Third Race [3rd Blue Bonnets, Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-08

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THIRD RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Handicap 00141 ln7 f COMMONADA ch e 3 103 By The Commoner Nevada R J Austin 0579 Wdbine 1 1S 153 fast 225 104 5 I1 3l A Schugr G Kingly Slumber II Waterlms 20427 Wdbine 1 1S 1 54fast 2G5 125 1 11 iu F Jackson 7 ClilT Haven Boxer Fly Home 20392 Wdbine 34113 good S7 10114 3t 43 J Smyth 7 Kewossa Back Bay Water Lady 20179 I jxgton 1 1S 154 slow 43 112 5 5 5I21T McTagt 5 Sharpshooter Tetan KCochran 20077 Lexgton Im70yl43fast 93 10S 4 21 33i T McTagtlO RoyallL Shshooter KCochran 15333 FortErie 5S l00fast G 112 9 71 c3i W Waron 11 Ileenan Tokay Eagle Eagle3t 14710 Dorval 5S l02fast 6 US 3 3t 4 J G Bums 7 Stir Up Tarzan Linsin 14591 BlueBon 5S l01fast 15 113 5 41 Ink G Burns 7 Tokay Tarzan Ileenan 14510 BlueBon 5S 102 good 145T15 4 44 5 GildstnT Idaaaire Redland Ethan Allan AllanBy BRAVE CUNAHDEH br c 4 103 10307C7 By Cunard Grail H G Bedwell 07C7 Dorval 1 11C 147 fast 3 1m 3 320C41 3 2 ° E Tnpliu 0 Kingly Celto Tactics 20C41 Dorval 34 l13fast 10 104 1 2ll 2 E Tnplin G Water Lady Kewessa Deposit 20321 Pimlico 34 l15mud 91 102 2 41 4 J Dreyer G Montresor W Lady Surprising 20211 Pimlico 7S l2Gfast 435 103 1 3l 33 E Taplin S Kleburne Kewessa Runes Runesot 34 l14hvy 32 107 ot oj E Taplin S Pomette Bleu Horron Isidora J0107 HdeGce 51 f lOGgood 15 105 4 5 5 J E Taplin 5 Andrew Montresor Surprising 20020 IIdeGce 5S l00fast 4 30GJ 1 411 51 B Taplin G Moutresor Gino Bclamour 19970 Bowie 7S l27fast 115 107 4 419S9C 22 431 T McTagt G Joe Deihold Celto Isidora 19S9C Bowie 31 l17slow 4 10S 1 1WATEE 31 31 T McTagt 7 Celto Jim Basey Isidora IsidoraBy WATEE LADY b f 4 106 10620G44 By Waterboy Duchess of Towers Mrs J Arthur 20G44 Dorval 34 l13fast 75 104 C 44 1 R Shilling BveCunarder Kewessa Deposit 20392 Wdbine 34 113 good 1C 104 7 51 3 R Shilling 7 Kewessa B Bay Commonada 20321 Pimlico 34 l15mud 10 104 1 3 21 R Shilling G Moutresor Suri risg BCnarder 20233 Pimlico 34 l13fast 4310 103 7 3St iuE K Shilling S Wanda Pitzer Corslcan TField 20144 Pimlico 34 l13fast 7 103 3 31S757 4s 441 R Shilling G Kewessa Mamie K Volant 1S757 Charlen 1 141 fast 2 103 2 4U 5 = R Shilling G IlSliaw BCunarder WorkLad 18709 Charlen 51 f 109 hvy 7 103 5 5SHYNESS 4 = 2i R Shilling S Celesta Ancou True as Steel SteelBy SHYNESS ch f 3 92 By His Majesty Mrs K T Clyde 204 Wdbine 34 113 fast 31 103 5 5202G7 42 33i L MeAtee G Pan Zareta Recoil BesLatimer 202G7 Pimlico 34 l14slop 205 IK G G201G1 7 79 L McAtee Montresor Andrew H Maiden 201G1 Pimlico 1 l41fast 40 95 5 5174S4 5 G23L McAtee r FlyFairy Celto Wooden Shoes 174S4 Wdbine 1 l40fast 3710 113 4 Gs 51 5 Burns S Lady Cnrzon Rancher SofLove 17371 Wdbine 34 l13fast C720 115 3 317oi3 G 53J G Burns 7 Kingllambnrg Oriiinlii Rancher 17oi3 BlueBon 34 115 fast 41 111 4 41G9S1 5 I1 G Burns 7 NincSimplex SirEdgar Itedland 1G9S1 BlueBon 31 l15slow 15 113 3 42 313 G Burns 5 Ormnlu Sir Edgar Stal Helen HelenBy BLACK BROOM ch s 4 100 By Broomstick Black Venus CA Newell 2 52G Wdbine 1 11G l4Sfast 21 loS G I1 I1 T Rice 7 Beau IVre Fcnroek Zodiac 20424 Wdbine 34 l135fast 04 109 12 12200GO Gt 54J T Rice 15 Brandywino Kgmont Ida Claire 200GO IIdeGce 5i f 1OC fast 25 112 3 31S349 71 G12 J Butwell 11 Andrew He Will Carlone 1S349 Latonia Im70y l44fast 91 103 9 91S2SO S3 S14 J Metcalf 12 Bermudian First Degree Birka 1S2SO Latonia 1 1S l52fast 20 99 5 51S214 5 5IsiF Murphy 5 Injnrv Star Actress Mockery 1S214 Latonia InVTOy l45fast 5110 105 5 51SI51 21 3J J MotonIC 10 Transact Ask Her The Gamier 1SI51 Latonia 1 11G 14G fast 92 101 S 9 9liJ Smyth i Injury Vcnghee Brooktield 17911 Church 1 1 l3Sfast 64 103 5 G C2 W W Tlor G Leo Skohiy Hocnir OHagan

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Local Identifier: drf1915060801_4_1
Library of Congress Record: