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DELORIMIER PARK FORM CHART. MONTREAL. QUE.. July 1. 1915. Fifth day. "• Montreal Driving ciiihs Summer Meeting d . days. v Weather dear. Presiding Judge, Charles Campau. Starter, Frank ■■ Mclllanit] . 21448 liisi Race About 5-8 Mil.. Im . 00. . . r-..i.i . Net ratae to wfaaner sj-j;,. - ml. s.o. third. hBJ."c Ind. Horse Ul. Im. Jockey. Op. CI. I. tlS7«Blue Cap II. 1 .1 I i, ■ ; i I ■ I :i 7 «; P n ni • lb. S W Rosen • 2i:t~ i in i hi- -; A ii !• n- ■ •• 2i:,7« inn. OInk ii". 1 w Doyh I 4 ;.o«i!»o Jack Stern 113 r- E McKwen "• •■ :.i:t7« -iin Scull pit a .1 Montour M i •i:7 i ih//i 11- ■ -l Baw i »06.4 Lillian Mav l»; I N Podea M M Time, 1:04. Track fast. j .lack, 21 . 21449 S ,, *j •* J | ,, h sa 21 -j1 ~ 7, 2 3 I 2 " of "" | 2 g 2 , 2 i 2 1 i x 2 I f . k v P I t. i ! e I : e II " 1 e !•• " - be s . " f. ! I J in a 1,1 - !• " Winner— W. I". Kings eh. f. hy Hastings— Bltie 21 t trained by W. P. King. .. 31 Star! good. Won easily; second and third driving. 21 Second Kacc vbout B-S Mile. Pane SW0. -I- ~ y ii -olds and upward. S.dling. Net value to win- „ mr .sJJi: si .end, .s.".o: third. 3. t.. Ind. Horse. Wt. Kin. Jockey. Op. CI. K" 1359s Big l.umax 112 1 ■ E McKwen U U .do *; eiSBfi Rose King 110 2 W Manders E 5 , Sl4tl Hulgar 115 SI P Moore -l ■■ l"l S13M Noble Grand 112 ♦" C .rami 1 1 ixi«j.-i Ar.inv 115 •". Monroe M 12 ™ ■ii:!77 Mrs. I.allv IW •.- N Cod. n IS U •JOt.Xfi Wolfs I.athsll: 7- W Cargan 7 I 21! l!io:?8 Expatriate IIS vl l. Qaagi I M U ; 15428 .bums 117 1 C Peak 1- 1". , Time. l:03y5. Track fast. Winner C. Bogana h. f. A. by Knight of the j. Thistle l.uinax trained by C. Began. J si;:ii goid. Won driving; second and third the • 1 1 j 2 i -;i 21450 Third Race— Aboat S-e Mile. Burse *A t- .,:, year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to win 2 5, net 25; second, 0; third. 5. Ind. Horse t. tin. Jockey. p. CI. 2t»7«! Clle Terra 111 1- C Oraas] :: I .,,, •.•tX.l Kenneth 112 2« I. Qauael S E .; •:!:* I lass on 112 :: W Doyle :f 1 21365 Bin.- Jay 112 4J B McEwen 4 4 1 12 1 Odd "loss H2 .. .1 Pendergasl 3 3 21354 V. In- Forty lb g| A Pickens o IS 21120 Imprudent 115 7- O Stanford I 7 21362 Mart] him Ho B« N Poden 1.7 JO 21421 Barette ill I A Matthews E «i 21 Time. 1:02.;. Track fast. Winner— J. T. Wests b. f. A. by RnssellBelle MaySeM traksed by .1. T. West. Start good. Won easily: second and third driving. ] 21451 fourth Baca— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Burse 09. ■■- fear-olds and upward. Selling. Net value tn win 1 ner .•-"J." : second, 0; third, 5. t Ind. Hone. Wt. tin. Jockey. Op. CI. 21381 Fast, .so 117 I1 A Pickens 1 2 2 2I4n;hIiI Gotch H7 .1 Pendergasl :: :: 1370 Stubborn WO :: c Whymark 7 7 •Ml lit Col. Fred HM 1 .1 Dodd Id 12 •?- 213X1 Water Lad 115 •"■" K l.a Mastera 12 IE sl 213X2- Eyi White ili I C Grand 1 1 Time. 1:24. Track fast. V Winner A. D. Worleys ch, g. IS, by ltey el 1 Santa Anita Aritta trained by A. H. Worleyi. Rt Start good. Won handily; sec. ml and third driv- !» . 21 21452 Fifth Bare $ 1-2 Furlongs. Burs,. $.",00. 3 ear-obls and upward. Selling. Mel value to winner .2.7: second, .$"0: third. S2.7. