Seventh Race [7th Fort Erie, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-10

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SEVLNTII RACE— 1 Miie. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 9*7*0—1:37*4 B 100. ASTROLOGER, blk. h. G 110 Bv Star Shoot — Cremorne T. T. FJward. lf.67 FortKri I I: Ifchvy 32-5 ill 6 3 1 I1. :." .1 Sterretl S Pntienre, JimBasey. S. of Love 2I3S8 Ham 1 1 li.nmd 8-5 1M 1 4 : :. :: :" , Barns 7 Newllaven. KrdMai, MIoHowaj Hamton 2. 1 i:i!,,p 7 M5 2 ill1 1*1 .1 Metcalf lo Patience, Clift* Bdge, Van I.u :i Hamton :: 1 l : 131 .fa it W Hi 4 s 9 M tl0"il Metcalf 12 Miss :ayle, RraiMlywine. KateK. i 6 Hamton S-4 l:14%fast 20 1".". 1 7 ! M 9«* J 12 The Spirit, Venetia, Sir Blaise 19389 Havana •" f l:12%alow 40 113 M 12 12 li:*-1 H" Teahan 12 Br.R.I.Sncer, Snip. R.Harwood 19019 Havana 6J f l:14%hvy 8 112 2 S R B*» C Jones 8 Soa.Roy, I. Hwlson, V.l. Byea I8S00 "harlen 3 I l:17 mod 11-5 117 E 4 ?. V ■■ .1 Hanover 7 Joe Kaight. A more t. Toddling 18689 Charlen 3-4 1:17 mod 2 117 !» J 7 El 6, J Hanover1 LAlglnn, ChlUa, Toddling 18659 Charlea 3 1 l:16slow 16 5 117 S 4 5 4_ ".- .1 IIanovrl.1 Fred Levy. York Lad. B.Collin? DICKS PET. b. f. 4 102 By Batts — Kittv Belle Brook* to E. Pons 21557 Fort Eric :: 1 1 .JMivy 19-5 110 1 6 G 4"* 2«J C VanDun 8 T. Busybody, Meelleka, K. Worth I ! Hamton 3-4 l:13%faat 5 Mil 12 12 ! - 7«*JJ Collins 12 Miss tiayb*. BraiNlywine, KateK. 21 S4 Conght El t 1:12 mud 2 l«i:i 7 7 6 4. 2* .1 Connors R GoldCap, M! s Chancer, laqaleta 20963 BlueBon. 3 i 1 :l5««l JS-MI 101 E 3 3 4l 2» .T Connors 10 Brandy wine, Al Court, Sleuth 2C923 BlueBon. 2 t 1 :1 1-.last 28-6 166 M M 8 4" U 1, M.-A l: BriarPath, Sleuth. MamaJohnson 20723 Dorval UnTOy l:47%faat 10 no 7 7 7 7 7 B*| 8 Davis 7 Cuttyhnnk, T.Ramp. J.H.Htoa 20S7t Wdbine 3-4 1:14 fast it MO 1 S 4 8*121 V Murphy 13 T.Rnsybody, Brandyoine, Vldet fUm V •.ll.n ■•■ :; 1 115 MM S 3 2 1« 1" V Morphy s Cordon. Mania Johnson. JoeFInn LADY SPIRITUELLE, br. f. 3 98 By Ildrim — Servila S. Louis. 21286 Hamton 1 1-8 l:53*andrast 7 i« 4 6 s 10 fi- 8* 1, McA tee 12 L. George. Zodiac. J. H.Houghtmi 21158 Conght 1iuJo 1 iP.-.good 3 ■ i; 1 :: 1 1*11 L MeAtee K Lnekytieorge, Weyanoke. Kilday SOConghl 1 1 16 1:5:: slow M 91 2 5 I 3 V 2" I. MeAtee li Redland, Dnquesne, Burin 20R4S BlueBon. 7 s l : "■ last fl.l lit 7 10 s !i 8 li" | li MeAtee l.r Redlaml, Innnieta, Borwnod 2 616 Dorval Im70y l:46%fast 10 H7 3 5 7 7 7 i;", Collins !» Fly Home, s. of I/n-e, Celebrity LI 50 Wdldne luiJiv 11 99 s 2 2 4 4 l|T Pargton 8 Star of Love. Karolta. Celelirlty 203 is Pimlico 1 l:42%faat lo 93 3 3 2 2 2 8* L MeAtee 6 Oasary Maid, Tamerlane. Vaunt 20SH PimliCO 3 4 1:14 fast 12 A3 4 7 I E.ridr.D MeAtee 10 G. Ilimie. Ilerrnis Jr.. Tliesieref JABOT, b. g. 7 104 By Ornament — Tartlet J. ti. Strode. 