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BILLY FREWS NARROW ESCAPE. Montreal. Que., Inly :i. Billy Frew, winner of the Brst race at Fori Erie last Tue day. wa- bred by his - owner. Kenneth Dawes at his farm .it Lachlne, and is named after W. lieu Robertson, a weil-known loeal business man. v year ago when Mr. Dawes ii disposed of tin- horses in his stable. Billy Frew , wa- s" poor ami lick that be could not sell aha. He . derided that the colt would never recover, ami to i put him out of in- miser] sent a veterinarian to . the farm to destroy him. Stalker, who had Charge of the farm, told the veterinarian to leave the colt t in the stable and that be would look after hini. with the result that be Is no* ..i f the beat two year-olds racing in events i..i tanadian-breds. Billy I rew is by tiiseait M mie d Amour. The t sire was at one time sold lor t27.S00, while the dam i was pur. based in England bv Mr. Dawes and I be ugiit to tiii- country. Billy Frew wa- her -.,•,, ml 1 Voir, tin- first dying as a yearling, while the marc B died a year aso.