Third Race [3rd Fort Erie, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-10

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THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4-yeai -olds and upward. Stlling. 84348 1:05%— 5 -109. PV ATJTJYWINE, ch. h. 5 107 Bv Stalwart— Misa Canale J. WilVtnsonY Fort I 1:26 hvy 8-3 I S 3 5 1 J Acton 0 Kate K.. Joe Plnn. venel 1 .; Hamton 3 l l:13%fast 2 110 11 Ki r, :: 9*J Acton 12 Miss Gayle. KateK.. Black Pine . 11 . ,,11 in 1 : II 1 16-5 ill 4 .", :, 4- 2" .1 Acton IVposIt. thtterton. Brdbind Blu. 1 on. 3 ll:15 mud 7 4 169 I 8 6 2- 1 I Cooper In Dicks Pet. AI Point. Sleuth dhine :: 1 Pit fast 112 s 3 3 2* ll L McAte 1. T. Busybody. DicksPet. Yi.lct 6424 Wdbine 3 I 1:13 rn t 27 16 112 11 11 9 i P R Shilling 15 Bcmont. Ida Claire. Martian Pimli .. 2 1 1 :ii.-.g.i.ii27 h* 148 1 7 E r,: 2» B BhBlIng 7 Marjorie A.. Caa k, Gold Car DEPOSIT, ch. g. 4 116 Bv Woolsthorpe— Mr.-,. Malaprop fS. Louis. 1 ■ 1 FortK It 3-41:21 hvj 9J H ■ G J 1 II , 1 ,i.,n Ii In-. l.:iin ik, !. ■ . Bay. Iardn r ■] , Hamton f i-T.i:.! 3 166 7 4 2 2* 2. I. MeAtee S Slipper Day, Viley. MIkk Gayle •1155 onghl 3-4 1:16 good 4 115 2 111* P I. MeAtee » Brandywine, Bettcrton, Red land ..... 7 . ■..ii::lil ■"., f l:10%slow v" 108 9 t; 4 2J .!] V Cooper " Venetia. A. N. Akin. M.Johnson :,|..i ItlucBon. 6. 1 I 6S1f,slo« 95 167 I » P 3*1 P l than 7 Sir Blaise. The Spirit. Kim Blu. Bon. 2 1 1 I3%fast 13 Ml 2 4 4 3* 8*1 II Sliilling 5 Pan 35a ret a, c.irl.i.!... Sir Edjrar ..7- liorval :: l 1:14s. rast 1 I ill 2 l 1 Pi, I. MeAtee 0 T.Busyliody. M.Primity, Balfnia 20721 Dorval 2 I l:it"r.f:ist 10 103 1 2 2 21. 2". R Shilling 6 Back Bay, Briar Path, Kewessa 26644 fiorvnl 2 t 1 .1 :- .fast 20 m:, 2 2 3 3" 4" C Y.inlMin i, Y. I..m.! . . B. Cuoarder, Kewessa 2.12:2 fi, a, lull 3-4 l:ir-;.sli.v 27-5 1.7 1 11 q I* P Keogh Hi BusyBditb, TheNorman. Maania YORKVILLE. b. g, I 03 Bv Yorkshire Lad — Sio-.ia Rush W. J. Mclllmurrav yc-Hi Wdbine 3-4 l:l3%fasi "■ 103 fi 2 1 P l» .1 -i.,u 14 London, Tork l.-ol. r„ id, I Iimiico 3 I 1 Pi slop 21 10 112 5 1 l 1* ::", C Turner !• Humiliation. L.TraTers, B.Bellf 20 .1 Iimiico 3 t 1:14* r.i 1 2:: 10 pit 10 3 3 4- jij C TurnerTI .Ashmearler V .sir.. a*.-,, criumc • 1 .I iimiico 24 PIP. g is 10s 1 1 2 23 5*1 A Bchnfgr 8 Perthshire. Al Bloch, L.Timmt- 2013 11 lefjce 3 1 in1 low 11 ". 107 .". 1 1 3*1 1*1 C Turner 12 Moot] Pox. Pharaoh, Carlton t; 2010fi H.deGce El fits good 13-5 107 12 7 4 2* 2 C Turner 12 Col. Cook. York Lad, L. Traver* ".mi7:* 11 .i, C. ,• r, fl:o7 fut :t 1 *7 .1 2 3 f.