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LATONIA ENTRIES Probabilities Weather showery track fast Racing starts at 230 p ni Chicago time 230 XRuns well in mud Superior mud runner M maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 15120 111 5 110 110Ind Ind Horse Wt Ree AWtHqn 20052 Casey Jones 100 111 0 112X725 204333 Cash on Delivery 113 112 0 01070720 1070720 20357 Mex 105 111 3 105x715 20098 Carrie Orme 91 112 11220TJ93 3 1U3X710 20TJ93 Charmeuse 100 111 11120G18 4 108X710 20G18 Sureget 10 112 11220il8 5 110X710 20il8 Chilton King Ill 113 1132009S 5 112X710 2009S Bean Spiller M 97 114 3 95 090 Second Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Special Weights Track record 10207 59 2 109 200003 Black Coffee 105 101 109 725 2071Jlt Pidroma 114 102 112 720 2004 I2 Inlldel II 109 l05h 109X715 2071 J Stephen R 114 102 112X710 21171 J J U Welch 114 102 112X710 2077i Meditation 112 101 112x705 20341 Jane Straith 20G99t Mainly Hamilton 110 101 20049 Little Cove 100 Io0m f J Livingston entry entryThird Third Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record 99155 142 3 99 V VSO 205SO SO Royal II 105143 3 1C 20717 717 Goldcrest Boy 100 145 3 t 2M533 133 The Grader 112 144 5 1C 20773 Impression 93 144 0 li 20714 Water Witch 9Hl4Sh 3 t 205305 Uncle Bryn 109 l47h 3 K KFourth Fourth Race 1 116 Miles Inaugural Handicap 2000 Added Added3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Track record 3220 143 3 110 20777 Rancher 95 143 3 95X40 207773 Black Toney 120144 4 T T207753t 120 x 35 207753t Biickhorn 110 145 0 l l205S03 123V 35 205S03 Prince Ilermis 10U45 5 1 10500 20741 Star Jasmine 108145 0 100 X 30 114 144 4 114X3 20051 Bayberrv Candle 100 145 4 103X25 20741 Robert Bradley 105 144 5 109 X 25 4 115X25 20741 = f Leo Skolily 101 144 4 102X25 20777 Rihgling 95 144 5 95 95X720 95X7202073S X20 2073S Greville 104 l751i 3 91X15 fit J Mackenzie entry entryFifth Fifth Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Track record 90207 59 2 109 20404 = ELLISON 118 1 02m USX 725 20329 Gipsey George lit 101 112X715 20774 Browneyed Kate 111 100 112X715 20099 Moinen Star 110100 10 710 19791 Frisky 103X705 103X705Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearoMs 3yearoMs and ipward Selling SellingTrack Track record 15120 111 5 110 1102077C3 2077C3 Mars Cassidy 98112 3 102X725 20404 Hawthorn 108111 5 119 720 202533 Banquet 112 113 3 107 715 20009 Othello 112 lli 4 112X715 207103 Sosius 105 112 4 1050710 20713 Dr Larrick 101 112 3 107X710 107X710205S93 205S93 Bonanza 102 112 0 1110710 20009 Father Riley 100 113 4 105x705 105x705200S9 200S9 La Patrie 107 Il9li 3 102x090 102x090Seventh Seventh Race 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds ami upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 14977 150 3 105 Brynlimah 104 153 153Beulah 5 110X725 Beulah S 99153 99153Old 5 101X720 Old Ben 119 152 152Expectation 4 107X720 Expectation 1O1 20ui 20uiMockery 4 100x715 Mockery 103 153 4 1O1X705 3 102 OSO