21490] irtEri" Im7 l:54»thvy 17". IM 5 r. 7 f. 6* : - A Sebngr . Aprisa. Col. Hollowav. Pllanl 21440 FortErie 1 1 16 1 :"•- -.Ji y 41 5 102 :. I 6 I 6 i. ■" R McDotl C Supreme, Ida Claire, Cuttyhnnk 2MB2 tonghl lm7" l : tr.-.last 3 1n6 5 5 6 s S s" P" Coleman B Snpreote, I« George. Itnla Welsh 21032 Conght I 1 - 1 :56!igood 6-5 KM " :. 2 2 2* 2*1 F Coleman S Fenrock. Mud Sill, Shepherdess 20944 BlueBon. 1 1 1 2 " :! tslow 31 10 M 7 3 S 3 I tj 2- It Mcllott « Cnttyhimk, Raincoat, Voiadayjr 209 I BlueBon. 1 l:40%fa«t 26 103 2 4 5 7 5- 53 p Cooper II Cuttyhnnk. Bushy Head. Martian 20836 BloeBoo. I 1 8 l:V.iast - NG 111 1 l11 1" M Melolt fl Mud Sill. Foot, Beau Pen LOUISE TRAVERS, b. f. 4 102 By MrGce — Miss Canale E. J. McGraw. i:::is Hamton 1 1:44V»mud 5 mi 7 5 6 7 7 r.-W Rtevsn ; KewHaven, Astrologer, FordMal 21296 Hamton 1 1 8 l:53%fast 25 In7 1 lo lo 5 61 4*1 W Rtevsoal2 U George, Z.»li:i«-. J.n.nnughton 21207 Hamton 1 1 : 10 last 30 UMI 2 3 4 4 42 5". .1 Mor.vs S S.pieelcr. Racore. Iturwood 20964 BlueBon. 11-8 1:58 mod 5 iiki 6 7 s s s s-" I. MeAtee R B.Mdonald. J.Steln. Repherdeaa 2 I893 BlueBon. l 1 :t::":.siow 26-6 KM 4 6 5 2 8 1 1« T Fltxpakl2 Bogart, Beaaaaoat Belle, Font 20825 BlueBon. 1 37 UK! 3 5 10 11 71 B»f J Metcalf 11 Penalty. J. II. Houghton. Blwaa 20770 Dorval 1 l:43*4fast 4 mo 3 4 2 1 2" 3» J Meicnlf 11 J.H.Hghton, Gerrard, Ulncenee 20647 Dorval lm70y l:47%fast 12 111 5 4 3 4 3* S»| J Metcalf 12 The Ramp, Autumn. Zndfave 29550 Wdbine lm20y l:4514Xast 16 loo 7 6 4 I 61 r.u .1 Clancy S Star of Lore. RaroUa. Celebrity STAR OF LOVE, br. g, 3 97 By Star Shoot— Lady Vincent L. W. Garth. 21567 FortErie 3 I l:22%hvy 24 97 2 7 6 5 P .1 Miller s Patience. Astrologer. Jim Basey • » Conght 1 1 16 1:53 slow 5 os I 6 1o !i lo* 8 *1E Porehd 14 Redland. L.SpIrituellc. Bnqnesnc 20893 BlueBon. 1 l:l:-.s|nw 2 MS 11 11 16 lo H»l 7*|W MeCPrylS l.oirs.. Travers, Bogart 1! Belle 20KS BlueBon. 1 I 11- fast IS 07 2 H» 9 I 5- t»l L MeAtee II Penalty. J. II. Honrliton. FJwafa 20616 Dorval ImTOy l:46!4faat 10 pit 5 2 2 2 H 2» E Forehd 0 Fly Home. Celebrity. Raincoat 2O560 Wdbine ImSOy l:45%fast 0-5 on 6 4 7 3 8« 1» R Forebn R Sarolta. Celehrltv, Abbotsfor l ► 20*18 H.deGce El f 1.06fast 11 M6 6 5 6 6= t *|J Dr. y. r 10 Conteaa, Fair Helen, Vldet • ■j "J I ; ~ ; j ! ! , 3

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Local Identifier: drf1915071001_5_4
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