Second Race [2nd Fort Erie, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-10

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SECOND RACE— Short Course About 2 Miles. Steepleehar:?. 4-yeiv-olds and upward. Handicap. ClLtic. 3:44 i 1 12. i STUCCO, br. g, 4 140 By Filigranr — My Eleanor W. L. Maupin. I !.,ni::i :. I Mi. 27-16 ill ! 1 3 3 : :: N Brooks 6 Garter, Dor. Webb. Joe Gaiety 21312 Hamton Ab 2 1:66 East 4 136 1 •". :: 3 Is 1* r Wlllms :. I Jarter, Joe Gaiety, D r. Webh 21223 Hamton , 1 . : 1 ;..:, ,t:t:-i .•". 133 4 :: 3 :: ::"P I Williams 0 Dor. Webb, The African, Jim O. 209C2 UlueBon. Ab ! 4:M mod 17-36 137 12 1 2 P 21 N Bcooks 7 Decathloa. Stucco, Come on ?.is .., l;hi,|:,,n. Ab 2 4:0S%fasl II 20 136 4 4 2 8 :!■" 2* N Brooks ". Y. Morpheus, G. Planet. M.IIilc 20380 Wdbine ai. " i ::..," .fat ::7 r. I3S l 2 ! 3 3 S*« N Brooks 3 Weldship, Bryndown, Garter ...i 1 Wdbine Ab l 0G%rast 19 20 138 4 2 8 2, 5*" .V" .1 Dnpee 7 C. Kruni, Bryndown, M.-li Court 19264 riiiiii.o 2 l:olJ:,-io| 26 133 122 3 2H !*• J Dopee 4 O.Sait, Seuegambian, Kingcaab DOROTHY WEBB, b. m. 9 140 By Wool sthorpe— Web of Fate J. Mackay. i 1 i.,i!i:,i. i : 1 *%hvj 63 111 222 2 21 2s .1 Smith 6 Garter, Staeco, Joe Gaiety 214X5 KortRri. M» 2 4:16 hvj 16-3 145 . I 2 1 l- Is M i .l ,. Gaiety, Iteeatblon, Morpeth 2131 Hamton Ab 1:66 fast :• 137 2. 2 2 1 4" -~ .1 Hull. .11 :. Stucco, Garter. Joe Gaiety 21223 Hamton Ab 2 I: x7%fasl 7 12s :: 1 1 1 r1!:1 .1 Button a Stucco, The African, Jim O. 20989 Congbl Ab 2 los slow ", 134 2 :; 2. :: 4 4-::.. I Hutton 1 Humility. Garter, Stalmore 20S92 BlueBon. A I. :: 4 :.«.- -slow ?. 142 2 1 3 2 »*• 2* M oVonr 1 Idle Michael, Stahnore. Vershil 2M I UlueBon. Ab 2 4:10 fast 111 138 4 " 3 .1 3 :i4 M OConr .". Humililv, Kinecash, Iromotor Wdbine Ab 2 1 : :. fast 1 ; 10 139 ! 4 4 4 4 V I » 4 Humility. Joe Gaietjr, Morperth 20489 Wdbine Ab 2 4:M%alow 10 143 14 4 I 3 :iul Gaddy I Garter, IdleMichael. MystieLkrht JOE GAIETY, h. g. C 130 Bv Martimas — Miss Gaiety J. W. Hammondl. Portl ri Vb . I:20%hvy 71 16 134 • 1 Pell. .1 Im 6 Garter, Dorothy Webb, Stucco, 214S5 FortErie Ab 2 1:10 h lo 134 4 2 1 2 2° 2s J l»ii| 1. Hot. Decathlon, Morpetb 1312 Hamton b 1 .»i last IS 136 4 4 4 4 2". ::■ .1 Daaiee •"■ Stucco, Garter, Dorothy WVM. 20552 Wdbine Ab 2 4.-05 fa.-t 7 I to 3 222 ::■•_-"• I : Wolke i Humility. Dor. Webb. Morperth 20438 Wdbine Ab 2 1:33 fast 2? 141 4 4 4 4 4-" S« I* Gaddy 0 Garter. T.Morpbena TheAfrican 17444 Wdbine Vb 2 4:65 good 18 146 4 4 4 3 2s 2-"I Gaddy 8 Chopadero, taomedon. Bltlmoce ]7::s.; Wdbine Ab 2 4:14 slo. 12 132 fi 5 5 .". I 4"M OConr 6 J a Terence, T. African. Ijaomedon 17.11." BlueBon. Ab 2 4:10Vtfasl 20 150 8 E E i £•• V B Bryant 10 Cbupadero, Collector, Mesbach 1 « i.iu.r.on. Ab 2 4:14%slow 10 136 : fi 4 .1 Ii I " .1 Wlllmms 0 TheAfricaa. lor. Webb, Panorama MORPETH, h. g, 8 130 Bv Mindora— Lady Churchill W. Obernesser. 