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SEVENTH RACE 1 18 Miles 3ycarolds and upward Sailing 11977 150 3 105 BRYNLIMAH ch g 5 110 By Bryn Mawr Notlimah J Lowe 0717 Douglas 1 110 l43fast 3710 110 6 6 Su 33 M Garner i GoldBov Grosvenor Kxpectan 20631 Douglas Irn70y lllfast 0 109 3 6 31 Il M Garner 10 Tavohira Korfliage Manasseh 0301 Douglas 1 116 l30mud 133 105 2 2 2204C6 1 I8 K Pool G Loveland M Diilwebpr II Bull 204C6 Douglas 1 1S l50mud 13J 101 5 I 4 3 K Pool i Bonanxa Any Pert iMnnnsscli 20105 Douglas Im70y l4Smud 17 106 5 G 41 58 J McTagrt 7 Bonanza JReardon Thtreader 19159 Juarez 1 1S l50fgood 10 100 7 7 7 7 7131G Ilezansll 7 Toynbee N MeDee VoladayIr 19120 Juarez 1 l3SViast 20 100 4 7 7 7 7 ° A Mott 7 Mhnorioso Beulah S Bonanza 19320 Juarez 1 l3Sfast 20 101 6 S 8 81SS17 7 714G Gross S Beiilab S Bonanza Florin 1SS17 Juarez 1 110 205V hvy S5 98 233 233BEULAH 321 37 J Callahan 4 GrHughes JudgcSalc Ringlins RinglinsBv BEULAH S b m 5 104 Bv Filigrane Maid of the Order F D Weir 20773 Douglas 1110115 fast 12 101 555 22 2i I Stirling ii Impresstoli Old Ben Korfhave 20303 Churchill 11lfi l45rast 41 107 334 7 V h D Stirling 8 Brave Bay Candle Bonanza 20250 Churchill 1 110 l4Cfast 61 0 109 212 71 710 p Stirling S Bonanza Robiuetta Expection 20115 Lexgton 1 l10fast 115 113 1 2 1 HJ I4 D Stirling 10 JesLouIse Olgn Star Gold Girl 20076 Lcxgtoii Im70yl43fast 120 97 7 7 7 7199S3 6 = 595 R Marco 7 Indolence BrChoiee S Jasmine 199S3 Juarez 1 l37 fast 3 108 2 1 1 U 433 J McCabe 10 Mud Sill Ringling Kooloaay 19936 Juarez 1 139 fast 2 102 233 23319SS3 11 11 U Marco 5 Mud Sill Transact Goldy 19SS3 Juarez 1 l33fast 8 97 G 1 1 1OLD 1 22 B Marco 8 John Reardon Rash Be OLD BEN b r 4 107 By Ben Brush Communo W H Baker 20773 Douglas 1 116 143 fast 3 lot 444 4442C034 42 31 R Goose Impression Beiilah S Korfhagc 2C034 Douglas Im70y lllfast S 110 1 5 5 8 Si U Goose 10 Brvnlimah Tavolnra Korfliage 0102 Douglas 1 11S l17mucl 12 106 1 B fi fi203T6 C 611 R Goose 7 BayCandle LSlring Ringling 203T6 Churcliill 1 l40slov 63 107 9 9 10 5 k 4 = 1 R Gooso 10 GoldestBoy Hocnir Stoiitlleart 0303 Churchill 1 110 l45fast 85 112 fi 7 8 G2 Gnl R Gooso S Brave Bay Candle Bniiamia 20243 Churchill 1 110 147 fast 1310 107 242 I4 1U R Goose 9 Guide Post Bricklev Verena 19331 NOrlns 1 l337rfast 1 1081 1554 li 1 R Gooso 7 Imiircssloii HTemple TBbody 19220 NOrlns 31 l12fast 12 107 5 G G GEXPECTATION 52 5 J OBrien 7 Lady Moonet Resign Useeit EXPECTATION b g 4 106 By Kilkerran Tapiola W L Lewis 0717 Douglas 1 116 l43fast 12 106 4 3 3 4 47 43 