Overland Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-10


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i- n r- ,s t- his is !"• w I I,. ,. the „. ,| K I i, ,| a ,. 1 , in in is is leg u. are ie II. 11. d this is in in « cc i. se it it the lie day. "• v ■■ I. •• i OVERLAND PARK FORM CHART. DENVER, COLO.. July 1, 1915. Seventeenth day. •N • Colorado Agricultural lair and Racing Associa : ti .iis Sninnier Meeting of 26 days. Herland Bark Weather clear. Presiding steward. P. A. Brady. Presiding Judge, e- A. T. Dobson Starter, Edward Tribe. Racing * S -cretarv. W. W. Finn. 21437 First Race .vs Mile. Parse 50. Maidens. ::ear diK and upward. Allowance-. Net value ..,; P. winner 75; second, 0; third. 5. . Kquir. ibid a i lml. Horse. wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 213X7 irgi.dot loo 1 K Smith ■■• I"1 00 2 13X7 Wa al. b 111 J W Leeds I tl 10J , , 213X7 i I.I Cob inl S| W Kebtay 350 100 on 21175 Thalia M I | C Bteveaa »70 lm ,,, 2I36X li.dlv Has- i.mi :,■■. C Basqnil 980-l ;i ,,, 213X7 M.r TwinkbsMa . C iro-s 1690-100 on 21276 Helen James M 7- i Gentry 157O-100 Bob Love MM f* W I Mrmaa S700 100 I_ And II M a .1 C arc- » H io l!»7IX WhisgJennie M 1" B Crawford 1200-100 ll lime. 23". 48 . 1:00. Track fast. miitmls paid. Virgiedot. .00 straight, -SO so place. Sj.po shew: Wasatch. .20 pbice, .20 on slum ; ul, | Rob, SJ so ahow. Winner J. V Monaees he. I. ::. by G df Ball .11 N: ie N.ilaml ilraiiied h. D. UeDenuldt. Start good, Won easily; second and third drh lag. - 21498 Second Race 5-8 Mil.-. Parse 50. 1-year .,. elds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 1.,. 7.".: second, 0; third. 3. Equiv. odds Ai lad. Hone. Wt. l-in. Jockey. Straight. , 21112 Sonoma b7 1*1 R F, . n.v 365-100 213X5 Imlianola 113 V l Louder ■ Imi • -■ 21113 1 1. eii,. .it bo :: i; Rmall 670-lon 21117 Sauc Nell llo 111 l; tl,,.-; 1JSII KKi III. 21117 ii- in.. 109 •«•: Mole* worth 67SC 1«W 140 213X5 Binocular WS *■ -I Donovan Is", MO nm 21255 Alb. Teresa l"7 7- G Warren HIO 1«N UN 2I1I2 Queen MaevelO? s P Stevens MK60-KN1 I" 2 1117 /.iiikaml lei :i i Gro In:.". 101 ion 212X3 i in.. Kalin Ml hi W Anderson 2240 100 100 Time. 23-,. 43--,. 1:00,. Track fast. in Is paid. S ma. 1915.sh.3O straight. .30 .30 place, .20 -how: Imlianola. .70 place. .10 in show: Hcci i .20 show. Winner .1. Berkiaa b. m. ".. by RoliUIre II. B.rcinei halen trained bj C. Maiildingl. Sl.nl good. Won handily: second and third driver i "-- _ 21499 Third Race S 1-2 Furlongs. Burs.- 1915.sh50. en :: vear ..ids. Selling. Net value to winner 75; -: : sec I. 0; third. 3. Fituiv. tiliD 1 Ind Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey, straight. 1. 212X3 l..,.|St.C.Ck b7 1" 1: Small 17SO-1O0 KM 21372 U ..C. West I" W no- B 160-100 Po Ift271*lda CumlngslOT S* f: V • fi-v •-1 ion 2137 » Flossie 1"7 1 | R Carter 1530 109 b"i 21281 :,lda M7 oi E Denny ajs-jaa 10 21 31 21 ~ „ t.. K" .do *; , l"l ™ 21! ; j. J • 1 1 j 2 i -;i .,:, 2 5, .,,, .; 21 ] 1 t 2 •?- sl V 1 Rt 21 | •• a 2 ■ j 2 2 - $ 1 - Ii 1- ii 2 ; : , •■ ■ . -• 1- | s .", I 2 - r5 - *.- 1 ! | | I f. l 2130X Zamloch Ml fi4 C Cross •* Ml 1 SISMViva 107 7 ; Molesworth 1190 1- 21 2 1 21386 Lad MM 8" S Smith EC74 WO 2 2 1 2136X Ida Pinack M7 9»| C Riddle M64 mo 2 21281 Planetary- M7 i" E Smith EM HO Time. 23*5, 48»5, 1:0735. Track fast. miiiiiels paid. Lady St. Patrick, 7.00 straight, Ml 7.10 place. .50 show: W. . West. 1915.sh.50 place, | show: Ida Cummlngs, . 10 show. — Winner — Daniels A Hodges- ch. f, hy Campus — Begone trained by C. B. Daniels. il- Mart good. Won driving; sec. -ad and third the ■ same. 21 21500 Fourth Race- .7 1 2 Furlongs. Purse 66. 21 3-year-ohlfl and upward. Selling. Net value to 21 winner 10; second. 1915.sh0: third, 6. 21 2 Baalr. bids 2 lad. Done. Wt. Fin. Jockey, straight. 21 2I2X! 1 i-aivy M7 i Q Warren 7.100 • 2 3X Metropolitan 112 2* w Kelsay im iiki m 128! Swarfs Mill M7 S* S Smith CM l«i 2 212X5 Col, lliun lo7 .|li R Small llsnlno ■ 21 2IM8i |,l Coin 110 5» R Crooks 205-100 21251 Coin Mnb 11 i.:i in. w i.e..is aaaj WO 14 16 !r. Favorite 1*9 J 1: Smith 180-100 M. linie. 232r,. 485, l:06/5. Tiack fast. niiitu.