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o 0 I The small figure under "Str." shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race. | I The small figure under "Fin." — unless the horse won — shows the number of lengths tho horse waa I I behind the winner. Weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races. | v o FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 84348— 1:05%— 5— 109. Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt Bt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish LANGHORNE. br. c. 3 94 Bv Oddfellow— Nuns Cloth S. M. Henderson. 21526 FortErie 55 l 1 : 13-6 KM 1 II::1 2* .1 Kederia 8 White Crown. GoMCap. Inquieta . FortErie : i l:12%hvy 12-5 IU9J 6 2 1 4*1 V Andresa S Reflection, Inquieta, Color* :i • 1 atonia ■ 1 1 : 1 ,.-.i ;• t 5 106 7 S 1; 4* 2lj V Keogh in Royal Tea, Groaveaor. Sbadracn 21185 l.atonia " I 1 : 13% fast 25 107 2 2 2 2* -" F Keogh 10 Cliarmeuse, Sureget. i:iy Day 21U33 I; a :: I I :l€%mud 23-10 168 5 .". E 4 4,:L A Molt i Z;ili. Malabar. Chitra 24KR67 litonia :: I l:lfi%hvy 23-5 M 4 Z :: :■ 8 llott 10 Fret-man, Surecet, Katina ".. . i,.inii.i :, 1 1:14 inu l 1 Wl t; 4 I i CV.A kfott fi Dr.Larriek, CarrleOrtne, Cliarticr : 2K£7 I Kij.M:is :: 4 I:lC%mod r. 107 5 4 4 t| 5*1 K Pool 7 Ilex, Carrie Ortne. Aiu.-izon "i:. Douglaa 3-4 1 :lt.-.mud IS-W 112 1 111 2* J Kulwcll 10 Hex, IYiinyrock. Blonde LADY LONDON, br. m. 5 107 Bv Hermis— Lida B. W. Smith. ;i..:-, i,, .ii:,.. :: 11:21 h I*- IM 1 I I •"" -";" E Haynes f. t.ciiD.l.vy. KateK., M.Johnson : :•!:,:.. I lam-ton 3 I l:l«%mud a lis I 0 t ."•- ."■" W Ural S Lib. Hall, A. 1:. Anno. I..I.1-I11 imm : Ji:... 11. mil. ,11 :: I iic-.imsi 1 .". in:, :t I 7 71 Is K Coo| or 12 Beadet, M. Waters, J.H.ttghron : 21115 onghl S-4 l:15%good «-5 !Oa| 4 :: 2 1- 1 ". Ii lliirtwcll 9 ClaribeL Leialoua, King Radford : 21030 Congfat r,. 11:0:1 good 5 MS 7 BSE] 2 i: llayn.s 8 Colors, Rosemary, Reflection : ■ji..-iM Blue Bon. 3-4 1:11 mini 4 ins 7 r. G 71 S1; K llstynt-s IO iolilciillumo. Cordon, BloeWing SW790 Dorval 11:43 fast ?. 116 1 .1 :i 4 " 2s K Hajnea 8 The Rump, Balfroa, Gerrard 20641 l.i.ival 6 f 1:68 fast ! IK 7 G 4 :- V- K llaynes 13 M.Cain-cr. Rbiconll.. V. Strom* 2C521 Wdbine 3-4 l:13%fast rid 163 12 7 S 71 2* T Bice 11 Yo kvillc. York I.a.l, Rondel YENGHEE, ch. g. 5 99 By Yankee — Monarka J. A. Gibson. 212*i5 Hamton 5 t l:07%fast ! 