Fourth Race [4th Blue Bonnets, Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-08

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FOURTH RACE 53 Mile Kindergarten Stakes 2yearolds Sellinj 7riS r0 2 IDS TOM ELWARD br c 2 108 1082057S By McGee Trisauce E McBride 2057S Wdbine 5S l01fast 31 113 3 32042G G T Rice G Geo Smith Peep Sight lolite 2042G Wdbine 41 f 55 fast 320 117 3 3201SG 2 1 23 T Rice 4 G Smith Bs First BSimmons 201SG Pimlico 41 f 57mud 25 110 2 li 11 J McCahey 4 Alfadir TingaLing L Atkin 20115 Pimlico 12 49 fast 1120 112 1 12003C 12 I2 J McCahey r Welga Tribolo Ilaria 2003C HdeGco 12 4Sfast 21 110 3 3BLUME 13 Il J Butwell S lolite Typography Broom Corn BLUME ch f 2 108 By Broomstick Blue Girl A B Stelle 20321 Wdbine 41 f G5sfast S310 110 3 32033S 2 l M M thews i Pesky Casco Tush Tush 2033S Pimlico 41 f M good 15 114 4 4202C3 h G2J L Hartwell S Glomer Golden List Divan 202C3 Pimlico 4i f 5Gslop 31 111 5 5W4 22 Il E Taplin 0 Glomer KingTuscan Cincinnati W4 II deOce 12 4S4fifast 10 104 1 11 M Buxton 7 Shabaii Casco Sand Pocket 20013 HdeGce 12 48fast 10 107 G GCASCO C GS3 M Buxton Greetings Golden List Divan CASCO br f 2 93 By Plaudit Merit W F Presgrave 20521 Wdbine 41 t 53fast 11 100 4 32 3 L MeAtee G liluine Pesky Tush Tush 2 M34 Wdbine 4 4i A f 55 fast 45 1111 1 3s 3 P Goldsfnll lolite Peep Sight Candle 20202 Pimlico 4 41 f ffivsgood C5 107 2 22 2 10 Taplin G Virginia M Sun God Tribolo 20155 Pimlieo 12 4S4sfast 15 104 3 2 22 M Buxton 4 George Smith Plumose S God 20141 Pimlico 12 49 fast 235 107 1 2 22 L McAtee 12 OIIead Virginia M FDelphia 2005C IIdeGce 12 4Sfast 41 10S 3 22 22 L McAtee 7 Broomvale Vermont Letfetti 004 H deGce 12 48fast 135 104 3 32000S 33 33 L McAtee 7 Blume Shaban Saud Pocket 2000S HdeGce 12 4Sfast 2 1121 2 2IOLITE 1U 3U P Goldstn fl Bambi Regina Celandrla CelandrlaBy IOLITE b K Z 105 By Broomstick Iota A B Stelle 0722 Dorval 4 f 54fast 95 105 1 4 41 M Mthews 7 Anita Alfadir Phil Ungar 10578 Wdbine 5S l01fast 22 110 5 5I 5 3J M Mthews G Geo Smith Peep Sight Regina I Wdbine 41 f 55 fast 1G5 109 5 21 1 M Mthewsll Peep Sight Casco Candle Pimlico 58 l02good 32 107 5 3H 2nt M Mfhews G Mustard Noll Kddle T 20305 Pimlico 41 f 56fast 2120 110 7 6 3i E Taplin 0 Plumose QofParadise F Walk 20058 HdeGce 12 4Sfast 11G 109 1 12002C 4 331 J Butwell 4 Pesky Golden List Gentlewan 2002C HdeOce 12 4Sfast 1110 107 4 4I9S93 23 2i J Dreyer S TEIward Typography BrCoru I9S93 Bowie 12 50slow 95 IOC 6 6CINCINNATI Gnk V M Buxton f K Neptune Tiajan S Pocket PocketBy CINCINNATI br c 2 101 By Marta Santa Serpentaria W Raymond 20613 Dorval 41 f 55 fast 2 108 