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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF William Pinkerton was a visitor at Belmont Park Friday FridayFrank Frank Began acting for the Cleveland Stable has purchased Whimsy from the Whitney Stable StableKenneth Kenneth Karrick is making the engagements of three riders J Loftus II Sumter and P Lowder LowderVotes Votes and Prairie have been added to the school ¬ ing list at Belmont Park and Lily Heavens has been taken off it itJockey Jockey M Nathan has received an offer from a western moving picture concern to perform on some of their star bronchos bronchosJockey Jockey J Loftus has been kept out of the saddle for the last few days by a leg injury sustained at Juarez two seasons ago agov v Jockeys A Hanover R Troxler W Ward and Vr Doyle now at Marlboro will ride at Jamaica wfyero racing begins next Thursday Thursdayfi fi W Hedilck received a hearing from the license committcu of the Jockey Club Thursday evening Tiie ease will be reported to the Jockey Club stew firds at their next meeting James Rowe is handling for Mrs Payne Whitneys flreentree Stable a twoyearold daughter of Sir Archibald and Alster Cress imported from England Shi will be known to racing as Cardaniine CardaniineAirs Airs L A Livingston will ship a string of thor ¬ oughbreds from her New Jersey farm to Jamaica track In a few days The majority are twoyear olds and Matt Feakes will be in charge of the lot lotCock Cock o the Walk one of the good horses of 1913 will return to the races He was retired when he boed a tendon but has improved with rest and will lie shipped from the Billings farm in Virginia on J u lie 20 20ifinll ifinll Ilerz refused a large offer from Germany for Swt Crass before sailing for this country last year Tie government of tlve latter country was anxious to obtain the thoroughbred for stud duty as he is of the ideal type typeGeorge George M Odoms maiden racer Silver Threads lias broken down at Gravesend where she has been stabled all winter This threeyearold maiden was considered the best of the Odom string and had worked some exceedingly fast trials trialsJohn John E Madden has sold the threeyearolds Huguenot and Vladimir to V Ambrose Clark and ther will be schooled at jumping He has also sold to Mrs F A Clark the Rock Sand tilly Dis ¬ tance which won a fast race at Belmont Park recently