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FIFTH RACE About 2 Miles Steeplechase 4yearolds and upward Selling 77024 354 f 5 HUMILITY ch m 5 136 By Bryn Mawr Penitence II L W Garth 20352 Wdbine Ab 2 403 fast 2320 139 Ill 1 1 ° 12 F Williams 4 Joe Gaiety Dor Webb Morperth 20117 HdeGce Ab 2 4OH slow 6 142 543 1 35 3JF Williams 7 Racebrook Abdon Sand Stripes 20019 HdeGce Ab 2 406fast S 138 821 2 I2 li J Dupee 10 Frijoke Garter Wooltex 16579 Conght Ab 2 354fast 165 134 621 1 i3 i3 W Kohler 7 J Gaiety Malaga Portarliugton 15039 Conght Ab 2 356fast 115 134 521 2 41 5 G Bernhdt G Promoter Tom Horn Velsinl 14907 Conght Ab 2 354fast 3 132 5 Lost rider W Kohler Lnckola Velsinl Portarlington 14C18 BlueBon Ab 2 424slow S 130 333 2 1 1 N Brooks 5 Jiu JItsu The African Jonquil 14420 Wdbine Ab 2 4134ifast 16 134 6 Fell N Brooks 7 Turbine T Prophet W Worker 12190 PlpRk Ab 2 355 fast 6 132 315 4 55 520 Gilbert 9 Repentant Ballet Sand Hog 12041 Pip Rock Ab 2 359 fast 4 132 744 G 5J 5 3 Gilbert 11 Ballet Sand Hog Repentant RepentantBy KING CASH br e 6 140 By Bowling Brook Alcyone II E M Weld tj 20324 Wdbine Ab 2 433fast 45 144 212 2 1 I2 K Wolke 4 YMpheus TAfrican DHltf 20395 Wdbine Ab 2 434 good 131 135 5 G 4 5 23 1 K Wolke C Tom Horn Brvndown Pnmroter 202G4 Pimlico 2 40slop IGu 13G 234 4 4 42 W Borgan 4 Old Salt Seiiegambian Srticco 20203 Pimlico 2 358good 33 140 140149S2 C G 5 4 G Cl W Borgan 10 Promoter Swish AstuUL 149S2 Conght Ab2i 429slow 1310 138 1 3 3 3 2 2 J Kcrmath 4 Lnckola Mystic Light iJfgusn 14878 Coiight Ab 2 355 fast 4 140 3443 35 341 J Kermath 7 Kxton Promoter The African 14G58 BlueBon Ab2J 515 fast 2 142 3 5 G G 3 31 J Kermath 7 Hxton Bryndown K Ridgeley RidgeleyBy PROMOTER b g 5 142 By Stalwart Torrid Mrs J W Dayton 20295 AVdbine Ab 2 434 good2D20 13G 422 3 34 451 J Iavtcm G Kingcash Tomllorn Bryndown 2020C Pimlico 2 351 fast 81 125 4454 4s 47i J Dupee G Swish Weldship Single Stick 20203 IMmlico 2 3GSKOOd 445 140 1402015G 743 2 2nt in D Gaddy 10 Swish Astute Seiiegambian 2015G Pimlico 2 355fast 140 14G 14G1S407 523 3 3s 39 D Gaddy 7 Kxtoti Astute Worstdale 1S407 HdeGce Ab 2 402fast 9 144 243 3 3 3 = 3 M OConr 4 Chupadero Astute Devoter 18359 Pimlico 2 354 fast 15 140 9 G 7 Lost riderJ Dayton 9 Blankbg Shan River Chpado 18297 Pimlico 2 359fast 2120 14G 14GDOROTHY 322 3 3 3 ° J Dayton 4 Swish Gold Vale P Asinorum AsinorumBy DOROTHY WEBB b m 9 138 By Woolsthorpe Web of Fate J Mackay 20532 AVdbine Ab 2 405 fast 1310 139 24444 3J5 D Gaddy 4 Humility Joe Gaiety Morperth 201S9 Wdbine Ab 2 4107fslow 10 143 144 3 3 3 1 Gaddy 4 Garter IdleMichael MysticLight 20395 Wdbine Ab 2 434 good 12 13G 211 2 G G3S M OConr G Kingcash Tomllorn Bryndown 1G9S2 BlueBon Ab 2 414slow 75 149 4 4 G 2 2 ° 2 K lleider G TheAfrican JGaiety Panorama 15958 Hamton Ab 2 407fast 1110 155 4 Fell J Dupee T Tom Horn TheAfrican DavldJr 15852 Hamton Ab 2 410Vffast 2 150 4322 Fell J Dupee r Lnckola Auriflc Gun Cotton 15799 Hamton Ab 2 4Ilfast G 147 5 G 3 1 II Il J Dupee 0 Gun Cotton Frijoke TheAfrican 15583 Windsor Ab 2 43G fast 163 142 243 3 2 21 J Dupee 5 Promoter Capricorn Frijolee FrijoleeBy DECATHLON ch gr 4 134 By Marathon Queen Isabella G M Hendrie 20157 Wdbine Ab 2 4OGfast 51 132 G 7 7 C 4 42n W Lambert 7 C Krnm Brvndown Mch Court 20393 Wdbine Ab 2 431 good 13 135 G 5 G G 5 5s W Lambert G Kingcash Tomllorn Bryndowu 1G300 Windsor 1 11C l51hvy 12 97 4 7 G G G 53i R Shilling S Bula Welsh Love Day ClltfKdge 11M01 Windsor 1 11G l47Mfast 30 99 G 7 G 7 73 CU Smyth S CarltonG Kmgllug FutaluFay 15SSS Ilamton 1 IS lC3fast 41 95 81010 S Sk 79 R Shilling 11 liavenal Penaltv Dyuamito 15733 Windsor Im70y l42fast M 103 999 9 S S3 W Obert T Field Father IJIley JGeddes 15538 Windsor 1 1S lG8imid 1C 9C 1 G G G G C5 R Shilling G Tippecanoe Kburne Nightstick 14C2G Douglas ll39slow 51 91 911443t C 6 5 G 5 = 53 A Mott Glass B Ilensley Claxonette 1443t Douglas 1 1S 152 fast 22 03J 144 4 4 41 A Neylon 4 Rudolfo Flora Fina Gowell