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op, CI. | 213X4 Cordova 15 1 a Pickens z 2 •• 1350 Masai, , 117 V W Cargan E 4 21361 Juna ME »* Wr Young PI 10 a 2137X III Savin 117 I* J McDowell 20 M 2 1365 Black Karl MG V: I Martin I 4 ■ 21357 Bulger 110 «.J W llinphy 2$ 20 j 21117 And. oliav 117 7 K McEwea 3-2 3-2 21382 Coil M7 s .1 Montour In 12 2 2 21410 Margaret O. !"•"• iu.up. Kl.a Msters s 10 lime. 1:25. Track fast. Winner — F. McKeiizies ch. m, P. by Alvescot — - $ Watonia trained by .1. l.loyd. 1 Start giH.d. Won easily: second and third driving. - Ii 21453 Sixth Race— 41 12 Furlongs. Burse 0*. 3-vear-ohls 1- and upward. Sidling. Net value to win- ii ner 2.V. second. 0; third. 5. lad. Morse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 2 20602 doctor lb 1- W Cargan 12 12 213Xl-TIa/..l C. 115 if .1 Howard 1 I". 2 1 377 -Mazurka 117 :: .1 Caller 4 4 2 1422 inter. Queen no i- • Whymark :• 4 21360 Bulgarian 112 .V .1 Bobbins 12 1.". ; 2 1370 Snip in. ." A Hiekens 3 :. 2 1352 Miss .loe lb", 7" N Foden 10 12 : 21187*J. H Bare 117 s c Peak 5 I , Time. 1:24%. Track fast. Winner— E. Wishards ch. c, 3. by Clorifier— Sal- •■ ■ lie Washington trained by B. Wishardl. Start good. Won easily: second and third driving. -• . 21454 Seventh Uaee-li 1 2 Furlongs. Burse |3 i0. 3-vcar-olds and upward. Silling. Net value to win-ner 1- e22.".: second, 0; third. 3. | Ind. Bone. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. s 21377 X. Muchacholl2 1* C Orand 2137! Morigvl. 117 2] C Peak c. :, i; .", I 2 137 7 "■ 1 1 ipiiocrates 1*2 ": B l.a Masters J 2] 2 1360 luoini 115 I- A Pickens I E 21422 Gallant Coy 1U .". ■ W Hinphy 7 7 2 21361 ciara James loo j Dawson it 20 Time. 1:26%. Track fast. Winner— A. H. Worleys b. g. 6. by Smile— Mexi-., - anna i trained by A. H. Worleyt. Start good for all but Callant Boy. Won easily, r5 second and third driving. - 21455 F.ightli Ua,c C, 1-2 Furlongs. Burse 00. 3- *.- year-olds ami upward. Selling. Net valui; to w in-l- 1 ner 25; seeoad, 0; third, 5. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 21304 Iat Gannon 112 1- N Foden M 1 ! 2 1363 !:. rtlia . 11.. :" I- Gaugel I I 21356 Smiling Mag M3 :.". Win mark 30 20 2IH04 Filth- Jake 117 I1 C Stanford 2 2 21125 Cap*. Klliottn:: r." W Dal] 5 E 2IS5t Atax Wt V W Median 7 | 2 1366 Dixie 1"7 7 W iargan .". I | Time. l:23-»;,. Track fast. Winner G. PMejs CB. g, B, l Abe Frank I Burnie Bunion trained by G. Foley, Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. f. l 21456 Ninth Kacc 1 1 l« Miles. Burse 00. 3 ;;- and upward. Selling. Net value to win 11 mr 23; stcoad, 0; third. .7. Ind. .. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 213X4 P. Dumas 112 I] W Levee I I , 213X3 Delhi Mick llo 2 A Matthews 1 213X1 Tims. Hare 112 !■» C Orand 2 21 2i: .ti7 Minda 1M C W roung 21363 Tiger Jim i7 :■ C, Bal linger 12 15 ! 2 1366 King I ad fnl 1 1 2 6" W Doyle E I 213X4 Master Joe 112 V .1 McDowell M i 213X2 U Van /..unit i c •■ Monroe P 12 2I37X c lib Ima m I N Foden 25 .".• lime. 1:52. Track fast. Winner D. C. Lambronn b. g, 8, by Harat Bark k —Helen Connelly trained by H. C. Cainbroni. Start good. Won dining; second and third the ie same.