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■ I i I I i i - MANY HORSES AHEIVING AT WINDSOR. Detroit, Mi.h.. .Inly !». The advance guard of the horses that will participate In the Whlsor ra.e meeting-. which "pens next Wednesday, reached Detroit from tin- southern tracks yeoter day and wen- transferred to the track across tin riv.-r without any Incident. All of the animals shipped in - :•!• niid condition ami are all lit and i.adv for the bugle call pening day. chief among tin- consignment vva- the string "Borne" Resiiess. which arrived in charge of trainer Al Kirby. the band numbered eleven head, an I with the exception of Jenny Geddes all an- young horses, being either two or three-Vear-oWs. in eluded among the three-year-olds an- Resign, chri-tio and aim. made, divides to the 1. ,V C. Stake-. The two-year-old Owana, a candidate f..r the Eden weld Stake-, wa- al-" among tile number, others in the string were Red cn.s-. Insurgent, Dignity, Daredevil, Erin and li-s Fannie. The Respess stable, which has in past s.a -■ii- alvvavs cut a prominent figure at the Wind -..r meetings, is t.» duplicate thi- raceeas al the coming "He. if all reports regarding the s|m -.i ol the lior» ■ are true. Th.- stshle Includes several that have raced well on the Kentucky tracks, ami others that have worked fast in private trial- but which have ti..t had the opportunity to demonstrate th.-ir speed against other horses. Jenny Seddes i- in splendid racing trim and ought to win here. Her owner had her all primed and ready for a race at Latonia. but !"!• some lea-. mi -.ra tched her s.. that -he did II t start at that meeting. The -aim- applies to the richly bred Dick Will.-- filly Owana. Sin- was entered in a ra.e only i" be withdrawn. Owner Respess started tew of in. horse at Latonia and rumor there bad it that he was saving tin- bOTSN lor th. Wiiul-i meeting. The two year olds Red and insurgent are unknown iruantities insofar as the public is con . et ned. but I... th youUgstera ari-oreditcd udttjl Ul-l morning work ait-. Dignltj emerged from the maiden class at Latvuiu. Duredvvil and Cannonade were raced down there, hut neither scored a victory. I.. Gentry, the western rider, arrived with the Resiiess horses and will do the riding for the stable ai viml-..r. other arrivals yesterday Included the stable of I. .1. Miles, embracing lahada. ordie P., King Box, Caro Noaae and Sigma Alpha. B. J. oCuinell brought the consistent lilly Carrie Ortue, winner of several races on Kentucky tracks, Margaret B. and Weleor. Jockey 11. steams came along with the oConnell stable. The t wo v ear-olds I.adv Mildred and Oaklavvi. Uelle. ..wind by William Strauss of Grand Rapids. eame in charge of 11. Sargent. Both of the Strauss juveniles are eligible to the Bdenwold Stakes. Bob McMlllen brought .lack Kavanaugh and .I h-Stevie. while Irank l.rovv n was in charge of Martin ta-i.i. Queenie Dnnn, Rirka and lllomiaator y. s. Pitcher of Detroit, who purchased the two-year-olds .less and Method at the recent sales at Latonia, arrived home from Cincinnati yesterday afternoon. During his absence from Detroit Dr. Pitcher attended the meetings at Louisville and Latonia and declares that both were big successes. He was Brack impressed with the mtitiicl system Of wagering and -ays thai the inutuols will bring about a h;g improvement at Windsor. Dr. Pitchers colora will be seen at the Windsor meeting, a- ho intend- t" ra.e his recent purchases there. |. ] ,. Trowbridge of Detroit i- associated with hint in the ownership of the homes, which will be trained I by William Smith, who for rlv managed the ! stables of C. P. Brownfield and other owners.