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FOURTH RACE — 1 1-8 Miles. Brookdale Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. 21238—1:30% — 5— 10.!. ] STROMBOLI. ch. g. 4 124 By Fair Play— St. Priscilla A. Belmont. ,,- , , tl. , 1 11,-t 1 l:39%fast G 125 2 2 2 2 33 2" Turner H Roamer. Harmonii HoekView : •il"o Jamaica 1 1 16 14S "fast 1 5 124 :. 3 3 2 1- l3 B Unpin V, Surprising, Charlestonian 1 r"0R78 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:46%fast 9-5 122 4 2 1 1 2- 2 ■ Daanu 7 Addie M.. Short Crass. Tartar , :«m-,I ll.liiiont 3-4 st l:o!:W,fast 11-5 127 5 6 *• 3i 2h Turner 9 H.Nooa, Y. Notions, C rlcstonian "0-170 i:. lmoni 1 1 -39 4fast 8-5 US 3 3 1 1 I3 1! Turner 10 Sharpshooter. Fly. Fairy. Tartar " 17S77 I aurel 1 1-8 l:49%fast 22-6 124 6 4 4 4 5 ■. ■■■ Turner l Roamer, Tartar. Buskin 17.-.:.:, I.aur. 1 1 1-16 l:43%fast 9 117 7 2 2 2 23 li C Turner Id Roamer. Tartar. Celesta BnsMvp y, »• 4 123 Bv Knight Errant — Rose Tree II. A. Miller. 474Auio duct 7-8 1:30 slop 21 191 1 1 I 7 $ 6»* J Butaell S Pboapbor. P«m. Bl.-u. LeoSkolny : "1307 iu duct 1 l::;:i--.Iast 11-10 127 4 3 3 3 2i 1" J P.utwell 0 Stromboli. Harmonic K. View ■ :l";s iueduct 1 l-s 1:"."-Slast 3-2 125 2 111 2] 2 .1 Butwell U Tartar. Borrow. Pock View ?or,S6 Douclas 1 1 4 ■io--hvy 8-5 127 3 11 1 4" S41J Butwell 9 Borrow. Hodge. P. llermis •"o;»; Churchill 1 1:39 "last 3-10 112 3 2 11 li li J Butwell s ShortCrass. P.Hermis, L.Skolny 17S77 1 -nirel 1 1-8 l:49*tfaat 7-5 124 111 1 l2 li J Butwell 9 Tartar. Buskin. Caimr li:,.",, laurel 1 1-lt; l:4:;?4fast 7-10 123 4 11 1 li 2i J Butwell 10 StromlKUi. Tartar. Celesta THE FINN blk c 3 115 By 0 rdcn — Livonia H. C. Hallenbeckl. ■1 1 t. KortKrie 1 1-4 2:18Hhvy 9-10 122 3 2 2 2 2* 2* c Byrne 3 Waterbtusaom, lloyal II. ~v~, Hamton 1 li ,:o;,-|v,iast 2 5 125 u 2 l 1 1- l1 C Byrne :■ Bancuer, Cmonada. F.M ntngne ?oo7-, 1 ,,,,-, i •■ . 1 1-16 f:46fast 3-2 121 r,22 2 1-1 C Byrne 7 Sharpshooter, liunes, Uarbage . V:m i-eliuoiit 1 3-S 2:is-;,fast 7-5 126 2 11 1 l3 1« 1 Byrn,. .l Half Bock, Pebbles 20T.93 r.lmont 1 l:39%faat 9-5 IIS 1 1 1 1 Is 1- C. Byrne 5 Sshooter, Half Bock, R. Maiden "i468 Belmont 51 f st l:05%slow 5 114 3 3 2 21 21 C Byrne 0 T.othMalng, Qaaalng, Kaskin 166tO Saratoga 3-4 l:16*kmud 13-5 119 9 7 9 7i L.rid.JKedcris 13 Trojan, Kaskaskla, Bar. Junior IC299 Saratoga 5.. f 1-iS slop 7-20 1H 1 1 1 l3 1* J Butwell 6 Headmast. Razzano. Kncore M19B Saratoga 51 t l:05%fast 4-5 120 2 2 2 25 21 J McTagrt 6 Solly. Menlo Park, Jack Carey onntr VIEW br h 5 114 Bv Rock Sand — Golden View A. Belmont. -1171 v.meduct 7-8 1:39 slop 12 117 S 7 7 s 73 7s K Diwin 8 Pboapbor, Pom. Bleu. LeoSkolny , "1307 Vuucduct 1 l:39%rast 5 lis 6 6 5 4 43 4,i ■ Pagan 0 Roamer, StromboQ, Hamionlcun ■M238 Aoueduct I l-s i:5o%fast 5 120 15 4 4 4" 4,F Dagaa 8 Tartar, Boanier. Borrow 20849 Belmont 3-4 st l:ll%fast 4i 126 6 5 7 7 6s K Duiran 7 Andrew, Hett-Prynne. V. Notions •WTl Belmont 3-4 st l:09*4faat 11-5 127 Left at the post. K Dugan 8 H.Nooa. Stromboli, Van. Notions "0565 Belmont 3-4 1:13 good 13-5 122 5 2 2 2H li V. Dajaan G Van. Notions. Tartar, Sp. Board "0441 Belmont 1 l:39,,mud 1 122 2 2 2 2 22 21 E Dagasj 8 Slumber 1L, Absconder