Herrmann GarishSnn SlrArthur 17421 AVdblne 34 l10slow 40 100 2 4 42 G7i II LalTerty 8 Aphion Ondramida ALoflronie 17369 AVdbine 34 l13Vffast 17 101 9 5 54 G7 R Actbh 0 Sir Lanncelot Sarolta C Sauce 17101 Dorval ImOy llSfast 7 105 4 3 3 3i J Mctcnlf i PrPhilstJiorpe Calumny lPride 1700S Dorval Im70y l49fast 9 102J 5 1 3J 5S J Metcalf i PPhilsthpe IrIIcart TPCneff 16979 BlueBon 1 143 slow 15 10G 5 4 42 3j J Metcalf 11 CornBroom Calumny MofFrotnc 1GS51 BlucBon 34 117 slop 30 IOS 4 7 fl2 G J E Ambrose Calumny OReliablf CoruRrooui 10754 Conght 7S l32hvy 20 102i 4 3 32 2 E Ambrose 5 Calumny PPhilsthc TPCouft TPCouftBy CORN BROOM ch s 4 111 By Cesarion Birch Broom J K L Ross 34 113 fast 4G 91 10 5 71 S7 20323 Wdbine L McAtee 10 Encore The Spirit Glint 20397 AAdbine 1 110 150 good 95 11 2 G GlintG 5J G17 P Goldstn 7 II of Oak Rustling Amphion 20324 Pimlico 34 l15inud 245 9S 1 1 I3 li L McAtee Bushy Head Alhena Mimiio 20230 Pimlico 1 l41fast 03 102 2 1 ink 551 A Collins Progressive Glint Cliff Haven 20233 Pimlico 34 l13fast 193 104 4 4 5i 7 A Collins 8 AV Lady AV Pltzor Corsican 17448 AVdbino 1 l40good 13 101 1 10 11 11 AR Neanderll Inkle AKtroIoger Privet Petal 173S7 Wdbinc 1 34 309slop 19 110 1 5 530 51BG Burns 7 PPhilsthpe Boohive Calumny LAST SPARK ch e 3 102 By CalumnyBy Martimas Flicker J S Hendrio 20156 AVdbine 1 1S 150 fast S3 122 3 4 5 513 J Metcalf C Fairjiontagtie Tartarean Linsin 20396 Wdbine 1 11 209 good 20 110 5 4 52 0I41E AmbroselS Tartarean Montague PSauce 16395 AVindsor 5S 102 fast fJ 108 5 G G4 5RJ 1 Metcalf 7 Okomns IIBsettll MBradley 16039 FortErie 5i f l06fast 15 IOS 4 5 S2 St1XT McCabe Okemus LCurzon ILBasseltll I5S51 Hamton 58 1 OBffast 7 110 5 G 5i 5 J Smyth S LCnron IIDame HBassettll 15392 FortErie 5S l01 fast 115 IOS 6 3 3J 511 A Claver 7 L Curzon LSpcndlhrift RPost 15202 Hamton fiS 102 fast 4 113 2 1 I2 l i A Clavor S LCnrzon II IMssctt II CJoan 14876 Conght 4i f 57V5fast 15 110 4 1 Is 2J E Taplin 5 Pepper Sauce Mona G Charon OUR MABELLE b f 4 103 By CharonBy Armeath IL Pandora W Martin 20750 Dorval 34 115 fast 00 109 G S MartinS S S18 F Cooper S Hts of Oak Kls Differ Gordon 15S50 Hamton 1 l40fast 100 100 5 9 9 921 II Woods 0 Patience Ccntanri Laura 15S29 Hamton 1 l41fast 30 98 4 4 4 44 J Callahan i Ondramida Mof Fromo CSancc 11829 Laurel 5J f l10hvy CO 100 S 9 8s 77 Nathan 1 Heartbeat Bnlgar Dal Waters 11690 Woodbine 5S l01mud G5 91 2 5 2 in C Rey 0 CBelle TFIanigan TPConnelT 11600 Woodbine 5S 104 fast 275 103 2 2 21 2 U AVatts 4 Meissen Boozer Torn Flanisnu 11190 BluoBon 5fl07fast 60 91 0 10 102 S B LOIIIMS 11 Penniless Supreme Harcboll 11053 BlucBon 5S l04fast 12 94 3 5 G 4 AV W Tlor 5 Half Law Dnb GIH Liiiitprlt 10S76 Connausht C8 102 fast 3 100 6 5 3 3 = 1 W W Tlor MarionGaiety Meissen SIIMesh RED FIRE b E 3 106 By SIIMeshBy Red Fox II Shimoneso J S Hcndrie 2 kSl AVdbino 1 l42fast 17 103 4 4 3 915 J Metcalf 0 Amphion FMtague Tartarean 20533 Wdbine 31 l14fast 10J 100 5 3 33 I1 J Metcalf 14 Gartlcy Lingar Garish Sun SunBy SIR ARTKUR ch c 4 109 By Rotterdam Mary Worth J A Hcndricks 203G3 AVdbine 34 lllfast Si 115 6 0 71 SA T Rice 14 Red Fire Gartley Lingat 204S6 AVdbine 31 l16slow 37 114 3 4 3 3J X Kennedy S Herrmana Garish Sun Waveney 17416 Wdbine 34 llGVbgood 47 lit 2 fi 5t 3 = i G AV Car1110 Herrmana RedPost JTIiompsoii 10320 AVindsor 34 117 hvy 100 109 7 7 7 7 = 5E McEwcn 7 MGaiety Ondramida Reliable ReliableBy CERF VOLANT ch E 3 98 By Blue Book Eva Maddison Chnrlevoix Stable 0333 AVdbine 34 lllfast fid 103 4 4 a1 yiE Ambrosell Red Fire Gartley Lingar iOi3 Pimlico 34 l13fust 333 91 G 7 S S17 i Lowder S AVater Lady AVPitxer Corsican Iti634 ConBht Ci f l10ifast 100 103 8 8 8 S13U Cruise 8 M Bradley II Dame PcpSauce