21554 Fort Krie Ah I: .■. Ins 1". 139 5 Lost rider. I Gaddy 6 Garter, Dorothy Webh, Stucco, "Its", PortKrle A 1 . ! 1:10 hvy 56 139 5 2 2 4 Vs 4U .1 Smith tl Isinr.Webb, JoeGaiety. Dccatliloa 21312 Hamton Ab 2 l:6fi l:is 26 134 2 2 E E E r.7 .1 Sniith 3 Since. Garter. Joe Gaiety I 3 Hamton Ab 2 4:05%fast 6 135 2 4 5 E 6 5* .1 Smith . Since... Dor. Webb. The African 26552 Wdbine Ah£4:05 fas! 25 II! 4 2. 2, :: :" 1Y1I.T Smilli 4 Humility. Joe Gaiety. Dor. Webb 9263 Hamton .1.2i: -.:- Inst is 5 162 1 1 I 1- r- N Gates 5 Irene Gemmell, I.oici. Old Ball 8577 Toronto 3 t l:14%fast 842 109 s s s s ■■•] Wilson 8 Knights IMffer. Alrey. Joe Stein 93493 .1 a i vllle .". f l:". fast Ins .". 1 .". V 3*1 G Barns "s Mayweed, Whim. Grand Peggy 93 1.1.1 kville 5-8 l"l fast 20 lo.s l 7 t; P ;.V Hopkinsll Uarie Hyde. Whim. Madeline L. LILY PAXTON, h. m, 7 130 By Blues — FaloniandcitU HI. C , Vimi 1 2141C FortErh Ah 2 4:16 li v 48 127 1 1 S Fell. N Brooks G I tor. Webb. JoeGaiety. Decathlon 20612 Dorval 3 I l:14%fast 10 lot 11 8 7 lo- 9,41W Oberi 1". Bgmont, Irish Heart, Maxarka • 1 1, I,,, 1. r c. r |.-25%fasi l", 112 1 Wal Ii .» H:i lijht. I.niul.s Tail. Mart re c,i [H-lmier Ab5-* I:..:1 .....1 15 lloil ! n 9»« T McCnllhl2 l*r. Cann, Leraloba, Cesario • nrfGrie Ab 2 3:5S fast 36 135 : 8 5 1 1 " I : II McAfee 7 l.nckola, Pr r. Taricn IKMn Hamton Ah ! I I : ra-i G 145 7 5 ", 1 » 11. W Borgan 7 lii Dor. Webb. Broadsword 15132 Hamton Ab 2 I:14 4fas4 10 139 2 3 4 r. 8 6**U Dapee 7 Proowter. Vebtml. Gna Cotton 14938 Congbl Ab 2 3:59%fast 7 139 2 2 2 2 2 23 .1 4 Bagosa, Tom Horn. Paaoraaaa CYNOSURE, b. g, G ISO Bv Star Shoot — Mercurial G. P. Sherman. , 1 iimiico 56 go oil to 133 5 r. 6 ; Pull.up.T fotinan 8 Scnegambian, Tom Horn. R.FIsh ■ 0 , pimlico . . 84 149 l 1 Pell. T Cotman B Kl Bart. Bryndor. Kings Lynn ,,c.i 11, !.,;, i, I; . iii SO 1 r. 1 1 , :. ■" .:"- l Gady 7 Prog. Son King. Judge Walser ll.. ll..|..icc 1 hit. 1 : !:" fast l."i 109 "■ 2 :; :: ."." .", A Nlcklaus 9 fascinating, L.ltankin, I.. Jupiter IS339 IMmlico 2 1 l 1 :: s -.1:1 st 313 134 7 f, fi Pulled up 11 Tansey 7 Shan. Blver, Koxcraft, G. Vale 17729 I-aiuif-l Ab 2 4:21 Cast 73 145 17 8 6 BePd.Il Tansey lo BkenbBTg, P.Asinnm, Ahfehij 17444 Wdbine Ab 2 4:65 g.....] IIS 145 ". s s Fell. 11 Tansey 8 Cbnpadcro, J. Gaiety, laotnedoo 17017 i:lue Bon. Ah 2 hlfltfast so 155 16 G Lost rider. L C.-lil 10 Chapadero, Collector, Mesliach 16412 KingRd. 3-4 l:22%bvy 15 112 2 2 72 7,S,V Ward 8 Qaeed, Lelaloba. II. HutehMoa 16196 KortKrie 11-16 1 I9%mud 36 105 4 4.". 7 v s* v Ward 8 /. KaTananjth. Oentanrl. It. Coat icur. FiiriKii, :: 1 l:13%fast l *0 IK* 4 5 5 fiT fi7l AY Ward 8 Nkcadon, Faura. Anavrl

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