2 220C7S 1 21 J Acton S Anita BroomStraw SMaggie 20C7S Wdbine fiS l01fast 37 1132 31 C 1E Ambrose G Geo Smith Peep Sight lolite 20893 Wdbine 5S l02Vtgood4320 101 1 Il 2 F Coleman 5 Greetings B Simmons Larkin 20319 Pimlico 4 f S mud 94 110 2 2202C3 is ink p Coleman S Eddie T Typography RWator 202C3 Pimlico 41 f 5G4 slop 29G 105 3 3200S4 I1 F Coleman 0 Blniiic Glomer King Tuscan 200S4 IIdeGce 12 48 fast 10 105 G GGOLDEN 21 4J I I ouder 9 Pesky Ormes Head Tiajan TiajanBy GOLDEN LIST ch f 2 105 1052UU4 By Golden Maxim Listless H G Bedwell 2UU4 Dorval 58 IOO fast 21 112 3 32033S 4 4T1 E Taplin 4 KingNeptuiie Pesky PccpSight 2033S Pimlico 41 f 56Agood 4C 114 2 i 2 K Taplin S Glomer Divan Tiajan 20218 IMmlico 41 f 55fast 5120 117 1 12020G I3 I4 E Taplin 7 OIIead King Neptune Plaintiff 2020G Pimlico 12 49 good2120 115 3 ie 1 E Taplin G Plumose TDansante KishWalk 0119 HdeGce 41 f 55Vfgood C 104 3 1 I5 E Taplin 4 Pleione Little Gink Tiajau 20038 HdeGce 12 4Sfast G 99 4 33 23 J Dreyer 4 Pesky lolite Gentlewoman 20010 IIdeGce 12 47fast S 107 2 2BONEROS 23 4s E Taplin G Regina Celandria Pleione BONEROS FIRST br f 2 100 By Tony Bonero Merces F J Pons 2 T719 Dorval 12 494fcfast 4 107 5 1 I1 F Murphy 0 Tar Brush Karly Sight llarla 20349 Wdbine 41 f 55fast 21 109 2 22042C 4 5 1 F Murphy S Caudle Alfadir Letfettl Letfettl3s 2042C Wdbine 4 f 53Afast 81 104 2 3s 3 F Murphy 1 G Smith T Hlward BSImmons 20313 Churchill 4 f C4fast 11 110 4 24 3 J Butwell Jerry Franklin Col Vennie By Charles Edward Torchlight S Ross 20549 Wdbine 41 f f5fast 135 104 4 21 I1 A Schugr S Alfadir Letfctti Milestone 20154 Wdbino 4J f 53 fast 11 109 7 7 4 A Sclmgrll lolite Peen Sight Casco 20305 Bimlico 4i t GGfast 27 110 1 71 5 A Schugr Plumose Qn of Paradise lolite 10927 Bowie 12 GOJifast 12 109 4 4SERVIA 7 714 E Ambrose 7 Irrawaddy Mustard Ataka SERVIA c S 96 963W2S By Tim Payne Arcadia Belle H 0 Comstock 3W2S Dorval tit 54fast 95 108 3 33MK 21 5 J R Shilling 7 Anltn Alfadir Phil Ungar 3MK HdeQeeJ 12 7fast 4 107 3 2s o3 T McTagt 7 GeorgeSmith Anita EBanmann w3K 12 t t 31108 4 11 I2 T McTagt 1 Greetings Cincinnati Increase z f j i iy1 y1 V 10e By Hastings Blue Jacket W F King ler AbjSi 6kobd C 115 115M 44 C Knight S Maggie Sentinel LewisOppcr M 3J f 42 iKOOd 21 111 G 42 53 R Gootn 7 Clmimiati SforScandal MarO IS 3t f 41fast 4114 4 2J 22 J Pengast 7 Mary H Deliver Sil Vanity n t 42hvy 8 112 1 1W Ih 1 J Pengast 7 BDaw TDusante Investment W Mteat 20 112 6 5s 6JJ J Pengast 0 Infidelll SDiamond TDauste

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Local Identifier: drf1915060801_4_2
Library of Congress Record: