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DORVAL PARK FORM CHART MONTREAL QUE MONDAY JUNE 7 1915 Seventh and last day Dorval Jockey Club Spring Meet ¬ ing of 7 days 21 books on Weatker clear FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs 20722 54 2 105 Purse 100 2yearolds Selling Net value to winner 300 second 75 third 25 1 ndex Horses A W 1 1 l S t Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S PHIL UNGAR WB 110 3 22 Ink is I A Ciaver S Newman 3 3i 3 1 1 1h 2 OG87 BROOM STRAW w 10S 1 2 h 2U 2s 25 J Smyth A B Stelle 4 5 41 S5 4 4C 20152 DAMIBTTA wu 10S 9 C C20719TAH C C G 3nt J Metcalf P Sheridan 20 30 30 12 C 20719TAH BRUSH w 114 C S 775 4 G Burns P Musante 4 S S 3 S SS 2 031 9 ROSE WATER w 108 S 7 S S 7 5l A SchugrS Ross 35485 4 44h 20612 EDDIR T WB 110 7 G G20612J 4h 5 4ok Ci E Taplin II G Bedwell 32 2 2 7101 7101C3 20612J Z WIGGINS w 110 5 4 4201872tROSE C3 3 2i 7J P Murphy P J Pons 20 30 30 12 6 201872tROSE GARDEN w 102 2 1 1206873tP 3 4J S S C BallincrJ II McCarren 30 40 40 12 G 206873tP OP GREENWAY w 110 4 9 9 9 9 9 J Groth E J Crawford 10 20 15 G 3 tOmitted from entries Time 24 49 54 J equals track record Track fast Winner B c by Contestor Miss Manners trained by E Moore MooreWent Went to lost at 231 At i ost 5 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing PHIL UNGAR off forwardly went to the front when entering the homestretch and drew away with ¬ out any great effort In the last eighth BROOM STRAW set the early pace and was under a drive all of the last eighth DAM I ETTA began slowly and iinished fast EDDIE T was cut off while rounding the far turn TAR BRUSH closed a gap in the last quarter ROSE WATER also made up ground J Z WIG ¬ GINS and ROSE GARDEN quit The winner was entered for 1000 no bid Scratched Crispie 102 SECOND RACE 1 Mile 17217 143 1 112 Purse r00 4yearolds and up ward Selling Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 Index Horses A WtPPSt 4 str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 20002 IIOISINGTON WB 5 112 2 8 7 10 9 S 9 ° E McEwenJ K Farnsworth 20 2 30 1 G 20745 CAIN CHASER w 5 110 1 9 9 9 10 10 10 P Murphy P J Pons 20 40 30 12 6 6tOmitted tOmitted from entries Time 25 51 117 144 Track fast fastWinner Winner B g by Maceo Presentation trained by W F King KingrTfWfnt to ixiKf at 257 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Von easily second and third driving rTfWfnt LUtKY GEORGE was saved behind the leaders until straightened out In the homestretch and finishing fast vou under restraint BOGART slipped through on the inside on the stretch turn lint tired after dis ¬ posing of a TIS TRUE and racing into the lead SPOHN a rush O TIS TRUE set th pace to the stretch and quit DUQUESNE showed speed Tl entered for 400 no bid J THIRD RACE 34 Milo 20044 113 1 104 Purse 100 4yearolds Selling Net value to winner 300 second 75 third 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt i 94 Str Fin Jockeys Owners o H C P H 207183MRS MC WB 102 9 f 3 2 I2 li P Cooper W E Scott S S S 3 C3 C3t8G t8G THE GOVERNOR w IOCS 3 2i 31 2 23 K Taplin It G PHlwell 5 5 4 7535 2074 HUSTLING BRASS w 103110 S 8 4i 3 3 R Shilling S Louis 3 44 7 5 36 20747 SORUELLO w 102 5 2 4J r 5 4 J Smyth Mrs J L Bryan 20 SO 30 10 5 20720 DRVAD WB 105 G 9 7 7 5i E Haynes C W Gasser 2 31 1214 20747 MR MACK wn 107 7 3 Ch c fij II Snyder LA Capps 0 40 40 12 G 20747 PRANC1S w 102 S 7 Ink iu 4 73 c VanDunG Lyons 4 3 G5 12 20705 WATER LAD wn 102 4 10 10 10 10 SJ M McDottJ J Lindsay 20 40 40 15 S S20745SPITPIRE 20745SPITPIRE WB 100 25 7989 C BallingrT Cheek 30 CO CO 25 10 1020C1S 20C1S PERPETUAL w 102 1 1 C S 9 10 A Ciaver ThorncllffeStable 5 1 12 4 2 2Time Time 24 49 1144J Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch f by Cesarion Editli Me trained by T Scott ScottWent Went to post at 321 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the anie MRS Me forced the pace for the first half anil hung on gamely after disposing of FRANCIS THE GOVERNOR raced well and was In close quarters on tin inside while rounding the far turn but came on the outside of the leader iu the homestretch and was gaining at the end RUSTLING BRASS closed a gap aud outstayed SORDELLO then rau away a mile after the finish SOUDELLO and DRYAD finished well FRANCIS quit after setting n good pace to the stretch The winner was entered for 300 no bid bidOverweights Overweights Mrs Me 2 iiuiiiids The Governor 41 Rustling Brass 13 Mr Mack li Spitfire 5 OO7QT FOURTH RACE 34 Mile iOC44 l13 = f I 104 Purse 400 lyearolds Selling AJ 4 O I Net value to winner 00 second 73 third J3 index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O HOP ° 0iHfiKILDY w 97 9 7 7 5 C 1 T Hayes J A Gibson 15 H 20 S 4 4207r 207r OsGOIlDON w 110 13 Si 21 21 2J J Metcalf S Bruce 1 32 75 12 14 14U077IFHKUA U077IFHKUA JOHNSON w 100 S 3 G G 5l 3l A Claver S Hazeltinc 0 10 10 4 S3 S3200lfi 200lfi AL COLUT WH IOS 0 2 1J 15 1i 4 = J Smyth 13 L Fitzgerald 244 32 35 I7 MISS CHAUCER w 103 3 C 5 7 7 Gl C VanUunC N Freeman 5 10 10 4 So So20750APRISA 20750APRISA wn 95 2 4 41 3 4 i GJ E Forehd J C Fletcher S S 7 2J 03 032720CANXOCK 2720CANXOCK w D7 10 1 2 t 41 3i 7s A Collins II A AVliitc 4 4 2i 1 12 IIDFOUT MONBOE w 102 59 a a a s p Coojwr J A Moisand 20 so so 10 5 15 CHASER wit 106 4 S S S S 9s A SchugrK Trueinan 10 20 20 8 4 20 74 SALON w 109 7 10 10 10 10 10 F Jackson T F McCoy 10 12 12 C 3 3v v Time 24 49 115 Track fast fastLillie Lillie Turner trained by J A Gibson minutes Start Rood and slow AVon driving second and tliird the theILDAV ILDAV began slowly and was badly outpaced in the early running hut worked his way up on the iul iinlsliiiig with a rush got up to win in the last stride CORDON was a forward eontender all tin way and ran a good race FREDA JOHNSON slipped through next to the inside rail and linishd fast iid close up AL COURT tired hadly near the end after setting the pace to the last eighth CANNOCIv i 1 for JOO no bid 1 iHinniR CIiiRi r 4 Salon 2 FIFTH RACE 12 Mile 110090 4S ii 10U Purse 100 2yotrolils Maidens Canadianfoaled Allowances Xet value to winner 300 second 75 third 2T imlex Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners O HUPS 20577 COPPER KING W IIS 4 3 21 21 I3 A Collins J Iv L Boss t 5 2 1K Jj 01 20687 HETLAS FLAME w IOS 11 I5 1s 2 B Sliilling A Bulcroft 4 G 5 Ga 11 11S04903BANSI1ORE S04903BANSI1ORE w 110 5 4 42 32 32 A Claver ThornclIffeStablo 1 Go 1 13 01 20577 AV A AVRIGHT w 112J 2 2 31 4 4h E Carter AV Walker 20 30 30 S 3 3JULIA JULIA FREAV w 111 30 G G o4 B Taplin J P Dawes 773 2 93 25 01 01AVISI11NG AVISI11NG WELL w 10S fi 5 52 5 G J Smyth Mrs McNcsbltt 10 15 15 3 1 fCouplcd in betting no separate place or show betting bettingTime Time 24 50 Track fast Tarletan trained by AV F Presgrave PresgraveWent Went to post at 415 At post 2 minutes Start straggling Won easily second and third driving COPPER KIXG raced in closest pursuit to the last