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B s , H „ WINNERS!!! 25 CENTS A WEEK WINNERS!!! for the following kind .,! winners, and remember, we are only naming the ones that won al 2 to 1 or better, there being any number of winners at lesser prices and all kinds tbal finished see,, ml or third at lii;r prices. L.|.irter No. 552 in elteet the iiast w.ek gave up t., the time this ad was written i.Iulv 7i tl..- followinc wir.ners: Hank ODay, 755-100: Helen Barbcc. 2-1; Transit, 320-100: Carbide, 11-5: Bettertaa, 12-1; Dryad, lft-1; Kate K.. 2-1. No. 551 rare Jaeoba. 280-100; Gilt Edge, 4-1: OSullivan, 2-1; Bob Hcnsley, 8-1; Etfcan Allen, 7-2; Palanquin. £-2; Wanda Pitzer. 5-1: Zin Del. 375-100; Greetings. 6-1; Redland. 515-100: Lucky Oeorge, 12-1: Triad, 2-1; Single. 20-1. No. 550 -..v ■ Amazon, 10S0-300; Carrie Orme. 275-100; Conunau-rotta, 440-100: Expectation, 930-100: Grumpy 235-100; Irish Gentleman, 630-100; Prince Kermis, 530-100: Kio Brazos 365-100; Camellia. 13-5; Port Light. 4-1; Tinkle Bell, 3-1; Success, 2-1; Richwoad, 2-1; Eiginny, 3-1; Deposit, 4-1, and Donald Macdonald, 7-1, II y,,n waul to know when the sleepers are going t- ronie to life, we tell yon In Hie Reporter yelloa coyer. Beaides, you eel a special free each day. Variety. B I w n; Pesky. 1035-100. won, among those given this week. These speeiaL alone are worth many timer the I l co of the hook. Its on sale at all newsslamls and dealers. Wheivvr the Racing Form is Hold you will liu.l the Reporter. "J., cents, and its good for a week mailed direct from office in plain wealed envelop*, tii t class mail. month. Try Youll pot regret the quarter yon wve for it. take on- word for that. inst one,-. Todays special, No. 8, Book 553. THE TURF REPORTER Established 1904, 22 West Quinc/ Street. Chicago, 111. NOTE ilnr ad appears in this paper every day and has for over 11 yeara and we do all our baaineas by mail. Think it over. n TELEPHONES: Automatic 62-756. Harrison 1314. 1315, 1316. All Departments. OWEN II. fAY LIVERY CO. j AUTOMOBILE LIVERY AND GARAGE. 435 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III ! k L NATIONAL RAGING REVIEW TODAYS SPECIAL: Maine. Mystery, Mitten. Swallow. Yesterdays Special lost. Room 446, 321 South La Salle Street, Chicago, 111. i GARISH SUN 230-100 WON | was yesterdays Perm Special. TnuradayaJUtfn- i coat. 125-100. won. SATURDAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. 913, in Book No. "426. Daily loat. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. CHICAGO. !r Vu .„ t? ;. DR. LARRICK. 270-100 WON. TODDLING, 365-s 100, Third, was yesterdays Free Parlay. Todays : Best. P28, Book 209— P26 N31— C20 D47— D23 P67— U51— L33 M31— BB35 N22. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED. Baltimore Building, :: :: Chicago, 111, j ! COFFE E. Did you ever try Jevnes MOCHA and JAVA Coffee? If ycu are not already one of Jevnes Coffee Customers try a pound at once and you will never use any other. The pound. 42 cents. C. JEVNE and CO., 30 - 32 South Wabash Ave.. Chicago | i The finest Resort Hotel in the World HAS BEEN BUILT AT Sunset Mountain. Asheville, N. C. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. OPEN AIL THE YEAR. An old-fashioned Inn; walls five feet thick of granite bculders. Water from slopes of highest mountain cast of the Rockies. Finest golf links in the South. Write for rates and literature. GROVE PARK INN, Sunset Mountain :: Asheville. North Carolina. : SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO.. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. N. Y.