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[ Aqueduct Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, July 10. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. r I The figures under the heading "Rec." in the i I entries below show the best time of each horse | | at the dirtatiee. since January 1, 1911. no matter | I where it finished. In eases where record was I | made on athai than a fast or good track, abbre- I I viations shew track conditions. ■ ■ • o— Baring starts at 2 ::o p. as. Chicago time. 1:30. ■ Runs "ell ill mud. ©Superior mud runner. Ml maidens. Apprentice allow. -nue. First Race— 3-4 Mile. ."! year-olds and upward. Higbwelght Handicap. Track record: RWI51 1:18 5 Uo.i li„l. Horse. Wl. Bee. A.Wt.Han. •M.;os- Hanovla 117 1:1::|:. :: ISO. .733 jir,::i Helen Barhee insi:iii.. 7 l:U©7.M 2»7!»4 Adams Kxpresa ...124 1:12% 7 135x725 ••up;s Hanson 107 1:15s 3 123X725 •jiI.mi l.M.h Barhary . . .119 1:12. :: 121-725 l,;.-.i;:: Sniierintendenl .... as 1:1-".-. 1 138X725 -ll.ii Vladimir 1M l:H; s 3 110x7241 • 1M;::; Sun Jackson 113 11:.-. 7 130x715 ,5lli;s, « :i i i.i -.. i ... I H »_ lit -. :i ll.i. .7111 Second Race — About 2 Miles. Steeplechase. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: 77.:is 1:20 I lf.t. i 215301 Itoimv l.:iddio .... 4 152. .725 21 i i Single sti k 4 152 ■ j/2i Ill. iP- Bit! Sandy • 155. .Till ,5iiu7 Cactus Bnd 7 130. .715 17043 Meadow Ijirk 5 1 10. .710 Third Rare — 3-4 Mile. Tiemont Stakes. Value $:t.000. 2 real onh . Allowano -. Track record: R9851 1:12 5 120.1 •■I 1 13 . Bamr well 107 /7"25 ,"l ml M Tea Caildj 107..72t _■.-. :l Sii.-«ess ../ 107 • 7Ln ,-■1 pal i Achievement 107 715 21 t 13 W.Midward iMi ... 102 7 »" 21 li -. Slipshod i M i »». fOH , A. Bei il entry. Fourth Rare — 1 1-8 Mile*". Bniakaili Handieap. ,500 Added. :; car .Ids and upw ard. Tr i U i.-.oi-,|: 21238 I 50 - 5 103.1 -i:.ii7 I snoi li 121 1:50*4 t 124X750 1 ■",174 Roamer 124 I m . 4 128X743 1 1 1 ; lad. Horse. Wt. I!ee. -1 1::7 The Finn 3 115 743 21474f Rock View 120 1:52 5 114x740 A. It. entry. Fifth Race— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and apward. Selliiiir. Track record: 50376 1 :38 :: lofi.i jj 21502 AMALFI In7 1 :3t . 7 115X730 21475 Pen Qalnee 105 1:41% I ln7 72o 21 325* " Alliens MH 1:11- :; :n; 720 2121! fSuliivan 110 1:42 5 112. .71.1 210t;; . |. Miller 122 l:: i-. s l 1L 710 21447 Ambrose ••:: 1:30% 5 IflH 7 in 21504»* L.uiv Teresa 100 1:40% sy " 3 90 7lo ii 21.VH 1..1.1 Marshall ....112 1:41 :. 1ln 7H •jiiLtii; Itichard Iangdoa ..112 1:43 . 113. .705 21475 St henge 100 1 : 1 ■ I 107x705 21 Pc" M;,,-k 1.. Biibanks.lOJ 1:39% II 100X705 21574 Hengro :: lo:» ■ 7or, 21500* Itriaa Bora :; 03x705 Lir.:: Iteethovea 105 1:|oi.. ., |n;i. .711:, 21504 tlrumpy 107 1:42% :: 103 705 :M 175* riiio, 112 1:41% 5 HO ISM ii 21475 Coldea Iri :il 1 :.;:i--. 1 107X0011 Sixth Race — 5-8 Mile. 2 rear olds. .Maidens. Selling. I Trail; record: 05451 30 2 llio. 21344 M. lit.. 11 107 1 :•»!"- li 100X700 ,, :« .;7 Itoli ReilOeid lno. .OUT. - 214418 1 dull- tilga 112 1:«3% ion .0 1:. r 21491 Vallo..n 107 1 :02 -•■ 112 l«fi - I 20O77* Jerrr Jr loi 1:04 n.|..ij!io „, ] 21411 Col, .-n late 10R 1:02% 109. .H90 ,, Lloit TviHigraphy 105 1 KM IQOxOso i, — 1 " : 1 * l: el le o f t h ■ Kitebea Mis 1 :n:;i . ini ijso ,,, Payeate. b. 1. by Tim 1 a v 11 e Ardieate 10B Seventh Race — 5-8 Mile. 2 j • old-. Maidens. Selling. Track record: 0545] 50 . 120 i : 1..1.1. Flat. Day 105 1 :o- • 109. .700 m 21170 V.lii 110 1:03 112X095 ■ 20530 Indian Cbanl 112. , I95 ■■ 21314 Startling 112 1:03% 112. .090 " 21220* Mbcs Phllbla los 1:n:;i. |ui r, : • 11 21344* Rood Counsel 110 1:023 li 7..0!lo ! , 19589 It.-.-lu .■ U2. .091 1111 Tony fashion ....11011:031 R 109..U80