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AQUEDUCT GOING IMPROVES MONTRESOR IS AIDED BY GOOD LUCK AND • DEFEATS GAINER AND OTHER CRACKS. Odom Sends Two Winncis to the Post — Brizz Re- poited Sold for a Big Sum — Flying Fairy to Be Retired. Hew York. -1 1 1 1 I. Perfect racing weather pie-railed " Aqueduct today and the atteadaace showed t|tiit ; .in Increase over thai of the previous few days. The Hun! and fourth races attracted the UKWI atteutiou In! Milt Ihr afternoon, anil Ih IIi of Hi. hi resulted in extra good contests. The fourtii, which was won by Moutrcsor, was starred to ■ certain extent by the tactics of Jockey c. Tomer mi Ieiiiii-.. wlii seemingly tried t ride everj linrse in Hie rare. Pebbles went into an MHTJ lead while going down tu- backstretch, bal when Buck-horn aiade hi- move on the far turn he wa- forced out l.y pebbles. Thea in the stretch Qaiaec was kepi in done quartern until In the final eighth, when Pebbles started tu beur out. this est hiin whatever chance* lie nia. have had. At the end Monties., r was Hi,, winner over the fast-coming Gainer, which hid i with iuuHi interference. The going on the baekatreteh was fairly good, hut next tu the inner rail was slill slow and 1 1 1 i — perhaps encompassed the defeat "t Hany Shaw in the third race, llarrj Shau gained a good lead In the early running and turned for home running easily, hut the borne, which la atrictly a rail runner, tired alter hi- efforts in the heavy going and was passed by Bine Thistle in the lata! aixteenth. The latter showed laaprovemenl ovei hi* hurt race at Jamaica, which race led to frank M. Taylor being lined UU by the stewards for ei itlcnriauj the horses anou lag mi that occasion. George M. Odoaa, who is training a public atable, saddled the Brsl two winners in Sprint, a recent acumisitiou of the Mispah Stable, and Uncle Jinitnie. Itoth horses ruled favorites and won easily. The victory of Sprint was followed by an ualooked for incident, for she -tipped In a bole after tlw- race, un seated Buxton and then ran away a mile and :i half. Aside from striking herself, she was uninjured. Uncle Jinimie was the medium of a run-up after h bra i lory, i:. Alexandra advancing aim from . :am to $"Mio and securing him. Hud Harry Shaw been ahle to win the third it would have made three straight winners for trainer Odom and jockey Buxton. It was reported today that .1. W. Goldblatt bad •old the two-year-old racer, Brian, to J. W. Schorr tor lie will probably be sent to Saratoga to join the Schorr homes. Cant. K. B. Cassatl will send Plying Fairy and Garbage to hi- Pennsylvania farm tomorrow, where thev will be turned out. He has sold the tWO-yeal old Plaintiff to .1. B. Madden. M. Italy waa ■ visitor today from Port Brie on a business mutter. lie will return tonight. Joekej .1. [Ireyer, who sustained a composHM] frai -ture of out of his legs in a fall at Jamaica, is doing as well as could be expected. He 1ms left the Jamaica hospital. Jockey B. I rqanart. who has been iit a Jamaica hospital with bronchitis, has developed scarlet fever. Lake l.e Bloud was an arrival from Cincinnati and Homer Seliiy cause from Port Erie. Jockey w. Meehan was called to Lexington last night on account of the serious [Uness of his grand mot her. Have Sloan, who has been training ■ foreign stable, was a visitor tod ty it being his tirst appearance on an .astern track in several years. V. ;. Yanko has put in an appearance at Aqu. duet. T. Henry will ride on the New York tracks for James Ma Uanus. Joekej w. J. OBrien will do some of the riding for James Butlers stable. Jockey K..ti.. who i- la Prance, is eancctad to re turn to tin- . "iintrv at once. Harry Lauder wa~ shi|iped to Port Brie from Benuiug by J. P. Sweeney to A. B. Bresler, win will campaign him on the Canadian circuit. lormei trainer Richard Bowers, who has not hell I ii license for several seasons, baa been denied al! privileges at Canadian Baring A--o courses. That Boamers recent races hav sot dulled hi-speed ■ was shown when the s m of Knight Errant worked Thursday morning at Aqueduct. Be eov-ered a mile iii I :3X •■ . and then anished out a mile and an eiglith easily in 1 -M.. Kay S|.ein . lias arrivetl at Belaaont Park for the Kmpiie Citv meeting with Hodge, Pnrlong and other horses, and V. Perkins is there with Gipsej George and others. c. Hunt accompanied the Spence stable and I". Judy the IVrkius shipment. Work "ids at Aqueduct on a muddy track thi-ni rnlng were: Hello of tin- Kitchen Three-eighths la au Important Hall mile in 33. .1. J. UUIs Three i ightha in 41. Lahore Hall mile in 0 Leo Skolnj Half mile m 51. Norse K lug Mile In 1 :•* • . Or.iliiud i hr ■ eighth; in 12. Perth Rork Tl.i. ■ .,u.n-i. i - in l :H. Sandal Hall mile in :._:; . Tony fashion Three-eighths in 37%. I.ilm. ni l*arfc work-outs on a muddy track were: Bo ker Bill Mile in 1 . 12% Cosmic live eighths in 1 :03 Damroscli Half mile in is . Distant Shore Mil,, in I : I.i. Hip - .. ... . Three i Ighl lis in :;s. Hodge Three-quarters In 1:27. Hoiid.i.. I in. ■•• qimt i. i - in 1 :21. Huguenot Mile ami i uuarter in 2:20. I., rd It" kvale Hall i ille in 50%. M.,li. nk s. ren eighth in I E2 Km k View Three-quarters in I:1C S mi McMi-ekin Hall nil. in 52. StroinU li Half mile u 17 Tea Caddy Half mile in Is-.. Tetan Mile in I P_ Toii Hat Half mll in 17%. Turn Turtle Seven-eighths in 1 :32.