eighth then limshed fiist and taking the lead was going away at the end IIECLAS FLAME left the barrier with a rush and drew away into a long lead but tired and swerved in to the inside fence in the last sixteenth BANSHORE hud no chance from the start but finished gamely W A WKIG1IT showed speed Overweights W A Wright 1J pounds SIXTH HACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards CM01G 14 108 Purse 00 3yearolds 2O789 Selling Xet value to winner 400 second 70 third iuO AWtPPSt Ji V Str Fin Jockeys Owners 2075l = ArALAS ArALASdOO w 109 3 1 I4 1s 1s I3 lu J Smyth R B Stelle Stellev 3 u 4 6fi 12 dOO 10 FLY HOME HOMEaOC893 v IOS 508 7 41 31 23 F Cooper AV Martin MartinW 1 G5 1 25 out outS aOC893 KXEUGl7TlC W 100 10 7 3 31 2 2s 3t E Forehd S Boss Bosswn S 15 10 4 2 wn 100 S 10 9 S C 0 4i M McDottC Timbcrlakc S 8 3 32 20745SLUMBERBR w i 111 9 G 2 = 2 33 43 a E Taplin Mrs 1 W JJiytonti H 1 20542 TIVI wt07 4 9 10 10 10 S l J Metcalf P Sheridan 10 15 15 G 2 20512 3 SCHNAPPS w 100 1 3 fi 41 u1 l 7 A Collins Mrs T Francis 3 5 5 2 1 20750 MILAN w i 110 2 2 7 9 9 9 S3 C VanDunJ A Thomson 15 10 40 15 5 520689GOLDBN 20689GOLDBN LASSIE v 100 G S 4k 5 7 10 Ji C UalllngrT Cheek 30 fpO 00 20 10 20765 SMILING MAG w i 103 7 4 S1 o S 7 10 E Haynes N W Burkhart 20 40 40 15 S STine Tine 23 J 49 116 143 148 Track fast fastWinner Winner I g by Puryear 1 Olathe trained by C J Casey CaseyWent Went to post at 47 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the Fame VALAS sprinted into a long lead in the lirst half and won all the way but tired badly near the end FLY HOME began slowlv and was badly out run early but closed a gap and linishcd fast while in tight quarters through the hist fifty yards ENERGETIC ran well but tired and just lasted long enough to out Mny ASA IIERXPOX The latter closed a big gap SLUMIIEUER showed speed but tired Tim winner was entered for K no hid hidSrrnirhpd Srrnirhpd 20iir Kazan 112 2CKW2 Illnck Earl 103 ffr7Cr SEVEXTII RACE 1 Mile 17217 14514 1 112 Purse 00 IJyearolds and np JJ i J J ward Selling Xet value to winner 400 second 70 tliird 0 nrsis AWtPPSt 3i A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H GPS 207232THE RlMP w 1O7 S 2 20641 2064DLADY LADY IOXDOX w 5 110 0 1 1AV 31 3 4h 3 2l E Haynes W Smith 4 S ho 5G 20768 BALFUOX AV 4 112 4 5 5w 2 = 22 lnt 21 3l F ColemanS Louis C 8 S 4 2 2j 20770GERRARO w fi 112 j 2 4 4iv ink 36 I I3 J Groth A Lncarda 2J i 4i S5 710 20746 IOISI FoiiiVMAI MAI iv h 107 3 7 7 3 G 55 5 A Collins F Musante 07 7 21 2120724IHTR1X 20724IHTR1X w 4 112 1 f a G 7 G i J Metcalf Mrs E Freeman 2i H Sj 1J 20685 MIMICO w 107 7 8 S S 5i 7 7 J CallahanA Turncy G 20 1G G 3 206282 206282ALTSTEIl VUSTEIl w 107 5 3 G 7 S 8 S II Snyiler Z Runion lo 40 la 10 u uTime Time 24 49 116 143 new track record Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch g by Armeath II Renovah trained by W Martin Went to post at i02 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving THE KlMP wis saved behind the leaders until straightened out in the homestretch where ho drew up fast into an easv lead LADY LONDOX was a forward contender all the way and litiished gamely 15ALFRON was made too much use of in the early running and tired after taking the lead on the last turn fLR KAUI set the pace to the last turn and gave way but linisheil close up The winner was entered for 300 no bid bidScratched Scratched 20747 Minda 105 105Overweights Overweights Anster pounds