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| •*• [$ t, 9 . 4 -■ ; j $ [ r ; jj ii ii THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL for 1915 An Excellent and Low-Priced Book cf 416 Pages It holds information for people interested in racing contained in no other publication. It is simply a mine of record! AMONG ITS FEATURES ARE. Method for Calculating l.iri Mtituel Irlees with Examples. Record for 1!»11 of K.v. ry Borne that Raced in North Aunri.a During the Year. Record Irues iii the lari Mutueis. • Knglisli Racing Records to Dote. Three Handicap Systems with Examples. Records of All Distances of the Tracks of the United States. Canada and Mex- ICO. AmerP an Y nrling Sales In 1014. American Racing Records at All Dlstancea. Canadian Raring Records. j3 English Raring K, -eords. Australian Ra«ing Records, ■j The Gnat Money Winners of the American and English Turf. j Tabulation of Winning Two-Year Olds of 1914 Arranged Under Their Resiieet ive Sires. Officials and Location of Racing Organizations of the Pol tad States, Canada v.- and Mexieo. List of Horses that Have Sold for Croat Prices. The Leading Winning Two Year-Olds Since 1S70. Remarkable Feats of Joekeyship. "J Leading Aniriiian Sires Since 1S70. Twenty Leading Sires of 1P14. Tabic of Coinpar.ilive Spied of the Tracks at Various Distances. Tlie Scales of Weiglils of the Jockey Club, Kentucky Slate Racing Commission. I Westein ,1o key lull, Im ifir Jockey lull, Canadian Racing A -socintioiis. _ ; Jockey tluli Juarez, American Turf AssiKdation, Mexican Jockey Club, and of England. ! Tables of Bpeed of All Tracks. ~ The English Retting Rules. « The First. Becond and Third Horses. Jockeys, Weights, Values and Times of .■ ; American Stakes. Winners of All Slakes of 1914. « Racing Statistics of 1914. ! Hoises Disqaallfied in 1914. j Dead Dials in l.UL ! ! Dorses Which Hied in 1914. | Horses Dp in 1911. , i Winners of Important Races of England, France and Australln. , ■ rds of Miles Run in 1 :.?9 or Better. Etc., etc. | . _ PAPER BOUND 50 CENTS 3 LEATHER BOUND 75 CENTS Single copies must lie sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for hooks sent as regular mail With this eminently handy hook in his packet any admirer of racing can readily answer almost any apery that may come up concerning facts of racing -. in the past. Its equal has never been printed and, considering the topics it covers, it is an extremely low priced lx» k. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, Illinois 74 Exchange Street Buffalo, N. Y. ■HWsBooaaaooBnBOBnaaaJaaiBaooa