163 9 7 7 6* ::"• I. HcAtee 9 Single. Broomsedge, Caj Streak : 21 H Hamton 3 1 lill-.lasi 15 111 11 11 11 11 s1- .! Mrnvs 12 The Spirit, Venrtsa. Sir Blaise ■ onghl 3 I I :!74r.iin..l i M6 1 4 4 4* 4 I C VmiiDuii Ii Vi.lel. Ziu D.I. 8qne4er 20913 1:1,1 Bon. ."• f l:osir,sl..v 17. ]U7 7 7 7 7 6*3 T Ihiyos 7 Sir Blaiae, The Spirit. Deposit ■ 1 i„ci.,r, :: 1 1:14 good! Ill 4 .r. ! ! 81,1F T all. 111 ! Ilocnir, Inr.Carmen, TheNorman 1:1:1s N.Orlna 3 I 1:1"-, fast 4 165 4 4 4 3S I2 B Pool 4 Uaeelt, Hose. Goose, L. Iloonet 19272 N.Orlns lm70y 1 :l!" 12-5 106 2 4 2 " C i,"i K Fool 6 Stoutlleart, JustBed, i!. Candle 1 ..ov N.Orlns lmWy l:44%good 3 165 :i L J 2 -1 21 K Pool -~ siout Heart, Impression, Boxer 191 5 N.tirriis lmTOy I:45%alow " E 167 r, :, I I l1 B*l B Pool » Bob. Kay, I. Grander, Verona VENETIA. b. f, 3 95 By Solitaire II.— Salvatrix P. Sheridan. •146»i 1 ortEri. 3 I 1:26 hw 12-5 M6 1 1 " ?•- I" J IfetcaTf ii Brandywine. Kate K.. Joe Finn 21 .. Hamton 3 I l:14%fasl 8 I6C 7 :: 1 1- Lh .1 lietralf 12 The Spirit, Sir Blaise, V iii ■ t 209S7 ..unlit 51 t l:rO%slow 4 ill f. 2 1 ll IJ T Hares H. A. N. Akin. Deposit, M.Johnson 20430 Wdbine 3 1 1:13 fast 28 HO L 2 2 ::. :,,. I Metcalf 6 Pan Zarcta, Recoil, Sliyness L"H7r, Lexgton : l l:15%hvy 18 166 8 6 2 l; 6 MoU 10 r.illv Joe, OHagan, Ilocnir 2M37 l x*gton 3-4 l:13%tast 19 Ms : 4 4 7 8 7 V V Tlor S Kaihroidery. Tory Maid, Greclaa 17420 Wdbine 5-8 1:61 %»1ow 13-16 166 4 1 1 1- l1 .1 Metcalf ! Battle, Coaaaaeaana, Aaaana DR. R. L. SWARENGER, ch. g, G 104 By Abe Frank or Campus — Ben Ledi Miss L. Gray. • 1 VVMbine 3 I I il-.r.isi 27 107 11s 7 " V Oberi 8 Dicks Pet, Gordon. M. Johnson : ■.;.; Iimiico 3 1 1:14 last 2 110 10 in M v1 t*l R Shilling 10 G. Plume, Hermis Jr., Tbesieres 201S7 Iimiico 3 I 1 :H;-inu.l 65 lu 4 J J 4: 6"1T Nolan s Braadrwloe, J.Baaey, Dr.Chcot 19631 Havana 51 f 1:16 good 6-5 11 4 t "• |«1 V Robinsn 7 M.Irimity. E.Harwood, LotuPan] 19649 Havana 1 l:41%fast 5 W2 8 7 s s :;-i Allen 8 S". Byes, Tow, l-i.-i.l. Per. Bora 19619 Havana I I:44%good 9-5 W9 5 1 1 Is - P Coleman 7 Gerrard, Supreme, Banjo .Mm I94G6 Havana. 3-4 1 ::l.-,livy 11 S . 4 3 3 3*1 P Coleman S The Jim, Progressive, R.o l.iulit KING K„ b. c, 3 107 By Sain— Humming Bee L. II. Gaudry. 214 G PortKri. 3 t l:21%hvy S3 163 2 ?, r, c. 6"W Ural ii Bewlel. Rushy Head, Martian 21315 Hamton .". 1 1:13s] last 40 168 7 7 7 7 71,; Y Leal 7 Carbide, Beeoil, Dr. Larrlek