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SECOND RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Tillies Mares and Geldings Selling 1GS70 IT WOODEN SHOES ch g 4 105 By Burgomaster Breakdown Quincy Stable 0792 Belmont 1 1lG 147 fast 2J 109 4 4205G4 1 = I J McCahey CVM Miller Al IJIoth OSullivan 205G4 Belmont 1 140 good l5 109 5 52H2G9 I2 1UT McCnhey r Dr Diieimcr Orotund Jawbone 2H2G9 Belmont 1 l40fast 31 105 4 21 3J J McCahey r Blue Thistle Amalll Astrology 014 Pimlico 1 1lG 149 fast 2720 109 2 22U1G1 3 3 i K Ambrose ClilT Field Lazuli 2U1G1 Pimlico 1 l41V fast 10 109 4 45 3 1 J McCahey 5 Flying Fairy Cello Tactics 20039 HdeGce Im70yl45 fast 5 109 4 41GS1S 5 432 K Ambrose S CliflTield Progressive Lochlel 1GS1S Syracuse 1 116 1431 fast 12 95 2 2BAC I5 I4 II Sumter Naiad Golden Prime PrimeBy BAC ch E 4 113 By Cunard Bandello A Miller Miller1i 0753 Bolmont 1 l39 fast 3i 111 2 1i I1 J Butwell 5 GMMIller Astrology G Fisher irG Churchill 1 l40slow 14 110 5 S2 S J Butwell 10 GoldcstBoy Ilocnlr StoutHeart 20241 Churchill 1 l27fast 37 107 4 41 5 J Butwell 7 Bs Choice Hodge Con Tower 17992 Laurel 34 l13fast 42 113 12 1217SOG 12 12 = C FbthtT 12 Eii Brysoii Briar Path Trailid 17SOG laurel 1 11 C l45fast 4i 98 S SJJ J McTagrtll LitNearer Monlresor Executor 17594 Laurel 1 11C 145 fast 8 107 1 31 4J M Buxton i Amalll Ambrose Blue Thistle 17175 Belmont 1 l3Sfast 13G 104 2 2nt 23 M Buxtou 4 Mtresor Hmiliatioti Beethoven 17022 Belmont 1 l3Sfast 32 111 3 31C944 4 3s J BulwIl 4 KasterStar Flitaway MrSniggs 1C944 Belmont 1 129 fast G5 10G 1 1FENMOUSE 3t 1 7 Butwell 4 Bine Thistle Flitaway Naiad NaiadBy FENMOUSE b f 3 91 By Rock Sand Flittermouse A Belmont 20754 Belmont 34114fast 115 9S 3 I2 1s P Lowder Azyiade Lily Orme MM Belmont Ci f l20good 2J 105 5 52C34S 4 4H C Turner Tiiikleltoll DistShore SnmSlIck 2C34S BelTer Ab5S fast 85 150 150STONEHENGE 1 = E Dugan 10 Mr Specs Otto Floto Culvert CulvertBy STONEHENGE b g 4 105 105207G3 By Hastings Linda Stone C K Rockwell 207G3 PipRk Ab3l llffast 5 155 2 2i 3 = 1 Cap Kwell S Culvert Andes Ambrose WJ2 Belmont 1 143 fast 20 157 1 GJ 7J1 CapCIvRl 7 Doublet Virile Spearhead 0lfi Belmont 1 l40good 12 107 1 11 3J M Buxtou i Al Bloch Jawbone Hermis Jr 20411 Belmont 1 l43mud 41 113 2 3 3 M Buxtou Al Bloch Uohlnetta S Denrah 2031 1 Pimlico Im40yl4afast 17 109 C C203C 1 Il M Buxton S CarltonG LKnglM CHolIoway 203C Pimlico 31 114 fast 24 113 2 21 54J J Dreyer 10 G Plume Heruiis Jr Thesieres 001 PlniHoo 31 lai good 110 97 3 3OlOG Ll S8 J McKver S Perthsliire Al Bloch LTravers OlOG HdeGce 51 f 1OS good 12 102 S SOOS5 4 105 J Dreyer 12 Col Cook Yorkvilh York I id OOS5 HdeGce 51 f l07fast 20 102 C 4 35 R AmbroFell Canto Silver Moon Clariliel 21047 HdeGce Im70yl4rfast 25 107 1 1VAZA 4 4T M Buxton ToWFiild OKrlpp VonStrome VonStromeBy VAZA b g 3 100 By Puryear D Elminetta F B Lemaire 20133 II deCVce fl f lOSslow S 104 4 2J 3 = M Buxton S High Tide DaiiishGirl Muzanti 1S411 HdeGce uS loOfast 150 100 S 73 715 Ward S Sarsenet Between s Gaelic 1SXW Laurel 1 142 fast 5G 108 4 Cl C 1A NicklaiiH S Dh loinnt White Metal VlUr IFIOK Laurel 34 115 fast 17 113 2 25S 5 G A NicUlausl2 Minstrel Miss Frances Volam 1S009 Liiurel 5S 101 slop IOC 104 J 9 9Gl 9 ° 95 A NicklauslO BrlaiiBoni FHeliii JBHarrell 17592 I aurel Gl f l07ifast fid 110 7 4 481 R Shilling 10 Ninety Simplex Peg All Smilen