A Mott 0 GoldBoy Grosvenor Brynliinali 20160 Douglas 1 1S l5Cmud 10 101 2 5 I 6 6202f G G33 A Mott G Bonanza Any Port Brynliinali 202f 6 Churchill 1 116 l46fast 91 109 4 7 7 7 42 3 = 1 A Mott 8 Bonanza Robinetta S Actress 20151 Lexgton 1 14 03fast 28 98 10 10 10 8 82C091 G1 6 ° A Mott 10 Indolence R Bradley Leo Ray 2C091 Lexgton 1 116 l43fast 23 9S1 3344 33441S36S 4s 4 = 2 A Mott i Wilhite R Bradley Gold Boy 1S36S Latonia 2 11 334 fast 6310 95 2 2 3 4 45 A Mott 8 Lady Errant Any Port Hash 18193 Latonia 1 12 232fast 0 97 4 1 1 2 21S079 l 22 A Mott 9 Short Gras Rash Christnphino 1S079 Latonia Im70y l43 fast 21 111 3 5 4 1 1MOCKERY 11 I1 A Mott 13 OReilly BcsLatimer Lenavaal LenavaalBy MOCKERY ch g 4 104 By Plaudit Stheno P M Civill 20717 Douglas 1 116 l4Gfast 19 102 5 5 6 fi fi20K51 fi frV K Lapaille G GoldBoy Grosveiior Brynliinali 20K51 Douglas Im70y lllfast 5710 107 10 7 9 9 9 98i E Pool 10 Brynliinali Tavolara Korfhage 20276 Churchill 1 18 l5Jislow 91 101 S 2 2 3 41 4SS K Pool 9 Sleeth JReardun Mary Ann 1C 0096 Lexgton 31 l13fast fid 1101 9 10 9 91S2SO 9 = 913 J McCabell Tower TNorman PsnmtKiii 1S2SO Iatonia I 1S l52fast 91 100 1 4 4 3 32 3C1 W W Tlor fi liijury Star Actress Ringling 18174 Latonia lm0y l fast 2 101 3 G 5 4 31 li J Metcalf G L Errant Uoht Kav AllanCold 18132 Latonia Im70y l44fast 2 103 3 11 7 4 3 1 J Metcalf IX RobtKay BcssieLatimcr Florin 13103 Latonia Im70y 144 fast 65 106 7 G 5 4 31 25 J Metcalf 7 First Degree Florin Itidncncc 17938 Churchl 1 m70yl 10hvy 3 106 6 fi G G G1750S 43 417 F Murphy 7 Sosins Little Bean Indohncc 1750S Douglas Im70y 143 fast 175 104 8 8 8 3 3MALABAR U I1 J Murphy S Expectation G Boy Channeuae ChanneuaeBy MALABAR b g 3 102 By Peter Quince Berry Maid J W May 0374 Churchill Cl l13M good fid 102 10 11 11 11 lOMW Meehanll The Norman Izzetbey Billy Joe 032 Churchill 1116 l16fast 137 101 6777 6777202S1 7 6l7iW Mechan 7 T Grader B Caudle HLkihnrn 202S1 Churchill 34 113 fast fid 102 S 77 771S230 91 101W Meehan 1 Deposit Acis Cash on Delivery 1S230 Latonia 51 f l07fast 15 107 S fi 5 51S12S 41 4 F Murphy 11 Chesterton Bamboo Lit Strlir 1S12S Latonia 5 f 107 fast 61 107 9 77 53 7I21C Dishmonl Cardigan W Crown Chesterton 179 Churchl 51 f lOShvy 15 106 5 4 S Si S C Dislimon 11 Pilly Joe B Brother Chesterton 17903 Churchl 34 11 lgood 13 10 2 12 12 12410 Disunion 14 Gold Girl Bs Brother BilivJoo 17850 Churchl 51 f Io7 mud 121 W 1 3 2 217G13 41 4TJ G Dislimon 8 DCarmeii Geo Roeseh Redland 17G13 Douglas 51 f 107 fast 16 106 10 10 9 93 93 J Smyth 10 Amazon Geo Roeseh LitString