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DAILY RACING FORM j .lack, PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. 21 . 21449 Dally Racing Form Publishing Co. S ,, 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. N. Y. *j Entered as neni class matter. April 2. MM. »t •* the post otlice at Chicago. Illinois, under the Act M March 3. 1S79. J | New York City Office: 501 fifth Ave. ,, All dealen nppned froat this oflce. Barb numbers and ■oatbHes unpolled, h sa For Bale .it all hotels and new* stands. — 21 SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. iv, Moan I •"•° Half car 8.68 One lea* 17.00 The aliove rates are for single copies as sealed -j1 letters — first class mail. ~ HACK NTMIiKRS 5 CKNTS EACH. 7, 2 If Mat l y mail tlrst-class only six cents. 3 Dally Racing ■**•■ Publishing " . nrefen to send I ajaale copies as Brat class mail la all eases. 2 Local subscriptions outside the down town district will he declined at other than t.rst .lass mail matter rates. " of A Dailv Bilhction of the American Turf hy Teh-graph. "" CHICAGO. ILLINOIS, JULY 10, 113.