-ls paid. Envy, s 7 . ■ ". ► straight, .06 -place. ji.i.iMi show: Metropolitan. 60 place, .40 „, show: Swarfs Hill. .40 show. zl Winner A. I.. Valentines h. m. 5. by Kenilworth Mitten trained by A. I.. Valentin. •. Start good. Won driving; see,, ml and third the same. 2 21501 Fifth Bare— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Electric Club 2 II Ilcan. Burse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. 2 Net value to winner 80; inroad, 6; third. ». :» lapiiv. Odds •» lad. Horse. wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 21375 is, aih t Oaks1l2 1 K Small 120-100 21022 il.oftus 107, 2» W Kels;ly 390-MO 10561 ■ i:-- Beach KM ::; Q Molesworth 1260-100 1 21375 1 eaple KM I" C Cross 175 MO — 21141 Dominica M7 5 U Warren WW 100 2127! Curlicue 103 E Smith IC50-100 1 21 Time. 23, 47%. l:05i5. Track fast. miiiiiiC paid, Scarlet oaks. -40 straight. .80 place. .70 show: Loftna, .10 place, .00 1 stiow: Rej Beach, .70 show. Winner Nevada Stock Farms b. f. 4. hy Hick -Welles — cien.-i trained by C. II. St rate. Starl goud. Won driving; iiccond and third the -same. 2 2 21502 Sixth Race -5-8 Mile. Pane 66. 4-year- ■ ii olds and upward. Selling. Net value to win mr 76; second, $•" ; third. 5. — F.tuiv. Odds „. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 2. 21301 John llurie MS 1 ■; C Cross I , II I 21288 Lefnrd Ml J 0 ..iiiry MIS Mo 21418 The Cub Hi :! 0 Crv MM Mo , 2l414::Kck liavis 112 I" C, Molesworth 760-100 , * 1301 The Feller K9 6*| R Feeney Clio i.mi 1 2i:!l Igloo 107 ;• R Carter LsCo l«8 1 - 2 15148 Ann. McC. M7 7" C Basqul! 2140-108 1 21413 liiadi bill 8 J Hullinan 2M-M0 I : 14 18 l.a Ca7.adoraM7 Propped. BDenny I-1 100 n Time. 23. 47V l:00ya. Track fast. mutuels paid. John llurie. 1.11 straight, 1915.sh.00 place. .2o show: Lcford, 3.00 place, .10 , show: The Cub. 2.90 show. Winner II. I. l!atchlers ldk. g. 5, by Bight I S Boyal Etta Jilroy trained by L I.. Ma mi. Starl good for all but l.a Caaadoca. Won driv-i- ing: second and third the same. 21503 Serenth Race 1 Mile. Parse 36. 3-year- I olds and upward Selling. Net value to winner 75; second. 6; third, 5. Equiv. 1 bids J ti. Did. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. v 21371 11. Walbank 114 1- II Tulhtt •- 100 ,, 2 137 I sc.-inteiii KM 2 * O Gentry 275 100 m 21SS7 Rhodes Its ::- ; Molesworth 1170 Mo „, • 21373 H c.,s 112 4* It Dues 130-100 111 2 21278 isi.eplan.l 111 .". Winnies 3310-100 " 21253 l-.inchia M V R Crawford W50-100 ■ 21483 Otilo 111 7"i- R I. 1 n v 117o KM " 21I!X loud Chi.f 111 8J 8 Smith 2T15-1A0 2 1241 I low 11 land MS ! c Warren 7J50 100 * i Time. 25. 49, 1:15. l:41*i. Track fast. | mutuels paid. Henry Walbank, 5.00 straight, t. j . 7b place. $:. shew: Canleni. . so place. .10 0 s show: Rhodes, .00 show. " | Winner lam OShanter Stables br. g. 7. by v 5 Farandolc Lady Calopin trained by J. W. Byrnes. 1. S Star! good. Won easily: second and third driving, C j. j 21504 Eighth Race— 5-8 Mile. Pane 90. t rear 1 olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner r 75; second, 0; third. .7. 1 :. 1 1 1 i v . odds Is -1 Did. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 1 212X2 IM I.uee 11J T s McGraw -tso - l "1 »i 21414 "J.-ii. Irawfidloj _"i. W Brajael 575 100 10 I 21411 M. Kennedy 163 :; R Small MM lei ,i 2 1418 Minnie K. M7 d-fc- E Sin i Hi 1!o M0 H " 21278 Viol.t May M7 6 C Gross IIKiKni 5 , 21300 Super] 107 6»» W Kelsay 890 h»i 21414 Tallow Dip B6 7"1 .1 Russell 12900-KKI 21413 M. anoioann i"7 s-1. tU.blb- "..; 1 100 2 14 17 Chit. Trance M7 !i C Basqnil 14300 100 21477 Calcium 112 M R Crook- :;:,:, 100 . Time. 23. 47S, 1:002-,. Track fast. mutuels paid. Bd Luce. 1.60 strabrht, .7.10 , place. 2.10 slmw: Jennie I 1.1 w ford. $."..! place, • . $.:..ni show; Mark Kennedy, £12. in show. . Winner II. s. Pecks b. c. 1. in Cabling Star , Belle Sin. me trailed by J. B. Daw-0111. Start good. Won driving; second and third the " --a me.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915071001/drf1915071001_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1915071001_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800