Grewsome Spectacle at the Wreck, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-10


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GREWS0ME SPECTACLE AT THE WRECK. Cincinnati, o., July .. When B. It. Bradley, of f Lexington. Ky.. and W. W. Harden, of Nashville. . Tonn.. ai lived Friday al the scene of the wreck k in Terrace Park and saw the mangled and nnid- eiicrusie.l bodies of their hi led race horses seal tered in grotesuae attitudes along the right of a*sy v of the Pennsylvania railroad, Ihey could not keep P hack their tears. The turfmen -.aid thai be com hined value of I lie dead animals was ©,O00, lull I that tin- mere lo -s of the money was nothing t. i th.- s, use of |iersonal l» whleh iln-.v fell they had ! suffered. The racers that were killed were the e I stars of their stables and held in their veins the blood of famous sprinters. : Haulm identified Dortch, valued al 15,000; Little Father, s:..",imi. and Greenhorn, ..~,no. Mi. Bradley identified Brigs Sister and Blood Test, the e Brat of which was nlaed at . .".on and the latter at .. ".nil. Briek and Mortar, worth 1.500, and II Bundle Day, fil.500, owned hy Mr. Harley, abn " was Identified. The owners ,,| White Wool, Fitz-gerahl. Messenger and another lior-c not vet identified, 1 hare not been heard from •|he following burses, which were injured. « *e brought to Cincinnati Frida.v from Hie scene of the e wreck: Bars ami Stars. Bessie N.. Blind Baggage, Bo] Smith and a paddock pony, all belonging !•• " Bradley. Margaret D. and a gray pony belonging - ti Harden, ami two oilier Dorses, believed to be Ked toal and Bell Boy. Cabrio is si ill mlsslag Without adding :in tiling more to the IM of names s of the boraes killed and injure. I at Terrace Park, . the Cincinnati Knquirer of yesterday said: "A w.o.lcii bora* cai was nel to II glue. The " wind si ems to have centered its feme on lliis car. f. and a sled car just hchiiel it. Both were dragged ! seventy Bve yardi. The w ies car was wrenched I loose and thrown down an embankment twenty live let high. The Steel car was thrown on iis side. The rest of the train was derailed, hut the only J lo~s of life occurred in the wooden car. "There were thirteen men ami thirteen horses in a this car. accurding to on.- of the stable men. and 1,1 when it slopped falling nun ami boraes were shuttled - together like cards. The roof was shattered. !• Mortally wounded animals lashed out with their " hoofs in everj direction in the deuse darkness, kicking i- other horses and inc-i. "Looking through Hie hole in the car the men n -aw Bennie Kberson, of Louisville, a white stable man. lying under the body of a dead liorse. Kber r- sou recogubti d ilicin. smiling faintly. The smile was ,s still there when a big racer, pinioned in the wreck t- age. rushed the mans chest with one I. low of his is I f. Rbersoa had also been disemboweled. The !"• tw.. negroes were mangled by I is. ••Other stablemen tell of miraculous escapes. How w am of | hem escaped is considered wonderful. Walter I Hurley, in charge of Brick and Mortar, Belle I,. of All and Bundle Da] . said. •• It was enough to break the heart of a horse ,. men. The first thing I knew I was lying on the „. top of a pile ot in. is, -s. | Uas kicked several times, but 1 knew they didnt mean il. A wreck like that ,| makes a bumai being go crasy, so whal ran you ex K pet of a horse? "Two roosters, E. R. Bradleys mascots, and Til I lie Hurleys dug. emerged Iloiii Hie w IV. k mi i, scathed, liabrio was iiit ami bruised and escaped ,| from liis ear. Caluio strolled down a I urn pike. while be was found ai -unii e. nibbling grass a ,. though nothing bad happened. "Dr. i:.t Kenned and Dr. of UiHorii. attend 1 ed !•■ tin men. and His. Bunnell and S. nihil, reter-inarians, , to the horses. ••Blind Baggage, . nc of th,. finest green cits in in the mi . tin properly of the Bradley stable, is is ■aid in i.c valued ai 0,000. a srterj in Ins leg was aerered. The ph. si, jans a.c trying to save him. u. Other owners wins, horses we u the train, are ie A. i.. Taylor, i:. J. Powers and W. B. Uizell. II. I... rge Arviu. owner •• Gabrio, and Cliff Hamn 11. train, i ■•! the Bradley string, retuntetl liin Wind d s,.|- last iiiulil and will go to Icrrace Park this is morning to i.. .k ifter then- ihaiges. "The i. ..ins i i the .lead nun were taken in in charge l»j nmlertaker lib-key. of Mil ford. Among « Hi,, siiuhih Injured are William Brady, rortj three cc years old. ■•! New Orleans, ami Waller Sea Ulster, i. i hiriy nc yean old. ..i Newcastle, Ind., both horse se I.W II- is. "If He- train had gone loo ards further east it it would have been sheltered b] a deep cut in the lie road. "

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Local Identifier: drf1915071001_2_4
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