* "I I1 Louder » Sherwood, MootyPos, Wal.I.ily •MM H.deOca 5J f l:07%fast 21 107 3 5 6 4"" 31 W Dral 14 N.Haveu, SilverMoon, Thcsieres * - l 1 I 1 I 1 g - - 1 LAURA, br. f. 4 102 Bv Woolsthorpe — Incendiary H. G. Bedwell. 215G7 FortErie 3-4 1:1 %hvy 17-3 165 4 1 7 7* 8*|A Merger 8 Patience, Astrologer, Jim Basey 21489 FortErie 3 ! l:20%hvy r,:; 116 1 1 1 1= i» s Webolm • Gordon, Patience, C. on Delivery 21261 Hamton 2 I l:13%fast 20 ll» 1 22 El :.2,K ln|ilin 12 Miss Gayle, Brandywine, KateK. 20*63 BlueBon. 3-4 l:14%fast 22 107 1 3 I 7i 9" K Taplin i:t Broomsedge, TheSpirlt, K.Worth 20749 Dorval 3-4 PlP-.iast 2 MB 5 J 4 fi 6*| A Clare* 12 Aaavri, lnqnieta, Snldera Beat 20643 Dorval 51 C p.7--.last s Pi9 4 4 4 t 3*1 17 Taplin 1 Sleuth. laquleta. Al Court 26234 Pimlico 3-4 l:ii%fast 32 in 2 3 s a ti14 E Taplin 9 Bicbwood, M. Sherwood, Alhena SIR BLAISE, br. h, 6 109 Rv Lissak— The Pet W. P. Fine. 21438 FortErie 5| f l:12%hvy 2 IM 1 E E I* •". B Haynea 0 Zm Del, TheSpirlt, King Worth 6 Hamton 3-4 l:14%faat 4 111 2 4 3 31 3*J E Haynes 12 The Spirit, Venetia, Videt 20943 BlueBon. El 1 t:68%slow 21 S 163 1 4 8 t* 1* B Haynea 7 The Spirit, Deposit. Kim 19131 N.Orlna 3 M:i::--i,st 12 103 1 z I 4h B*l J s-nvih 6 TJseeit, Bichwood, TransportaB 18450 H.deGea 3 1 1:14 fast ". M r, r. I I 8** P Coleman 8 Kewessa, Steel, Stal.Heleb 18402 H.deGea 3 4 1:13 fast 40 M 4 fi 7 7 772 .1 Smvth 7 Pom.Blen, Honscmrt. Slumbrll 17033 Blueiton. I l:40%fast 2 166 8 C fi ; 7 7°i K Shilling 7 W. Lady, B. Lunarder, Barnegat 16903 HlueBon. 3-4 1:15 hw fi 100 4 3 3 V P. 11 Shilling 5 Vreeland, B. Cunarder, Yorkvllle 16840 BlueBon. 1 1 :2!H,iast 20 109 3 4 5 5 6J S» it Sbilllng 11 Dorothy Dean, Infce. Lahore 16656 Congttl 3 4 1:14 fast 12 Hi.J fi fi f, P WandC VaaDaa 8 r./.ar.-ta. Back Bay, Soatb.MaM SINGLE, b. p, 4 104 Bv C»sanon— Al Lone Clinton Stable. 213:12 Hamton 2 I l:14%slop E 161 I r, fi r. 6"1T Par*gtoal«» Astroloser, Patience, PlilT 11 I ". Hamton " f l:07%fast 1 102 3 1 1 1- p". A Clav.r ! Bntormu-dge, Teagbee, I*. Streak 21090 Congbl 5j f 1:69 fast 12 168 1 E E t,: :,- j c Vaalmn 0 Viley, Gordon, ln.piiet.-i 1030 onghl 51 f 1:09 good 12 MB 1 3 2 I* fi:;i VanDun S Colors, l,..n.lon. Rosemary 21010 tonght 3-4 1:17%slow 16 106 4 j t I 1 9" C VanUunlO Gordon, K.Radford, Josef. Zarate 0764 Dorval 5. f l:07%faat 30 ln7 S fi r. B A 1 Vanlma 8 II artbxtone, Viley, Mbw Jeaa ."7 o Dorval 51 t 1 :07%fast 15 112 4 4 S r J B»»1C van Hiin s Bird Man. Yilev. Hearthstone 17410 WMPine 3-4 l:14%bvy fid 166 ■ 10 11 11 11" V. W Parllll ior.lon. Grazelle. Dicks IVt

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Local Identifier: drf1915071001_4_4
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